mac-address: Migrate mac-address setting script to correct package

This is specific to enterprise boards, so it should go in the BSP.

Change-Id: I1c033d41ff98b864ef94a9c59cc37b3b0cae7149
diff --git a/etc/runonce.d/00-e2fsresize b/etc/runonce.d/00-e2fsresize
index 5853199..daa0db6 100755
--- a/etc/runonce.d/00-e2fsresize
+++ b/etc/runonce.d/00-e2fsresize
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-/sbin/resize2fs $(findmnt -n -o SOURCE /)
\ No newline at end of file
+/sbin/resize2fs $(findmnt -n -o SOURCE /)
diff --git a/etc/runonce.d/10-set-mac-addresses b/etc/runonce.d/10-set-mac-addresses
deleted file mode 100755
index 893ebd4..0000000
--- a/etc/runonce.d/10-set-mac-addresses
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-'''This script generates the wifi and bluetooth MAC addresses assigned to a
-board, given the MAC address of it's primary ethernet interface. It's primary
-purpose is to store the MAC addresses in files on the root filesystem after
-system first start because we cannot burn these addresses into the peripherals,
-other than the ethernet PHY.
-This script only works in the case where the MAC addresses have been allocated
-in a monotonically adjacent style for all devices, and that wifi/bluetooth
-follows the ethernet MAC in series.
-import struct
-import sys
-BD_ADDR_PATH = '/etc/bluetooth/.bt_nv.bin'
-WIFI_ADDR_PATH = '/lib/firmware/wlan/wlan_mac.bin'
-BD_NVITEM = 0x02
-BD_RDWR_PROT = 0x00
-def GenerateNextMac(mac_address_str):
-    '''Given a MAC address string, generate the next MAC address in sequence.
-    Note: this strips off the vendor prefix and increments as though the suffix
-    was an integer. If the device suffix rolls over, there is no error thrown or
-    any other checking done.
-    Parameters:
-      mac_address_str: string. Colon-separated six-octet hexidecimal MAC address.
-    Returns:
-      string. The next MAC address in the sequence.
-    '''
-    device_suffix = GetMacDeviceSuffixString(mac_address_str)
-    suffix_number = MacDeviceSuffixToNumber(device_suffix)
-    suffix_string = MacDeviceSuffixNumberToString(suffix_number + 1)
-    next_mac = MAC_VENDOR_PREFIX_STR + ':' + suffix_string
-    return next_mac
-def MacDeviceSuffixNumberToString(device_suffix_number):
-    '''Given a device suffix number, generate a colon-separated hexidecimal
-    representation.
-    Parameters:
-      device_suffix_number: integer. The number to convert into a MAC suffix.
-    Returns:
-      string. The colon-separated hexidecimal version of the number passed in.
-    '''
-    suffix_string = '%06x' % device_suffix_number
-    suffix_array = []
-    for idx in range(0, len(suffix_string), 2):
-        suffix_array.append(suffix_string[idx] + suffix_string[idx + 1])
-    return ':'.join(suffix_array)
-def MacDeviceSuffixToNumber(mac_suffix):
-    '''Converts a given a three-octet colon separated hexidecimal MAC device suffix
-    into an integer.'''
-    mac_array = mac_suffix.split(':')
-    flatmac = ''.join(mac_array)
-    return int(flatmac, 16)
-def GetMacDeviceSuffixString(mac_address):
-    '''Strip the vendor prefix from a given a full six-octet colon separated
-    hexidecimal MAC.'''
-    mac_array = mac_address.split(':')
-    return ':'.join(mac_array[3:])
-def FindEthernetMacString(device):
-    '''Returns the MAC address string for a given network device from sysfs.
-    If an error occurs attempting to read from sysfs, or runs into an EOF
-    prematurely, returns None.
-    '''
-    sysfs_path = '/sys/class/net/%s/address' % (device)
-    try:
-        with open(sysfs_path, 'r') as fp:
-            address = fp.readline()
-        if len(address) == 0:
-            return None
-        address = address[:-1]
-        return address
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Error reading %s: %s' % (sysfs_path, e))
-        return None
-def WriteWifiMacAddress(next_mac):
-    '''Writes the given MAC address string to the wifi configuration files.'''
-    try:
-        with open(WIFI_ADDR_PATH, 'w') as fp:
-            fp.write(WIFI_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.format(next_mac.translate(None, ':')))
-        return True
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Error writing wifi configuration to %s: %s' % (WIFI_ADDR_PATH, e))
-        return False
-def WriteBluetoothMacAddress(next_mac):
-    '''Writes the given MAC address string to a binary file readable by Bluez.'''
-    mac_bytes = [int(x, 16) for x in next_mac.split(':')]
-    try:
-        with open(BD_ADDR_PATH, 'w') as fp:
-            fp.write(struct.pack(BD_ADDR_HEADER_STRUCT, BD_NVITEM, BD_RDWR_PROT,
-                                 BD_NVITEM_SIZE))
-            fp.write(struct.pack(BD_ADDR_MAC_STRUCT, *mac_bytes))
-        return True
-    except Exception as e:
-        print('Error writing bluetooth configuration to %s: %s' % (BD_ADDR_PATH, e))
-def Main():
-    base_mac_address = FindEthernetMacString(ETHERNET_DEVICE)
-    if base_mac_address == None:
-        sys.stderr.write('Unable to find MAC address for device %s\n' % (ETHERNET_DEVICE))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    next_mac = GenerateNextMac(base_mac_address)
-    print('Wifi/Bt MAC address will be %s' % next_mac)
-    WriteWifiMacAddress(next_mac)
-    WriteBluetoothMacAddress(next_mac)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    Main()