blob: be81f5c3ee99ad4b25f8c4857cc9b92a92f3713c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018-2020 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""License text"""
import binascii
import hashlib
import base64
import os
import logging
import ctypes
from . import sss_api as apis
from . import const
if True: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test
from sss import patch_cryptography
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, rsa
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import openssl, default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import PublicFormat, PrivateFormat, \
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, NoEncryption
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key, \
load_pem_public_key, load_der_private_key, load_der_public_key
from cryptography.x509.base import load_pem_x509_certificate, \
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import asymmetric
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Mapping Crytography curve type with Plug&Trust Middleware curve type
ec.SECP192R1: [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P192, 192],
ec.SECP224R1: [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P224, 224],
ec.SECP256R1: [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256, 256],
ec.SECP384R1: [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P384, 384],
ec.SECP521R1: [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P521, 521],
# pylint: disable=no-member
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP160R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP160R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool160, 160]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP192R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP192R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool192, 192]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP224R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP224R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool224, 224]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP256R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP256R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool256, 256]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP320R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP320R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool320, 320]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP384R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP384R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool384, 384]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP512R1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.BrainpoolP512R1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool512, 512]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP160K1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.SECP160K1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp160k1, 160]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP192K1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.SECP192K1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp192k1, 192]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP224K1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.SECP224K1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp224k1, 224]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP256K1"):
CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[ec.SECP256K1] = [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp256k1, 256]
# pylint: enable=no-member
# Mapping Hash alogorithm of Middleware with Cryptography
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA1: [hashes.SHA1(), hashlib.sha1()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA224: [hashes.SHA224(), hashlib.sha224()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA256: [hashes.SHA256(), hashlib.sha256()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA384: [hashes.SHA384(), hashlib.sha384()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA512: [hashes.SHA512(), hashlib.sha512()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA1: [hashes.SHA1(), hashlib.sha1()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA224: [hashes.SHA224(), hashlib.sha224()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA256: [hashes.SHA256(), hashlib.sha256()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA384: [hashes.SHA384(), hashlib.sha384()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA512: [hashes.SHA512(), hashlib.sha512()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA1: [hashes.SHA1(), hashlib.sha1()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA224: [hashes.SHA224(), hashlib.sha224()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA256: [hashes.SHA256(), hashlib.sha256()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA384: [hashes.SHA384(), hashlib.sha384()],
apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA512: [hashes.SHA512(), hashlib.sha512()],
def get_session_pkl_path():
Get session pkl file path
:return: Session pkl file path
work_space = os.getenv("WORKSPACE")
if work_space:
return "%s/~.ssscli_session.pkl" % (work_space,)
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
return "%s/~.ssscli_session.pkl" % (home,)
def get_host_session_pkl_path():
Get Host session pkl file path
:return: Host session pkl file path
work_space = os.getenv("WORKSPACE")
if work_space:
return "%s/~.ssscli_host_session.pkl" % (work_space,)
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
return "%s/~.ssscli_host_session.pkl" % (home,)
def status_to_str(status):
Parse sss status to string format
:param status: SSS status
:return: Status as string
if status in const.STATUS2STR:
return const.STATUS2STR[status]
return 'Unknown Status "%s")' % (repr(status),)
def is_hex(key):
Check if the key is in he format or not
:param key: Input key
:return: True if key in hex format, else False
int(key, 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def key_der_to_list(key_data):
Read AES key from der format
:param key_data: Input Key data
:return: key as list
key_list = list()
for i in key_data:
return key_list
def transform_key_to_list(key):
Convert key to list. Takes each 2 digit value and put it in list.
:param key: Input key
:return: Key as integer list format
key_int_list = list()
for i in range(0, len(key), 2):
key_int_list.append(int(key[i:i + 2], 16))
return key_int_list
def transform_int_list_to_hex_str(key_list):
Convert key from integer list to hex string.
