blob: 8b6f0c13da11cba7720067a12d63e304f2283b24 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/compatibility.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/strided_slice_logic.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/types.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace reference_ops {
template <typename T>
inline void StridedSlice(const tflite::StridedSliceParams& op_params,
const RuntimeShape& unextended_input_shape,
const T* input_data,
const RuntimeShape& unextended_output_shape,
T* output_data) {
using strided_slice::LoopCondition;
using strided_slice::StartForAxis;
using strided_slice::StopForAxis;
// Note that the output_shape is not used herein.
tflite::StridedSliceParams params_copy = op_params;
TFLITE_DCHECK_LE(unextended_input_shape.DimensionsCount(), 5);
TFLITE_DCHECK_LE(unextended_output_shape.DimensionsCount(), 5);
const RuntimeShape input_shape =
RuntimeShape::ExtendedShape(5, unextended_input_shape);
const RuntimeShape output_shape =
RuntimeShape::ExtendedShape(5, unextended_output_shape);
// Reverse and pad to 5 dimensions because that is what the runtime code
// requires (ie. all shapes must be 5D and are given backwards).
strided_slice::StridedSlicePadIndices(&params_copy, 5);
const int start_0 = StartForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 0);
const int stop_0 = StopForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 0, start_0);
const int start_1 = StartForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 1);
const int stop_1 = StopForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 1, start_1);
const int start_2 = StartForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 2);
const int stop_2 = StopForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 2, start_2);
const int start_3 = StartForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 3);
const int stop_3 = StopForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 3, start_3);
const int start_4 = StartForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 4);
const int stop_4 = StopForAxis(params_copy, input_shape, 4, start_4);
T* out_ptr = output_data;
for (int offset_0 = start_0 * input_shape.Dims(1),
end_0 = stop_0 * input_shape.Dims(1),
step_0 = params_copy.strides[0] * input_shape.Dims(1);
!LoopCondition(offset_0, end_0, params_copy.strides[0]);
offset_0 += step_0) {
for (int offset_1 = (offset_0 + start_1) * input_shape.Dims(2),
end_1 = (offset_0 + stop_1) * input_shape.Dims(2),
step_1 = params_copy.strides[1] * input_shape.Dims(2);
!LoopCondition(offset_1, end_1, params_copy.strides[1]);
offset_1 += step_1) {
for (int offset_2 = (offset_1 + start_2) * input_shape.Dims(3),
end_2 = (offset_1 + stop_2) * input_shape.Dims(3),
step_2 = params_copy.strides[2] * input_shape.Dims(3);
!LoopCondition(offset_2, end_2, params_copy.strides[2]);
offset_2 += step_2) {
for (int offset_3 = (offset_2 + start_3) * input_shape.Dims(4),
end_3 = (offset_2 + stop_3) * input_shape.Dims(4),
step_3 = params_copy.strides[3] * input_shape.Dims(4);
!LoopCondition(offset_3, end_3, params_copy.strides[3]);
offset_3 += step_3) {
for (int offset_4 = offset_3 + start_4, end_4 = offset_3 + stop_4;
!LoopCondition(offset_4, end_4, params_copy.strides[4]);
offset_4 += params_copy.strides[4]) {
*out_ptr++ = input_data[offset_4];
} // namespace reference_ops
} // namespace tflite