blob: 7bb49b1fb4100d077a0eb6e033d5c1bce13388d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018-2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""License text"""
import ctypes
import os
import logging
from .keystore import KeyStore
from .keyobject import KeyObject
from . import sss_api as apis
from .util import key_der_to_list, get_ecc_cypher_type, from_file_dat, \
transform_key_to_list, to_cert_dat, ecc_curve_type_from_key, is_hex
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Set:
Inject keys and certificates
def __init__(self, session_obj):
:param session_obj: Instance of session
self._session = session_obj
self._ctx_ks = KeyStore(self._session)
self._ctx_key = KeyObject(self._ctx_ks)
def do_set_ecc_pub_key(self, key_id, key, policy, encode_format=""):
Inject ECC public key
:param key_id: Key Index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:param encode_format: Encode format of the key value. Eg: PEM, DER
:return: status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Public
if not os.path.isfile(key):
curve_type, key_bit_len = ecc_curve_type_from_key(key, key_type)
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key)
data_len = len(key_int_list)
key_int_list, data_len, key_bit_len, curve_type = from_file_dat(key,
cypher_type, key_len = get_ecc_cypher_type(curve_type) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if 'Could not deserialize key data' in str(exc):
log.error("Incorrect key, try with correct ECC public key")
elif 'Non-hexadecimal digit found' in str(exc) or 'Odd-length string' in str(exc):
log.error('Incorrect file or path, try with correct ECC public key file')
raise exc
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len)(*key_int_list)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, data_len, key_bit_len,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_ecc_key_pair(self, key_id, key, policy, encode_format=""):
Inject ECC Key pair
:param key_id: Key Index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:param encode_format: Encode format of the key value. Eg: PEM, DER
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Pair
if not os.path.isfile(key):
curve_type, key_bit_len = ecc_curve_type_from_key(key, key_type)
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key)
data_len = len(key_int_list)
key_int_list, data_len, key_bit_len, curve_type = from_file_dat(key,
cypher_type, key_len = get_ecc_cypher_type(curve_type) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if 'Could not deserialize key data' in str(exc):
log.error("Incorrect key pair, try with correct ECC key pair")
elif 'Non-hexadecimal digit found' in str(exc) or 'Odd-length string' in str(exc):
log.error('Incorrect file or path, try with correct ECC key pair file')
raise exc
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len)(*key_int_list)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, data_len, key_bit_len,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_sym_key(self, key_id, key, policy):
Inject Symmetric key
:param key_id: Key Index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Default
cypher_type = apis.kSSS_CipherType_AES
if os.path.isfile(key):
with open(key, 'rb') as aes_in:
aes_data =
aes_data = key
if is_hex(aes_data):
if isinstance(aes_data, bytes):
aes_data = bytes.decode(aes_data)
aes_data = aes_data.replace("0x", "")
aes_key = transform_key_to_list(aes_data)
if isinstance(aes_data, str):
aes_data = str.encode(aes_data)
aes_key = key_der_to_list(aes_data)
aes_data_len = len(aes_key)
if aes_data_len not in [16, 24, 32]:
log.warning("Unsupported key length: %s", (aes_data_len * 8))
log.warning("Supported key lengths are 128, 192 and 256 bit")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * aes_data_len)(*aes_key)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, aes_data_len, aes_data_len * 8,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_hmac_key(self, key_id, key, policy):
Inject hmac key
:param key_id: Key Index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Default
cypher_type = apis.kSSS_CipherType_HMAC
if os.path.isfile(key):
with open(key, 'rb') as hmac_in:
hmac_data =
hmac_data = key
if is_hex(hmac_data):
if isinstance(hmac_data, bytes):
hmac_data = bytes.decode(hmac_data)
hmac_data = hmac_data.replace("0x", "")
hmac_key = transform_key_to_list(hmac_data)
if isinstance(hmac_data, str):
hmac_data = str.encode(hmac_data)
hmac_key = key_der_to_list(hmac_data)
hmac_data_len = len(hmac_key)
if hmac_data_len > 256:
log.warning("Unsupported key length: %s", (hmac_data_len))
log.warning("Supported key lengths are between 1 to 256 bytes")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * hmac_data_len)(*hmac_key)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, hmac_data_len, hmac_data_len * 8,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_rsa_pub_key(self, key_id, key, policy, encode_format=""):
Inject RSA Public key
:param key_id: Key Index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:param encode_format: Encode format of the key value. Eg: PEM, DER
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Public
cypher_type = apis.kSSS_CipherType_RSA_CRT
if not os.path.isfile(key):
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key)
data_len = len(key)
key_bit_len = data_len * 8
key_int_list, data_len, key_bit_len, curve_type = from_file_dat(key, # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if 'Could not deserialize key data' in str(exc):
log.error("Incorrect key, try with correct RSA public key")
elif 'invalid literal for int' in str(exc):
log.error('Incorrect file or path, try with correct RSA public key file')
raise exc
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len)(*key_int_list)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, data_len, key_bit_len,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_rsa_key_pair(self, key_id, key, policy, encode_format=""):
Inject RSA key pair
:param key_id: Key index to set key
:param key: Key value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:param encode_format: Encode format of the key value. Eg: PEM, DER
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Pair
cypher_type = apis.kSSS_CipherType_RSA_CRT
if not os.path.isfile(key):
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key)
data_len = len(key)
key_bit_len = data_len * 8
key_int_list, data_len, key_bit_len, curve_type = from_file_dat(key, # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if 'Could not deserialize key data' in str(exc):
log.error("Incorrect key pair, try with correct RSA key pair")
elif 'invalid literal for int' in str(exc):
log.error('Incorrect file or path, try with correct RSA key pair file')
raise exc
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len)(*key_int_list)
status = self._set_key(key_id, key_ctype, data_len, key_bit_len,
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
return status
def do_set_cert(self, cert_id, raw_cert, policy, encode_format=""):
Inject Certificate
:param cert_id: Index to set certificate
:param raw_cert: Certificate value
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:param encode_format: Encode format of the key value. Eg: PEM, DER
:return: Status
key_type = apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Default
cypher_type = apis.kSSS_CipherType_Binary
if not os.path.isfile(raw_cert):
cert_data = to_cert_dat(raw_cert)
cert_len = len(cert_data)
key_bit_len = cert_len * 8
cert_data, cert_len, key_bit_len, curve = from_file_dat(raw_cert, # pylint: disable=unused-variable
cert_ctype = (ctypes.c_uint8 * cert_len)(*cert_data)
status = self._set_key(cert_id, cert_ctype, cert_len, key_bit_len, key_type,
cypher_type, policy)
return status
def _set_key(self, key_id, data, data_len, key_bit_len, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
key_type, cypher_type, policy):
Inject keys and certificate
:param key_id: Index to set key/certificate
:param data: key value to set
:param data_len: length of the key value
:param key_bit_len: bit length of the key value
:param key_type: key type
:param cypher_type: cipher type
:param policy: Policy to be applied
:return: Status
status = self._ctx_key.allocate_handle(key_id, key_type, cypher_type, data_len,
if status != apis.kStatus_SSS_Success:
return status
status = self._ctx_ks.set_key(self._ctx_key, data, data_len, key_bit_len, policy, 0)
if status != apis.kStatus_SSS_Success:
return status
status = self._ctx_ks.save_key_store()
return status