:param key_list: Input key as integer list
:return: Key as hex string format
key_hex_str = ""
for key_item in key_list:
hex_str_item = format(key_item, 'x')
if len(hex_str_item) == 1:
hex_str_item = "0" + hex_str_item
key_hex_str += hex_str_item
return key_hex_str
def to_cert_dat(key):
Convert input raw key to list
:param key: Input raw key
:return: Key as list format
cert_data = list()
for i in key:
return cert_data
def file_write(key, filename):
Store key into file
:param key: Input key
:param filename: File name to store key
:return: None
f = open(filename, 'wb')
if isinstance(key, str):
def write_pkcs12_refkey(session, refkey_file, password, refpem_key, key_obj): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
Write PKCS12 key to file
:param session: Instance of session
:param refkey_file: File name to store reference key
:param password: Password for encryption of ref key
:param refpem_key: Input reference pem key
:param key_obj: Key object handle of private key
:return: Status
password_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
password_ctypes.value = str.encode(password)
refpem_key_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4096)
refpem_key_ctypes.value = str.encode(refpem_key)
cert_bytes_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(100)
cert_bytes_ctypes.value = str.encode("selfSignedCA")
cert_subject_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(100)
cert_subject_ctypes.value = str.encode("email:d:NXP")
if refkey_file.endswith('.pfx') or refkey_file.endswith('.p12'):
# write to pkcs12 format
refkey_file_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
refkey_file_ctypes.value = str.encode(refkey_file)
status = apis.sss_util_openssl_write_pkcs12(ctypes.byref(session),
# write to pkcs12 format
p12_refkey_file = refkey_file[:-4] + ".p12"
p12_refkey_file_ctypes = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
p12_refkey_file_ctypes.value = str.encode(p12_refkey_file)
status = apis.sss_util_openssl_write_pkcs12(ctypes.byref(session),
if status != apis.kStatus_SSS_Success:
log.error("pkcs12 refkey creation failed")
return status
pem_refkey = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 10400)(0)
certificate = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 10400)(0)
# extract ref pem key from pkcs12 file
status = apis.sss_util_openssl_read_pkcs12(apis.String(p12_refkey_file_ctypes),
if status != apis.kStatus_SSS_Success:
log.error("pkcs12 refkey pem extraction failed")
return status
pem_refkey_list = list(pem_refkey)
# Remove zero padding
while pem_refkey_list[-1] == 0:
pem_refkey_list = pem_refkey_list[:-1]
pem = transform_int_list_to_hex_str(pem_refkey_list)
extracted_ref_key = binascii.unhexlify(pem)
# convert to DER
if refkey_file.endswith('.der'):
pemkey = load_pem_private_key(extracted_ref_key, None, default_backend())
extracted_ref_key = pemkey.private_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER,
# save pkcs12 extracted refkey
f = open(refkey_file, 'wb')
return status
def write_refkey_to_file(session, refkey_file, password, key_pem, key_der, key_obj, encode_format): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
Write reference key into file
:param session: Instance of session
:param refkey_file: File name to store reference key
:param password: Password for encryption of pkcs12 reference key
:param key_pem: Reference key in PEM format
:param key_der: Reference key in DER format
:param key_obj: Private key object handle
:param encode_format: File format to store key
:return: Status
if refkey_file.endswith('.pfx') or refkey_file.endswith('.p12') or encode_format == "PKCS12":
status = write_pkcs12_refkey(session, refkey_file, password, bytes.decode(key_pem), key_obj)
f = open(refkey_file, 'wb')
except IOError as exc:
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if refkey_file.endswith('.pem'):
elif encode_format == "PEM":
elif encode_format == "DER":
log.error("Unknown file format")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
status = apis.kStatus_SSS_Success
return status
def generate_openssl_ecc_refkey(session, key_pub_raw, keyid_int, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-arguments, too-many-statements
refkey_file, key_type,
ecc_curve, encode_format="",
password="nxp", key_obj=None):
Generate ecc reference key using openssl
:param session: Instance of session
:param key_pub_raw: Retrieved public key
:param keyid_int: Key index
:param refkey_file: File name to store reference key
:param key_type: Key type for magic number
:param ecc_curve: ECC curve type
:param encode_format: Encode format to store file
:param password: Password for encryption of pkcs12 reference key
