blob: c186a818e268fae44f4da6bff3f577f1fc6b1296 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 NXP
.. highlight:: shell
.. _se-inject-certificate:
Inject Certificate into SE
This tool is to demonstrate how to inject certificates into
the SE. The keyIDs where certificates are injected are defined
in :file:`se05x_InjectCertificate.h`:
.. literalinclude:: se05x_InjectCertificate.h
:language: c
:start-after: /* doc:start:keyIDs */
:end-before: /* doc:end:keyIDs */
.. note:: Certificates to be injected are also defined in
:file:`se05x_InjectCertificate.h` file. These can be
changed as required.
Building the example
Use the following CMake configurations to compile the example
- Project: ``se05x_InjectCertificate``
How to use
Run the tool as::
se05x_InjectCertificate <port>
- For systems connecting with T=1 over I2C, the port parameter can be skipped.