[WCNCR00156662] misc: Add "Supported Channels" IE for spectrum mgmt

Add "Supported Channels" IE for spectrum mgmt

1. If spec mgmt bit is 1 in Capabilities field,
both Power Capability and Supported Channels
IEs should show in (Re)Assoc request frame.
e.g. in TGn 5.2.3, Marvell AP will reject assoc
request if we only set spec mgmt bit to 1 without
bringing Power Capability and Supported Channels IEs.

2. The content format of Supported Channels refers to

Change-Id: Ic75f544b34ea25954334b81c2a6ed488034556be
Signed-off-by: Awk Jiang <awk.jiang@mediatek.com>
CR-Id: WCNCR00156662
Feature: misc
4 files changed