:param key_obj: Private key object handle
:return: Status
# Dictionary used for ECC ref key creation
# Maps MW curve type enum with cryptography curve type, public key header length,
# Private key length and Private key length calculator index
crypto_refpem_dict = {
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P192: [ec.SECP192R1, 23, 6],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P224: [ec.SECP224R1, 20, 6],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256: [ec.SECP256R1, 23, 6],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P384: [ec.SECP384R1, 20, 7],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P521: [ec.SECP521R1, 21, 7],
# pylint: disable=no-member
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP160R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool160] = [ec.BrainpoolP160R1, 24, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP192R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool192] = [ec.BrainpoolP192R1, 24, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP224R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool224] = [ec.BrainpoolP224R1, 24, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP256R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool256] = [ec.BrainpoolP256R1, 24, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP320R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool320] = [ec.BrainpoolP320R1, 24, 7]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP384R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool384] = [ec.BrainpoolP384R1, 24, 7]
if hasattr(ec, "BrainpoolP512R1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool512] = [ec.BrainpoolP512R1, 25, 7]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP160K1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp160k1] = [ec.SECP160K1, 20, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP192K1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp192k1] = [ec.SECP192K1, 20, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP224K1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp224k1] = [ec.SECP224K1, 20, 6]
if hasattr(ec, "SECP256K1"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp256k1] = [ec.SECP256K1, 20, 6]
if hasattr(asymmetric, "x25519"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519] = [asymmetric.x25519, 12, 15]
log.warning("Python Cryptography module does not support MONT_DH_25519 curve.!! "
"Consider upgrading via \'pip3 install cryptography==2.6.1\' command.")
if hasattr(asymmetric, "ed25519"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519] = [asymmetric.ed25519, 12, 15]
if hasattr(asymmetric, "x448"):
crypto_refpem_dict[apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448] = [asymmetric.x448, 12, 15]
# pylint: enable=no-member
# To support EAR_CH, setting NIST_P256 as default
if ecc_curve == 0:
ecc_curve = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256
curve_info = crypto_refpem_dict[ecc_curve]
curve_type = curve_info[0]
pub_key_header_length = curve_info[1]
index_to_cal_length = curve_info[2]
openssl_format_list = ['10', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00',
'00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', '00', ]
magic_data_list = ['a5', 'a6', 'b5', 'b6', 'a5', 'a6', 'b5', 'b6', key_type, '00']
# Convert key id from int to hex list format
keyid_str = format("%08x" % keyid_int)
keyid_list = list()
for j in range(0, len(keyid_str), 2):
keyid_list.append(keyid_str[j:j + 2])
# Convert public key from raw key to hex list format and trim header
key_pub_list = list(key_pub_raw)
key_pub_hex_list = []
for key_pub_item in key_pub_list:
key_pub_item = format(key_pub_item, 'x')
if len(key_pub_item) == 1:
key_pub_item = "0" + key_pub_item
key_pub_no_header_list = key_pub_hex_list[pub_key_header_length:]
# Generate private key using openssl and convert it to hex list format
if ecc_curve == apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519:
key_openssl = asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
key_openssl_prv_bytes = key_openssl.private_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption())
elif ecc_curve == apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519:
key_openssl = asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate()
key_openssl_prv_bytes = key_openssl.private_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption())
elif ecc_curve == apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448:
key_openssl = asymmetric.x448.X448PrivateKey.generate()
key_openssl_prv_bytes = key_openssl.private_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption())
