blob: 8aba51896dfca28dd4fda327fa53dc028cb48291 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include <cmath>
#include "fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/cppmath.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/quantization_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/op_macros.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace reference_ops {
inline void Logistic(const RuntimeShape& input_shape, const float* input_data,
const RuntimeShape& output_shape, float* output_data) {
const float cutoff_upper = 16.619047164916992188f;
const float cutoff_lower = -9.f;
const int flat_size = MatchingFlatSize(input_shape, output_shape);
// Rational for using approximation in reference kernel.
// 0. This approximation gives enough precision for float.
// 1. This works around an issue on an embedded chipset where exp() does not
// return correctly as expected - exp(x) should return inf when overflown
// not 1.701417 IEEE 754 defines representation for inf.
// 2. This will speed up calculation and is matching the behavior in the
// optimized kernels. (check the definition of scalar_logistic_op<float>)
for (int i = 0; i < flat_size; i++) {
float val = input_data[i];
float result;
if (val > cutoff_upper) {
result = 1.0f;
} else if (val < cutoff_lower) {
result = std::exp(val);
} else {
result = 1.f / (1.f + std::exp(-val));
output_data[i] = result;
// Convenience version that allows, for example, generated-code calls to be
// uniform between data types.
inline void Logistic(const LogisticParams&, const RuntimeShape& input_shape,
const float* input_data, const RuntimeShape& output_shape,
float* output_data) {
// Drop params: not needed.
Logistic(input_shape, input_data, output_shape, output_data);
inline void Logistic(const LogisticParams& params,
const RuntimeShape& input_shape, const int16* input_data,
const RuntimeShape& output_shape, int16* output_data) {
const int flat_size = MatchingFlatSize(input_shape, output_shape);
for (int i = 0; i < flat_size; i++) {
// F0 uses 0 integer bits, range [-1, 1].
// This is the return type of math functions such as tanh, logistic,
// whose range is in [-1, 1].
using F0 = gemmlowp::FixedPoint<std::int16_t, 0>;
// F3 uses 3 integer bits, range [-8, 8], the input range expected here.
using F3 = gemmlowp::FixedPoint<std::int16_t, 3>;
const F3 input = F3::FromRaw(input_data[i]);
F0 output = gemmlowp::logistic(input);
output_data[i] = output.raw();
// Quantized int8 logistic activation. Cheats by dequantizing and requantizing
// around the floating point logistic method. This implementation is slow on
// platforms without a floating point unit.
// TODO(b/141211002): Delete this int8 implementation once we can reuse the
// approach used in TFLite for int8 Logistic.
inline void Logistic(const RuntimeShape& input_shape, const int8_t* input_data,
float input_scale, int input_zero_point,
const RuntimeShape& output_shape, int8_t* output_data,
float output_scale, int output_zero_point) {
const float cutoff_upper = 16.619047164916992188f;
const float cutoff_lower = -9.f;
const int flat_size = MatchingFlatSize(input_shape, output_shape);
// Rational for using approximation in reference kernel.
// 0. This approximation gives enough precision for float.
// 1. This works around an issue on an embedded chipset where exp() does not
// return correctly as expected - exp(x) should return inf when overflown
// not 1.701417 IEEE 754 defines representation for inf.
// 2. This will speed up calculation and is matching the behavior in the
// optimized kernels. (check the definition of scalar_logistic_op<float>)
for (int i = 0; i < flat_size; i++) {
// Dequantize.
float val =
static_cast<float>((input_data[i] - input_zero_point) * input_scale);
float result;
if (val > cutoff_upper) {
result = 1.0f;
} else if (val < cutoff_lower) {
result = std::exp(val);
} else {
result = 1.f / (1.f + std::exp(-val));
// Requantize
int8_t output =
static_cast<int8_t>(result / output_scale + output_zero_point);
output_data[i] = output;
} // namespace reference_ops
} // namespace tflite