blob: 51ea8c2e59779ed09dee8a75203d6d0168c1e0fa [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
use the output from to mangle tmpl/*.sgml and
insert/overwrite Short Description and Long Description
# FIXME: right now it uses pygst and scans on its own;
# we really should use inspect/*.xml instead since the result of
# is committed by the docs maintainer, who can be
# expected to have pygst, but this step should be done for every docs build,
# so no pygst allowed
# read in inspect/*.xml
# for every tmpl/element-(name).xml: mangle with details from element
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import glob
import re
import sys
import os
class Tmpl:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self._sectionids = []
self._sections = {}
def read(self):
Read and parse the sections from the given file.
lines = open(self.filename).readlines()
matcher = re.compile("<!-- ##### SECTION (\S+) ##### -->\n")
id = None
for line in lines:
match =
if match:
id = match.expand("\\1")
self._sections[id] = []
if not id:
"WARNING: line before a SECTION header: %s" % line)
def get_section(self, id):
Get the content from the given section.
return self._sections[id]
def set_section(self, id, content):
Replace the given section id with the given content.
self._sections[id] = content
def output(self):
Return the output of the current template in the tmpl/*.sgml format.
lines = []
for id in self._sectionids:
lines.append("<!-- ##### SECTION %s ##### -->\n" % id)
for line in self._sections[id]:
return "".join(lines)
def write(self, backup=False):
Write out the template file again, backing up the previous one.
if backup:
target = self.filename + ".mangle.bak"
os.rename(self.filename, target)
handle = open(self.filename, "w")
import xml.dom.minidom
def get_elements(file):
elements = {}
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file)
elem = None
for e in doc.childNodes:
if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and e.localName == 'plugin':
elem = e
if elem == None:
return None
elem2 = None
for e in elem.childNodes:
if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and e.localName == 'elements':
elem2 = e
if elem2 == None:
return None
elem = elem2
for e in elem.childNodes:
if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and e.localName == 'element':
name = None
description = None
for e2 in e.childNodes:
if e2.nodeType == e2.ELEMENT_NODE and e2.localName == 'name':
name = e2.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode("UTF-8")
elif e2.nodeType == e2.ELEMENT_NODE and e2.localName == 'description':
if e2.childNodes:
description = e2.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode("UTF-8")
description = 'No description'
if name != None and description != None:
elements[name] = {'description': description}
return elements
def main():
if not len(sys.argv) == 3:
sys.stderr.write('Please specify the inspect/ dir and the tmpl/ dir')
inspectdir = sys.argv[1]
tmpldir = sys.argv[2]
# parse all .xml files; build map of element name -> short desc
#for file in glob.glob("inspect/plugin-*.xml"):
elements = {}
for file in glob.glob("%s/plugin-*.xml" % inspectdir):
for file in glob.glob("%s/element-*.sgml" % tmpldir):
base = os.path.basename(file)
element = base[len("element-"):-len(".sgml")]
tmpl = Tmpl(file)
if element in elements.keys():
description = elements[element]['description']
tmpl.set_section("Short_Description", "%s\n\n" % description)
# put in an include if not yet there
line = '<include xmlns="" href="' + \
'element-' + element + '-details.xml">' + \
'<fallback xmlns="" />' + \
section = tmpl.get_section("Long_Description")
if not section[0] == line:
section.insert(0, line)
tmpl.set_section("Long_Description", section)