key_openssl = ec.generate_private_key(curve_type, default_backend())
key_openssl_prv_bytes = key_openssl.private_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, NoEncryption())
key_openssl_hex = binascii.hexlify(key_openssl_prv_bytes)
key_openssl_list = list()
for i in range(0, len(key_openssl_hex), 2):
key_openssl_list.append(key_openssl_hex[i:i + 2])
if ecc_curve not in [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519,
# Remove public key from generated ecc key
private_key_length = len(key_openssl_list) - len(key_pub_no_header_list)
key_openssl_prv_list = key_openssl_list[:private_key_length]
key_openssl_prv_list = key_openssl_list
key_openssl_prv_length = int(key_openssl_prv_list[index_to_cal_length], 16)
openssl_format_length = key_openssl_prv_length - (len(openssl_format_list) +
len(keyid_list) + len(magic_data_list))
if openssl_format_length >= 0:
# Append zeros to openssl format to match length
for i in range(openssl_format_length):
for i in range((len(openssl_format_list) + len(keyid_list) +
len(magic_data_list)) - key_openssl_prv_length):
openssl_format_list = openssl_format_list[:-1]
index_to_cal_length += 1
# Update openssl generated private key with magic data
for i in range(len(openssl_format_list)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
key_openssl_prv_list[i + index_to_cal_length] = openssl_format_list[i]
if ecc_curve not in [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519,
# Add public key
# Convert key from list to string
key_der_hex = ""
for key_openssl_prv_item in key_openssl_prv_list:
if isinstance(key_openssl_prv_item, bytes):
key_der_hex += bytes.decode(key_openssl_prv_item)
key_der_hex += key_openssl_prv_item
key_der = binascii.unhexlify(key_der_hex)
key_pem_obj = openssl.backend.load_der_private_key(key_der, None)
if ecc_curve in [apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519,
key_pem = key_pem_obj.private_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.PKCS8,
key_pem = key_pem_obj.private_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL,
status = write_refkey_to_file(session, refkey_file, password,
key_pem, key_der, key_obj, encode_format)
return status
def get_length(key_list):
Get length in the TLV
:param key_list: Key to parse
:return: Length in the TLV
# Find tag value
if 2 == int(key_list[0], 16): # pylint: disable=misplaced-comparison-constant
# check MSB is zero, if yes then this byte indicates length
# else this byte indicates number of bytes for length calculation
if int(key_list[1], 16) & 0x80 == 0x00:
length = int(key_list[1], 16)
length += 2
length_bytes = int(key_list[1], 16) & 0x7f # Mask MSB
length_header = 2 + length_bytes
length = int(key_list[2], 16)
for i in range(1, length_bytes):
length = length * 0x100
length = length | int(key_list[2 + i], 16)
length += length_header
return length
return 0
def replace_bytes(list_dest, len_dest, dest_index, list_src, len_src):
Replace key values
:param list_dest: Output list
:param len_dest: Output length
:param dest_index: Index to replace bytes
:param list_src: Input list
:param len_src: Input length
:return: Output list
index = 0
# if destination list length is bigger then copy source list and remove extra bytes
if len_dest > len_src:
for index in range(len_src):
list_dest[dest_index + index] = list_src[index]
del list_dest[dest_index + index + 1: dest_index + index + (len_dest - len_src) + 1]
for index in range(len_dest):
list_dest[dest_index + index] = list_src[index]
for i in range(index + 1, len_src):
list_dest.insert(dest_index + index + i, list_src[index + i])
return list_dest
def generate_openssl_rsa_refkey(session, key_pub_raw, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-arguments, too-many-statements
keyid_int, refkey_file,
key_size, encode_format="", password="nxp",
Generate rsa reference key using openssl
:param session: Instance of session
:param key_pub_raw: Retrieved public key
:param keyid_int: Key index
:param refkey_file: File name to store reference key
:param key_size: RSA key size
:param encode_format: Encode format to store file
:param password: Password for encryption of pkcs12 reference key
:param key_obj: Private key object handle
:return: Status
# generate rsa key pair
key_openssl = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=key_size,
key_prv_bytes = key_openssl.private_bytes(encoding=Encoding.DER,
key_openssl_hex = binascii.hexlify(key_prv_bytes)
key_openssl_list = list()
for k in range(0, len(key_openssl_hex), 2):
key_openssl_list.append(key_openssl_hex[k:k + 2])
# convert the retrieved public key to hex format
key_pub_list = list(key_pub_raw)
# trim the header of public key
if key_size == 1024:
