[WCNCR00154959] misc: Add adjustable OID timeout

Add adjustable OID timeout

Create a new API kalIoctlTimeout() to support adjustabel OID timeout.
Valid input for the new field "i4OidTimeout" is below.
              -1  ==> default timeout 2000ms
0 <= value <= MAX ==> specify the timeout in millsecond (0~10 seconds)

The new API kalIoctlTimeout() is created as an extension of kalIoctl()
only. Most commands may still work with kalIoctl().

* Add new elements in _GL_IO_REQ_T
* New API kalIoctlTimeout()
* Refine OID-timeout control

Change-Id: If4f2d4bc67c2964da8d47b6edfce5468b784eb04
Signed-off-by: Deren Wu <deren.wu@mediatek.com>
CR-Id: WCNCR00154959
Feature: misc
5 files changed