blob: 1eff4a5481d9f15a958f5257c518b1117866cc35 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 NXP
.. highlight::shell
.. _set-applet-features:
Configuring Applet Features
This tool is used to configure the applet for different variants, i.e. Variant A, Variant B and Variant C.
Note that this tool only enables or disables the features according to the configured variant, it **does not
alter the variant itself**.
The tool should be compiled with ECKey encryption, and optionally PlatfSCP03 encryption also.
You would need to provide a command line parameter for ECKey key to be used, and an environment variable for your
own Platform SCP03 keys, if required.
.. _configure-eckey-file:
Configuring ECKey key for command line
This example takes as a command-line input, the filename in which ECDSA key is stored.
The key should be stored in *.der* (binary) format only. If the available key is in *.pem* format,
it can be converted into binary format using OpenSSL command-line utility. Refer to `OpenSSL Commands
for more information on how to convert *.pem* formatted file to *.der* formatted file.
.. _configure-env-for-platfscp:
Configuring Environment for PlatfSCP03 Keys
**If you do not wish to use Platform SCP03 encryption, skip to the next step**.
To use your own platform SCP03 keys, refer to :numref:`platfscp-file` :ref:`platfscp-file`
on details on setting up your environment.
Using with PC as host
1) Flash the VCOM binary present in :file:`binaries` directory on to the target board.
#) Note the VCOM *COMPORT* from device manager.
#) Build the project ``se05x_setAppletFearures``. Configure the tool with ``SE050_A``, ``SE050_B`` or ``SE050_C``,
to enable the applet specific features.
#) Run the executable for desired variant as::
cd tools
set EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH_ENV=\path\to\platfscp03\keys
se05x_setAppletFearures.exe -file <filename> <COMPORT>
Where ``EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH_ENV`` is set to the path of file containing Platform SCP03 keys as described in :ref:`configure-env-for-platfscp`.
*COMPORT* is the port obtained from step 2.
*filename* is the path to file containing ECDSA keypair provisioned at **RESERVED_ID_FEATURE** in binary format as described in :ref:`configure-eckey-file`
Using with iMX-6 as host
1) Build the project ``se05x_setAppletFearures``. Configure the tool with ``SE050_A``, ``SE050_B`` or ``SE050_C``,
to enable the applet specific features.
#) Run the executable for desired variant as::
cd tools
export EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH_ENV=\path\to\platfscp03\keys
./se05x_setAppletFearures -file <filename>
Where ``EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH_ENV`` is set to the path of file containing Platform SCP03 keys as described in :ref:`configure-env-for-platfscp`.
*filename* is the path to file containing ECDSA keypair provisioned at **RESERVED_ID_FEATURE** in binary format as described in :ref:`configure-eckey-file`