ksvideosrc: fix device enumeration when hotplugging a camera

Since both audio and video capture devices declare the KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE interface,
plugging a camera that supports both could result in an audio device being mistaken
for a video one.

diff --git a/sys/winks/ksdeviceprovider.c b/sys/winks/ksdeviceprovider.c
index 609794d..b54cba2 100644
--- a/sys/winks/ksdeviceprovider.c
+++ b/sys/winks/ksdeviceprovider.c
@@ -338,13 +338,14 @@
           bcdi = (PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE) lparam;
-          if (!IsEqualGUID (&bcdi->dbcc_classguid, &KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE) &&
-              !IsEqualGUID (&bcdi->dbcc_classguid, &KSCATEGORY_RENDER))
+          /* Since both video and audio capture device declare KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE, we filter on
+             KSCATEGORY_VIDEO here. To add audio support we should accept also KSCATEGORY_AUDIO. */
+          if (!IsEqualGUID (&bcdi->dbcc_classguid, &KSCATEGORY_VIDEO))
           devices =
               ks_enumerate_devices (&bcdi->dbcc_classguid,
-              &bcdi->dbcc_classguid);
+              &KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE);
           if (devices == NULL)
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@
             if ((source == NULL) &&
                 (g_ascii_strcasecmp (entry->path, bcdi->dbcc_name) == 0))
-              source = new_video_source (entry);
+              source = new_video_source (entry); /* Or audio source, not implemented yet */
             ks_device_entry_free (entry);