key_pub_no_header_list = key_pub_list[25:]
elif key_size in [2048, 3072, 4096]:
key_pub_no_header_list = key_pub_list[28:]
log.error("key size: %s is not supported. Should be one of 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096",
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
key_pub_str_list = list()
for key_pub_no_header_item in key_pub_no_header_list:
key_pub_no_header_item = format(key_pub_no_header_item, 'x')
if len(key_pub_no_header_item) == 1:
key_pub_no_header_item = "0" + key_pub_no_header_item
openssl_index = 7
# Public Key section
retrieved_pub_len = get_length(key_pub_str_list)
openssl_pub_len = get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
key_openssl_list = replace_bytes(key_openssl_list, openssl_pub_len, openssl_index,
key_pub_str_list, retrieved_pub_len)
openssl_index += retrieved_pub_len
# publicExponent section
openssl_index += get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
# Private key Exponent section
openssl_index += get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
# prime1 section
magic_prime1_data = ['02', '01', '01']
openssl_prime1_len = get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
key_openssl_list = replace_bytes(key_openssl_list, openssl_prime1_len, openssl_index,
magic_prime1_data, len(magic_prime1_data))
openssl_index += len(magic_prime1_data)
# convert keyID to hex format and add TLV
keyid_str = format("%08x" % keyid_int)
key_id_list = ['02']
if len(keyid_str) < 31:
key_id_len = int(len(keyid_str) / 2)
key_id_len_hex = format("%x" % key_id_len)
if len(key_id_len_hex) == 1:
key_id_len_hex = "0" + key_id_len_hex
for i in range(0, len(keyid_str), 2):
key_id_list.append(keyid_str[i:i + 2])
# prime 2 section
openssl_prime2_len = get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
key_openssl_list = replace_bytes(key_openssl_list, openssl_prime2_len,
openssl_index, key_id_list, len(key_id_list))
openssl_index += len(key_id_list)
# exponent1 section
openssl_index += get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
# exponent2 section
openssl_index += get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
# coefficient section
magic_mod_p = ['02', '04', 'a5', 'a6', 'b5', 'b6']
openssl_coefficient_len = get_length(key_openssl_list[openssl_index:])
key_openssl_list = replace_bytes(key_openssl_list, openssl_coefficient_len,
openssl_index, magic_mod_p,
# Recalculate total length of the key
key_openssl_len = len(key_openssl_list) - 4
key_openssl_len_str = format("%04x" % key_openssl_len)
total_len_list = []
for i in range(0, len(key_openssl_len_str), 2):
total_len_list.append(key_openssl_len_str[i:i + 2])
key_openssl_list[2] = total_len_list[0]
key_openssl_list[3] = total_len_list[1]
# convert key to der or pem format
key_der_hex = ""
for key_openssl_item in key_openssl_list:
if isinstance(key_openssl_item, bytes):
key_der_hex += bytes.decode(key_openssl_item)
key_der_hex += key_openssl_item
key_der = binascii.unhexlify(key_der_hex)
key_pem_obj = openssl.backend.load_der_private_key(key_der, None)
key_pem = key_pem_obj.private_bytes(Encoding.PEM,
status = write_refkey_to_file(session, refkey_file, password,
key_pem, key_der, key_obj, encode_format)
return status
def ecc_ex_curve_add_pub_key(prv_key_in):
Make key pair for ECC extra curves
:param prv_key_in: Private key
:return: Full key pair
# Generate public key from private
pub_key = prv_key_in.public_key()
pub_bytes = pub_key.public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
prv_key_der = prv_key_in.private_bytes(Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption())
# Convert keys to hex format
prv_key_data_hex = binascii.hexlify(prv_key_der)
pub_key_data_hex = binascii.hexlify(pub_bytes)
# Private key header
prv_key_header = prv_key_data_hex[:32]
# Private key data
prv_key_data = prv_key_data_hex[32:]
# Convert header to list for manipulation
prv_header_list = transform_key_to_list(prv_key_header)
# Create public key header for key pair
header = b'81' + str.encode(format((len(pub_bytes) - 12 + 1), 'x')) + b'00'
pub_key_data = pub_key_data_hex[24:]
# Update key pair length
key_pair = prv_key_data + header + pub_key_data
# Update Key pair header
prv_header_list[1] = int(14 + (len(key_pair)/2)) # Update new length
prv_header_list[4] = 0x01 # 0x01 Indicates key pair
prv_header_list[13] = int(2 + (len(prv_key_data)/2)) # Update new length
header_str = transform_int_list_to_hex_str(prv_header_list)
return binascii.unhexlify(str.encode(header_str) + key_pair)
def from_file_dat(filename, key_part, encode_format=""): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
Parse key from file to list format
:param filename: Input file name
