cmd: add 'aprop' command to manipulate Android persistent properties

'aprop' is a debug command to manipulate Android persistent properties.

=> aprop
aprop - Load/get/set/test/dump/store Android persistent properties

aprop load  <dev> <part>     - load properties from mmc <dev>:<part>
aprop get   <key>            - retrieves the <val> for <key>
aprop set   <key> <val>      - sets <key> to <val>
aprop test  <key> <op> <val> - test <key> agains <val>
aprop dump                   - dump all properties in <key>=<val> format
aprop store                  - store all properties back to mmc
<dev>   - MMC device index containing the aprop partition
<part>  - MMC partition index or name containing the property file
<key>   - string/text representing a property key
<val>   - string/text representing a property value
<op>    - the binary operator used in 'aprop test':
          '=' returns true if <val> matches <key>'s value
          '~' returns true if <val> matches a subset of <key>'s value

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Bailon <>
Signed-off-by: Mattijs Korpershoek <>
4 files changed