blob: 0b0dad97abc3a4227c52ad110e235f6adcd53152 [file] [log] [blame]
@page rtos_log RTOS Change Log
@section FreeRTOS FreeRTOS for MCUXpresso SDK.
The current version is Amazon-FreeRTOS 202002.00 Original package is available at <a href=""></a>.
- 202002.00_rev1
- updated iot_tls.c as per latest SSS stack v2.14. All SSS/SE05x code under conditional compilation.
- fix "#pragma weak"" issue caused by IAR update to version 8.50.5. Use __weak definition of vPortSetupTimerInterrupt instead of "#pragma weak" declaration.
- 202002.00_rev0
- update aws_iot_network_manager
- enable lowpower tickless for CA9, CM33
- 201908.00_rev0
- update amazon freertos version
- Fix freertos_tasks_c_additions.h - fix IAR build fail
- update queue.c - add definition for pvBuffer necessary for segger sysview
- iot_crypto.c - change include file to be possible include mbedtls config file defined by MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE macro
- iot_mqtt_agent.h - extend MQTTAgentConnectParams_t structure - required by se_hostlib examples
- Fixed build warnings:
- aws_dev_mode_key_provisioning.c - some variables were declared but never referenced
- aws_iot_network_manager.c - some functions were declared but never referenced
- iot_device_metrics.c - add include
- iot_pkcs11_mbedtls.c - incompatible pointer type, unused variable
- iot_demo_freertos.c - macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior
- iot_pkcs11_mbedtls.c - comparison of address not equal to a null pointer is always true
- pkcs11.h - '__PASTE' macro redefined
- changes required for se_hostlib examples
- iot_default_root_certificates.h tlsCombi_ROOT_CERTIFICATE_PEM added for se_hostlib cloud demos
- iot_mqtt_agent.h modified structure to support for clouds which use usename and password
- iot_mqtt_agent.c assigning structure to support for clouds which use usename and password
- iot_crypto.c threading alt under MBEDTLS_THREADING_ALT
- iot_tls.c Supoort for secure element handling
- aws_pkcs11_pal.c pkcs11 handling for SE050
- Introduced aws_ota_pal.c for RT1060 supporting ota_bootloader (mcu-boot)
- updated lwIP template with options for core locking
- 1.4.9_rev0
- Remove 3rd party libraries lwip, mbedtls (use MCUXpresso SDK versions).
- Add missing comments to heap_useNewlib.c.
- 1.4.7_rev0
- New features:
- Add optional allocation scheme heap_useNewlib.c by D. Nadler.
- Enable task aware debugging for cm33 platforms
- Move tickless implementation to application layer
- Other changes:
- Fix other build warnings, errors
- 1.4.6_rev0
- New features:
- Update support of CM33 port with Trustzone, MPU, FPU support
- Add support for AWS test for Cypress WiFi
- Use lwip netif api to avoid lwIP raw API calls outside of tcpip thread in aws_wifi.c
- Other changes:
- Fix issues with mflash driver
- Fix other build warnings, errors
- 1.4.0_rev1
- New features:
- Add implementation of vTaskEndScheduler for CM0 GCC port.
- Support for CM33, CM33F architectures based on CM3, CM4F ports
- 1.4.0_rev0
- New features:
- Support for pkcs11 for several platforms, secure element host library under pkcs11/portable/nxp folder
- Lwip, wifi_qca support for secure_sockets in secure_sockets/portable/nxp folder
- Flash driver support for several platforms in third_party/mcu_vendor/nxp folder
- Generic support for aws_wifi under wifi/portable/nxp/common folder
- Other changes:
- Fix several build warnings, errors
Updates applied to FreeRTOS kernel up to version 10.0.0 (up to Amazon - FreeRTOS merge).
New kernel related changes will be described in section above as part of AWS package.
- 9.0.0_rev3
- New features:
- Tickless idle mode support for Cortex-A7. Add fsl_tickless_epit.c and fsl_tickless_generic.h in portable/IAR/ARM_CA9 folder.
- Enabled float context saving in IAR for Cortex-A7. Added configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT macros. Modified port.c and portmacro.h in portable/IAR/ARM_CA9 folder.
- Other changes:
- Transformed ARM_CM core specific tickless low power support into generic form under freertos/Source/portable/low_power_tickless/.
- 9.0.0_rev2
- New features:
- Enabled MCUXpresso thread aware debugging. Add freertos_tasks_c_additions.h and configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H and configFRTOS_MEMORY_SCHEME macros.
- 9.0.0_rev1
- New features:
- Enabled -flto optimization in GCC by adding __attribute__((used)) for vTaskSwitchContext.
- Enabled KDS Task Aware Debugger. Apply FreeRTOS patch to enable configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS macro. Modified files are task.c and FreeRTOS.h.
- 9.0.0_rev0
- New features:
- Example freertos_sem_static.
- Static allocation support RTOS driver wrappers.
- Other changes:
- Tickless idle rework. Support for different timers is in separated files (fsl_tickless_systick.c, fsl_tickless_lptmr.c).
- Removed configuration option configSYSTICK_USE_LOW_POWER_TIMER. Low power timer is now selected by linking of apropriate file fsl_tickless_lptmr.c.
- Removed configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION in RVDS port. Use of __attribute__((weak)) is the preferred solution. Not same as _weak!
- 8.2.3
- New features:
- Tickless idle mode support.
- Added template application for Kinetis Expert (KEx) tool (template_application).
- Other changes:
- Folder structure reduction. Keep only Kinetis related parts.