:param key_part: Key type
:param encode_format: Encode format. Eg: DER, PEM
:return: Key as integer list, key length, key bit length and curve type
key_bit_len = 0
curve_type = None
with open(filename, 'rb') as key_in:
key_data =
if key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Public:
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem'):
key_pub = load_pem_public_key(key_data, backend=default_backend())
key_pub = load_der_public_key(key_data, backend=default_backend())
elif encode_format == "PEM":
key_pub = load_pem_public_key(key_data, backend=default_backend())
elif encode_format == "DER":
key_pub = load_der_public_key(key_data, backend=default_backend())
log.error("Unknown key file format")
return None, 0, 0, None
key_der = key_pub.public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
if hasattr(key_pub, 'curve'):
curve_type = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(key_pub.curve)][0]
if hasattr(openssl, 'ed25519'):
if key_pub.__class__ is openssl.ed25519._Ed25519PublicKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519
key_bit_len = 256
if hasattr(openssl, 'x25519'):
if key_pub.__class__ is openssl.x25519._X25519PublicKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519
key_bit_len = 256
if hasattr(openssl, 'x448'):
if key_pub.__class__ is openssl.x448._X448PublicKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448
key_bit_len = 448
if hasattr(key_pub, 'key_size'):
key_bit_len = key_pub.key_size
elif hasattr(key_pub, 'curve'):
key_bit_len = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(key_pub.curve)][1]
elif key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Pair:
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem'):
key_prv = load_pem_private_key(key_data, None, default_backend())
key_prv = load_der_private_key(key_data, None, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "PEM":
key_prv = load_pem_private_key(key_data, None, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "DER":
key_prv = load_der_private_key(key_data, None, default_backend())
log.error("Unknown key file format")
return None, 0, 0, None
key_der = key_prv.private_bytes(Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption())
if hasattr(key_prv, 'curve'):
curve_type = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(key_prv.curve)][0]
if hasattr(openssl, 'ed25519'):
if key_prv.__class__ is openssl.ed25519._Ed25519PrivateKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519
key_bit_len = 256
key_der = ecc_ex_curve_add_pub_key(key_prv)
if hasattr(openssl, 'x25519'):
if key_prv.__class__ is openssl.x25519._X25519PrivateKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519
key_bit_len = 256
key_der = ecc_ex_curve_add_pub_key(key_prv)
if hasattr(openssl, 'x448'):
if key_prv.__class__ is openssl.x448._X448PrivateKey:
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448
key_bit_len = 448
key_der = ecc_ex_curve_add_pub_key(key_prv)
if hasattr(key_prv, 'key_size'):
key_bit_len = key_prv.key_size
elif hasattr(key_prv, 'curve'):
key_bit_len = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(key_prv.curve)][1]
elif key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Default:
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem') or filename.endswith('.cer'):
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(key_data, default_backend())
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(key_data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "PEM":
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(key_data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "DER":
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(key_data, default_backend())
log.error("Unknown key file format")
return None, 0, 0, None
key_der = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER)
log.error("Un support key type")
return None, 0, 0, None
# Convert key to int list format
key_hex = binascii.hexlify(key_der)
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key_hex)
key_len = len(key_int_list)
return key_int_list, key_len, key_bit_len, curve_type
def hex_uid(uid_raw):
Convert key to Hex string
:param uid_raw: Input UID
:return: Hex string
uid_list = list(uid_raw)
uid_hex_str = ""
for uid_item in uid_list:
uid_hex = format(uid_item, 'x')
if len(uid_hex) == 1:
uid_hex = "0" + uid_hex
uid_hex_str += uid_hex
return uid_hex_str
def save_to_file(key, filename, key_part, encode_format="", cypher_type = 0):
Store key in file
:param key: Input key
:param filename: File name to store key
:param key_part: Key type
:param encode_format: Encode format to store key. Eg: DER, PEM
:param cypher_type: cipher type to save to file.
