blob: ab3f2a44d18265031b7e1e563a886385c13a9a4c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" // from @flatbuffers
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/core/api/error_reporter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/compatibility.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_op_resolver.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/simple_memory_allocator.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h"
namespace tflite {
// Namespace used for unittests.
namespace internal {
// Sets up all of the data structure members for a TfLiteTensor based on the
// contents of a serialized tensor in the flatbuffer.
TfLiteStatus InitializeTfLiteTensorFromFlatbuffer(
SimpleMemoryAllocator* allocator, const tflite::Tensor& flatbuffer_tensor,
const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Buffer>>* buffers,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter, TfLiteTensor* result);
// A handle tracking scratch buffer allocation. This handle is created by
// `RequestScratchBufferInArena`. `data` field is populated in
// `FinishModelAllocation` after static memory planning.
// TODO(b/150257460) As a future optimization, this struct could be replaced by
// a union, since once `data` is populated, `bytes` and `node_idx` is not
// needed.
typedef struct {
// Pointer to the scratch buffer.
uint8_t* data;
// Number of bytes required by the buffer. The actual allocated size might be
// greater than `bytes` due to buffer alignment.
size_t bytes;
// Node where the buffer is allocated for. This provides useful information to
// determine the lifetime of the buffer. In AllocationInfo, this buffer will
// have `before` = node_idx and `after` = node_idx.
int node_idx;
} ScratchBufferHandle;
} // namespace internal
typedef struct {
TfLiteNode node;
const TfLiteRegistration* registration;
} NodeAndRegistration;
// Allocator responsible for allocating memory for all intermediate tensors
// necessary to invoke a model.
// The lifetime of the model, tensor arena and error reporter must be at
// least as long as that of the allocator object, since the allocator needs
// them to be accessible during its entire lifetime.
// The MicroAllocator simply plans out additional allocations that are required
// to standup a model for inference in TF Micro. This class currently relies on
// an additional allocator - SimpleMemoryAllocator - for all allocations from an
// arena. These allocations are divided into head (non-persistent) and tail
// (persistent) regions:
// Memory layout to help understand how it works
// This information could change in the future version.
// ************** .memory_allocator->GetBuffer()
// Tensors/Scratch buffers (head)
// ************** .head_watermark
// unused memory
// ************** .memory_allocator->GetBuffer() + ->GetMaxBufferSize()
// - ->GetDataSize()
// persistent area (tail)
// ************** .memory_allocator->GetBuffer() + ->GetMaxBufferSize()
class MicroAllocator {
// Creates a MicroAllocator instance from a given tensor arena. This arena
// will be managed by the created instance.
// Note: Please use __declspec(align(16)) to make sure tensor_arena is 16
// bytes aligned, otherwise some head room will be wasted.
// TODO(b/157615197): Cleanup constructor + factory usage.
static MicroAllocator* Create(uint8_t* tensor_arena, size_t arena_size,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter);
// Creates a MicroAllocator instance using the provided SimpleMemoryAllocator
// intance. This allocator instance will use the SimpleMemoryAllocator
// instance to manage allocations internally.
static MicroAllocator* Create(SimpleMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter);
// Begin allocating internal resources required for model inference.
// This method will run through the flatbuffer data supplied in the model to
// properly allocate tensor, node, and op registration data. This method is
// expected to be followed with a call to FinishModelAllocation() before
// resuming allocation with another model.
TfLiteStatus StartModelAllocation(
const Model* model, TfLiteContext* context,
const MicroOpResolver& op_resolver,
NodeAndRegistration** node_and_registrations);
// Finish allocating internal resources required for model inference.
// This method will plan non-persistent buffers and commit a memory plan to
// the 'head' section of the memory arena. All variable tensor data will also
// be allocated. This method should be called after assigning model resources
// in StartModelAllocation().
TfLiteStatus FinishModelAllocation(const Model* model,
TfLiteContext* context);
// Allocates persistent buffer which has the same life time as the allocator.
// The memory is immediately available and is allocated from the tail of the
// arena.
TfLiteStatus AllocatePersistentBuffer(size_t bytes, void** ptr);
// Register a scratch buffer of size `bytes` for Node with `node_id`.
// This method only allocates a BufferHandle holding information for memory
// planning. The buffer ptr is ready after `FinishModelAllocation` and can
// be retrieved by `GetScratchBuffer` method using the returned buffer_idx.
// Note that there should be no tail allocation between two consecutive
// `RequestScratchBufferInArena` calls.
TfLiteStatus RequestScratchBufferInArena(int node_id, size_t bytes,
int* buffer_idx);
// Returns the pointer to the planned scratch buffer.
void* GetScratchBuffer(int buffer_idx) const;
// Returns the arena usage in bytes, only available after
// `FinishModelAllocation`. Otherwise, it will return 0.
size_t used_bytes() const;
MicroAllocator(SimpleMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter);
virtual ~MicroAllocator();
// Allocates an array in the arena to hold pointers to the tensors required
// to initialize and prepare a model. These allocations are stored and
// populated on the context.
virtual TfLiteStatus AllocateTfLiteTensorArray(TfLiteContext* context,
const SubGraph* subgraph);
// Populates content on the list of tensor pointers required to initialize and
// prepare a model from data in the flatbuffer (loaded from the TfLiteModel
// instance). Persistent data (e.g. quantization params) is allocated from the
// arena.
virtual TfLiteStatus PopulateTfLiteTensorArrayFromFlatbuffer(
const Model* model, TfLiteContext* context, const SubGraph* subgraph);
// Allocates an array in the arena to hold pointers to the node and
// registration pointers required to represent the inference graph of the
// model.
virtual TfLiteStatus AllocateNodeAndRegistrations(
const SubGraph* subgraph, NodeAndRegistration** node_and_registrations);
// Populates node and registration pointers representing the inference graph
// of the model from values inside the flatbuffer (loaded from the TfLiteModel
// instance). Persistent data (e.g. operator data) is allocated from the
// arena.
virtual TfLiteStatus PrepareNodeAndRegistrationDataFromFlatbuffer(
const Model* model, const SubGraph* subgraph,
const MicroOpResolver& op_resolver,
NodeAndRegistration* node_and_registrations);
// Allocates persistent tensor buffers for variable tensors in the subgraph.
virtual TfLiteStatus AllocateVariables(TfLiteContext* context,
const SubGraph* subgraph);
ErrorReporter* error_reporter() const;
// Initializes the graph and allocates TfLiteContext tensor data.
TfLiteStatus InitGraphAndContextTensorData(const Model* model,
TfLiteContext* context,
const SubGraph* subgraph);
// Returns the first subgraph from the model.
const SubGraph* GetSubGraphFromModel(const Model* model);
// Commits a memory plan for all non-persistent buffer allocations in the
// 'head' section of the memory arena.
virtual TfLiteStatus CommitStaticMemoryPlan(const Model* model,
TfLiteContext* context,
const SubGraph* subgraph);
// A simple memory allocator that always allocate from the arena tail or head.
SimpleMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator_;
ErrorReporter* error_reporter_;
bool model_is_allocating_;
// In reverse order for efficiency.
// i.e. scratch_buffer_handles_[0] is the handle for the last buffer,
// corresponding to the last RequestScratchBufferInArena call.
internal::ScratchBufferHandle* scratch_buffer_handles_ = nullptr;
// How many scratch buffers have been allocated.
size_t scratch_buffer_count_ = 0;
} // namespace tflite