[WCNCR00146539] regd: Fix some potential issues of TxPwrLimit

Fix some potential memory issues of TxPwrLimit

In rlmDomainTxPwrLimitLoadChannelSetting()

  1. Fix incorect temp variables for capture its result.
  2. Defer the forwarding action during reading ch settingsn

In rlmDomainGetTxPwrLimit()

  1. Add memory allocation result check.
  2. Reuse ucChNum

In rlmDomainSendPwrLimitCmd_V2()

  Refine the error handling for allocating memroy.

Change-Id: I43bdd29926ba7b0a51b44ff77e2548d4ffdd66b5
Feature: regd
Signed-off-by: Awk Jiang <awk.jiang@mediatek.com>
CR-Id: WCNCR00146539
1 file changed