:return: status
key_pem = None
key_der = ""
key_hex_str = ""
for i in range(len(key)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
key[i] = format(key[i], 'x')
if len(key[i]) == 1:
key[i] = "0" + key[i]
key_hex_str += key[i]
key_der_str = binascii.unhexlify(key_hex_str)
if key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Default:
certificate = load_der_x509_certificate(key_der_str, default_backend())
key_pem = certificate.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM)
key_der = certificate.public_bytes(Encoding.DER)
elif key_part in [apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Pair, apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Public]:
if cypher_type == apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_TWISTED_ED:
if not hasattr(asymmetric, 'ed25519'):
log.warning("Python Cryptography module does not support ed25519 curve.!! "
"Consider upgrading via \'pip3 install cryptography==2.6.1\' command.")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
# Remove header
key_der_str_no_header = key_der_str[12:]
key_crypto = asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(key_der_str_no_header)
key_pem = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
key_der = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
elif cypher_type == apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_MONTGOMERY:
if not hasattr(asymmetric, 'x25519') or not hasattr(asymmetric, 'x448'):
log.warning("Python Cryptography module does not support montgomery curve.!! "
"Consider upgrading via \'pip3 install cryptography==2.6.1\' command.")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
# Remove header
key_der_str_no_header = key_der_str[12:]
if len(key_der_str_no_header) == 56: # Mont_DH_448 key size is 56 bytes
key_crypto = asymmetric.x448.X448PublicKey.from_public_bytes(key_der_str_no_header)
key_crypto = asymmetric.x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(key_der_str_no_header)
key_pem = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
key_der = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
key_crypto = load_der_public_key(key_der_str, default_backend())
key_pem = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
key_der = key_crypto.public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
elif key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_NONE:
key_pem = base64.b64encode(key_der_str)
key_der = key_der_str
if type(key_der) is str:
key_der = str.encode(key_der)
f = open(filename, 'wb')
except IOError as exc:
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem') or filename.endswith('.cer'):
log.debug("writing to file in pem format")
log.debug("writing to file in der format")
elif encode_format == "PEM":
log.debug("writing to file in pem format")
elif encode_format == "DER":
log.debug("writing to file in der format")
log.error("Unknown file format")
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Fail
return apis.kStatus_SSS_Success
def hash_convert(filename, encode_format="", hash_algo=apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA256):
Convert hash data from file using algorithm
:param filename: Input file
:param encode_format: File format. Eg: DER, PEM
:param hash_algo: Hash algorithm
:return: Key as integer list and length
with open(filename, 'rb') as raw_data:
data =
hash_value = hashes.Hash(HASH_MAP[hash_algo][0], default_backend())
if not is_hex(data):
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem') or filename.endswith('.cer'):
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "PEM":
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "DER":
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
log.error("Unknown file format")
return None, 0
cert_der = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER)
cert_hex = binascii.hexlify(cert_der)
cert_hex = data
final_hash = hash_value.finalize()
cert_hash_hex = binascii.hexlify(final_hash)
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(cert_hash_hex)
hash_len = hash_value.algorithm.digest_size
return key_int_list, hash_len
def load_certificate(filename, encode_format=""):
Convert Load certificate from file
:param filename: Input file
:param encode_format: File format. Eg: DER, PEM
:return: Key as integer list and length
with open(filename, 'rb') as raw_data:
data =
# Consider file extension for default
if encode_format == "":
if filename.endswith('.pem') or filename.endswith('.cer'):
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "PEM":
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
elif encode_format == "DER":
cert = load_der_x509_certificate(data, default_backend())
log.error("Unknown file format")
return None, 0
cert_der = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER)
