gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h: Adding acid chunk for tempo and loop information.

Original commit message from CVS:
* gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h:
Adding acid chunk for tempo and loop information.
diff --git a/gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h b/gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h
index dcd3cee..cf45f6d 100644
--- a/gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h
+++ b/gst-libs/gst/riff/riff-ids.h
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #define GST_RIFF_TAG_bext GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('b','e','x','t')
 #define GST_RIFF_TAG_fact GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('f','a','c','t')
+#define GST_RIFF_TAG_acid GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('a','c','i','d')
 /* LIST types */
 #define GST_RIFF_LIST_movi GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('m','o','v','i')
@@ -455,6 +456,41 @@
   guint32 totalframes;
 } gst_riff_dmlh;
+/* taken from libsndfile/wav.c (LGPL) */
+typedef struct _gst_riff_acid {
+  /* 4 bytes (int)     type of file:
+   *  this appears to be a bit mask,however some combinations
+   *  are probably impossible and/or qualified as "errors"
+   *
+   *  0x01 On: One Shot         Off: Loop
+   *  0x02 On: Root note is Set Off: No root
+   *  0x04 On: Stretch is On,   Off: Strech is OFF
+   *  0x08 On: Disk Based       Off: Ram based
+   *  0x10 On: ??????????       Off: ????????? (Acidizer puts that ON)
+   */
+  guint32 loop_type;
+  /* 2 bytes (short)      root note
+   *  if type 0x10 is OFF : [C,C#,(...),B] -> [0x30 to 0x3B]
+   *  if type 0x10 is ON  : [C,C#,(...),B] -> [0x3C to 0x47]
+   *  (both types fit on same MIDI pitch albeit different octaves, so who cares)
+   */
+  guint16 root_note;
+  /* 2 bytes (short)      ??? always set to 0x8000
+   * 4 bytes (float)      ??? seems to be always 0
+   */
+  guint16 unknown1;
+  gfloat unknown2;
+  /* 4 bytes (int)        number of beats
+   * 2 bytes (short)      meter denominator   //always 4 in SF/ACID
+   * 2 bytes (short)      meter numerator     //always 4 in SF/ACID
+   *                      //are we sure about the order?? usually its num/denom
+   * 4 bytes (float)      tempo
+   */
+  guint32 number_of_beats;
+  guint16 meter_d, meter_n;
+  gfloat tempo;
+} gst_riff_acid;
 #endif /* __GST_RIFF_IDS_H__ */