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/* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 Universal License.
* See for more information. */
* Building a Simple Server
* ------------------------
* This series of tutorial guide you through your first steps with open62541.
* For compiling the examples, you need a compiler (MS Visual Studio 2015 or
* newer, GCC, Clang and MinGW32 are all known to be working). The compilation
* instructions are given for GCC but should be straightforward to adapt.
* It will also be very helpful to install an OPC UA Client with a graphical
* frontend, such as UAExpert by Unified Automation. That will enable you to
* examine the information model of any OPC UA server.
* To get started, downdload the open62541 single-file release from
* or generate it according to the :ref:`build instructions
* <building>` with the "amalgamation" option enabled. From now on, we assume
* you have the ``open62541.c/.h`` files in the current folder. Now create a new
* C source-file called ``myServer.c`` with the following content: */
#include <open62541/plugin/log_stdout.h>
#include <open62541/server.h>
#include <open62541/server_config_default.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static volatile UA_Boolean running = true;
static void stopHandler(int sig) {
UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_USERLAND, "received ctrl-c");
running = false;
int main(void) {
signal(SIGINT, stopHandler);
signal(SIGTERM, stopHandler);
UA_Server *server = UA_Server_new();
UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Server_run(server, &running);
* This is all that is needed for a simple OPC UA server. With the GCC compiler,
* the following command produces an executable:
* .. code-block:: bash
* $ gcc -std=c99 open62541.c myServer.c -o myServer
* In a MinGW environment, the Winsock library must be added.
* .. code-block:: bash
* $ gcc -std=c99 open62541.c myServer.c -lws2_32 -o myServer.exe
* Now start the server (stop with ctrl-c):
* .. code-block:: bash
* $ ./myServer
* You have now compiled and run your first OPC UA server. You can go ahead and
* browse the information model with client. The server is listening on
* ``opc.tcp://localhost:4840``. In the next two sections, we will continue to
* explain the different parts of the code in detail.
* Server Configuration and Plugins
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* *open62541* provides a flexible framework for building OPC UA servers and
* clients. The goals is to have a core library that accommodates for all use
* cases and runs on all platforms. Users can then adjust the library to fit
* their use case via configuration and by developing (platform-specific)
* plugins. The core library is based on C99 only and does not even require
* basic POSIX support. For example, the lowlevel networking code is implemented
* as an exchangeable plugin. But don't worry. *open62541* provides plugin
* implementations for most platforms and sensible default configurations
* out-of-the-box.
* In the above server code, we simply take the default server configuration and
* add a single TCP network layer that is listerning on port 4840.
* Server Lifecycle
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* The code in this example shows the three parts for server lifecycle
* management: Creating a server, running the server, and deleting the server.
* Creating and deleting a server is trivial once the configuration is set up.
* The server is started with ``UA_Server_run``. Internally, the server then
* uses timeouts to schedule regular tasks. Between the timeouts, the server
* listens on the network layer for incoming messages.
* You might ask how the server knows when to stop running. For this, we have
* created a global variable ``running``. Furthermore, we have registered the
* method ``stopHandler`` that catches the signal (interrupt) the program
* receives when the operating systems tries to close it. This happens for
* example when you press ctrl-c in a terminal program. The signal handler then
* sets the variable ``running`` to false and the server shuts down once it
* takes back control.
* In order to integrated OPC UA in a single-threaded application with its own
* mainloop (for example provided by a GUI toolkit), one can alternatively drive
* the server manually. See the section of the server documentation on
* :ref:`server-lifecycle` for details.
* The server configuration and lifecycle management is needed for all servers.
* We will use it in the following tutorials without further comment.