blob: 204b294f1582a56d7a7d613c4f5e1a8296474977 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <open62541/client.h>
* .. _client-subscriptions:
* Subscriptions
* -------------
* Subscriptions in OPC UA are asynchronous. That is, the client sends several
* PublishRequests to the server. The server returns PublishResponses with
* notifications. But only when a notification has been generated. The client
* does not wait for the responses and continues normal operations.
* Note the difference between Subscriptions and MonitoredItems. Subscriptions
* are used to report back notifications. MonitoredItems are used to generate
* notifications. Every MonitoredItem is attached to exactly one Subscription.
* And a Subscription can contain many MonitoredItems.
* The client automatically processes PublishResponses (with a callback) in the
* background and keeps enough PublishRequests in transit. The PublishResponses
* may be recieved during a synchronous service call or in
* ``UA_Client_runAsync``. */
/* Callbacks defined for Subscriptions */
typedef void (*UA_Client_DeleteSubscriptionCallback)
(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subId, void *subContext);
typedef void (*UA_Client_StatusChangeNotificationCallback)
(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subId, void *subContext,
UA_StatusChangeNotification *notification);
/* Provides default values for a new subscription.
* RequestedPublishingInterval: 500.0 [ms]
* RequestedLifetimeCount: 10000
* RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount: 10
* MaxNotificationsPerPublish: 0 (unlimited)
* PublishingEnabled: true
* Priority: 0 */
static UA_INLINE UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest
UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest_default(void) {
UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest request;
request.requestedPublishingInterval = 500.0;
request.requestedLifetimeCount = 10000;
request.requestedMaxKeepAliveCount = 10;
request.maxNotificationsPerPublish = 0;
request.publishingEnabled = true;
request.priority = 0;
return request;
UA_CreateSubscriptionResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_Subscriptions_create(UA_Client *client,
const UA_CreateSubscriptionRequest request,
void *subscriptionContext,
UA_Client_StatusChangeNotificationCallback statusChangeCallback,
UA_Client_DeleteSubscriptionCallback deleteCallback);
UA_ModifySubscriptionResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_Subscriptions_modify(UA_Client *client, const UA_ModifySubscriptionRequest request);
UA_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_Subscriptions_delete(UA_Client *client,
const UA_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest request);
/* Delete a single subscription */
UA_Client_Subscriptions_deleteSingle(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscriptionId);
static UA_INLINE UA_SetPublishingModeResponse
UA_Client_Subscriptions_setPublishingMode(UA_Client *client,
const UA_SetPublishingModeRequest request) {
UA_SetPublishingModeResponse response;
__UA_Client_Service(client, &request,
return response;
* MonitoredItems
* --------------
* MonitoredItems for Events indicate the ``EventNotifier`` attribute. This
* indicates to the server not to monitor changes of the attribute, but to
* forward Event notifications from that node.
* During the creation of a MonitoredItem, the server may return changed
* adjusted parameters. Check the returned ``UA_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse``
* to get the current parameters. */
/* Provides default values for a new monitored item. */
static UA_INLINE UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest
UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest_default(UA_NodeId nodeId) {
UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest request;
request.itemToMonitor.nodeId = nodeId;
request.itemToMonitor.attributeId = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
request.monitoringMode = UA_MONITORINGMODE_REPORTING;
request.requestedParameters.samplingInterval = 250;
request.requestedParameters.discardOldest = true;
request.requestedParameters.queueSize = 1;
return request;
* The clientHandle parameter can't be set by the user, any value will be replaced
* by the client before sending the request to the server. */
/* Callback for the deletion of a MonitoredItem */
typedef void (*UA_Client_DeleteMonitoredItemCallback)
(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subId, void *subContext,
UA_UInt32 monId, void *monContext);
/* Callback for DataChange notifications */
typedef void (*UA_Client_DataChangeNotificationCallback)
(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subId, void *subContext,
UA_UInt32 monId, void *monContext,
UA_DataValue *value);
/* Callback for Event notifications */
typedef void (*UA_Client_EventNotificationCallback)
(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subId, void *subContext,
UA_UInt32 monId, void *monContext,
size_t nEventFields, UA_Variant *eventFields);
/* Don't use to monitor the EventNotifier attribute */
UA_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_createDataChanges(UA_Client *client,
const UA_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest request, void **contexts,
UA_Client_DataChangeNotificationCallback *callbacks,
UA_Client_DeleteMonitoredItemCallback *deleteCallbacks);
UA_MonitoredItemCreateResult UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_createDataChange(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscriptionId,
UA_TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, const UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest item,
void *context, UA_Client_DataChangeNotificationCallback callback,
UA_Client_DeleteMonitoredItemCallback deleteCallback);
/* Monitor the EventNotifier attribute only */
UA_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_createEvents(UA_Client *client,
const UA_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest request, void **contexts,
UA_Client_EventNotificationCallback *callback,
UA_Client_DeleteMonitoredItemCallback *deleteCallback);
UA_MonitoredItemCreateResult UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_createEvent(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscriptionId,
UA_TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, const UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest item,
void *context, UA_Client_EventNotificationCallback callback,
UA_Client_DeleteMonitoredItemCallback deleteCallback);
UA_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_delete(UA_Client *client, const UA_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest);
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_deleteSingle(UA_Client *client, UA_UInt32 subscriptionId, UA_UInt32 monitoredItemId);
/* The clientHandle parameter will be filled automatically */
UA_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse UA_EXPORT
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_modify(UA_Client *client,
const UA_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest request);
* The following service calls go directly to the server. The MonitoredItem settings are
* not stored in the client. */
static UA_INLINE UA_SetMonitoringModeResponse
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_setMonitoringMode(UA_Client *client,
const UA_SetMonitoringModeRequest request) {
UA_SetMonitoringModeResponse response;
return response;
static UA_INLINE UA_SetTriggeringResponse
UA_Client_MonitoredItems_setTriggering(UA_Client *client,
const UA_SetTriggeringRequest request) {
UA_SetTriggeringResponse response;
return response;