cert_hex = binascii.hexlify(cert_der)
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(cert_hex)
return key_int_list, len(key_int_list)
def hash_convert_raw(data, hash_algo=apis.kAlgorithm_SSS_SHA256):
Convert raw hash data using algorithm
:param data: Input data
:param hash_algo: Hash algorithm
:return: Key in list format and length
hash_value = HASH_MAP[hash_algo][1]
if isinstance(data, str):
key_hex = hash_value.hexdigest()
key_int_list = transform_key_to_list(key_hex)
hash_len = int(hash_value.digest_size)
return key_int_list, hash_len
def parse_signature(signature_file, encode_format=""):
Parse signature from file
:param signature_file: Input file
:param encode_format: Stored encode format
:return: Signature in list format and length
with open(signature_file, 'rb') as infile:
sig =
if not is_hex(sig):
if (signature_file[-4:] == '.pem' and encode_format == "") or encode_format == "PEM":
sig_der = base64.b64decode(sig)
sig_der = sig
sig_hex = binascii.hexlify(sig_der)
sig_hex = sig
sig_int_list = transform_key_to_list(sig_hex)
sig_len = len(sig_int_list)
return sig_int_list, sig_len
def get_ecc_cypher_type(curve_type):
Return Cypher Type and Key length based on EC curve type
:param curve_type: ECC Curve type
:return: Cypher type and key length
ecc_curve_cypher_type_map = {
# Mapping curve type with Cypher Type and Key length
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P192: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_P, 192],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P224: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_P, 224],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_P, 256],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P384: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_P, 384],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P521: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_P, 521],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool160: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 160],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool192: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 192],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool224: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 224],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool256: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 256],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool320: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 320],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool384: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 384],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool512: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_BRAINPOOL, 512],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp160k1: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_K, 160],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp192k1: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_K, 192],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp224k1: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_K, 224],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp256k1: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_NIST_K, 256],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_TWISTED_ED, 256],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_MONTGOMERY, 256],
apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448: [apis.kSSS_CipherType_EC_MONTGOMERY, 448],
cypher_type = ecc_curve_cypher_type_map[curve_type][0]
key_len = ecc_curve_cypher_type_map[curve_type][1]
return cypher_type, key_len
def ecc_curve_type_from_key(key, key_part):
Returns curve type and key bit length for ecc key
:param key: Input key
:param key_part: Key type
:return: Curve type and key bit length
key = binascii.unhexlify(key)
curve_type = apis.kSE05x_ECCurve_NA
key_bit_len = 0
if key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Public:
pub_key = load_der_public_key(key, default_backend())
if hasattr(pub_key, 'curve'):
curve_type = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(pub_key.curve)][0]
if hasattr(pub_key, 'key_size'):
key_bit_len = pub_key.key_size
elif hasattr(pub_key, 'curve'):
key_bit_len = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(pub_key.curve)][1]
elif key_part == apis.kSSS_KeyPart_Pair:
priv_key = load_der_private_key(key, None, default_backend())
if hasattr(priv_key, 'curve'):
curve_type = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(priv_key.curve)][0]
if hasattr(priv_key, 'key_size'):
key_bit_len = priv_key.key_size
elif hasattr(priv_key, 'curve'):
key_bit_len = CRYPTO_ECC_CURVE_MAP[type(priv_key.curve)][1]
return curve_type, key_bit_len