blob: ad4da3ef2f2cd141362673badc14d4e9905f5afd [file] [log] [blame]
/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __GST_QTDEMUX_H__
#define __GST_QTDEMUX_H__
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
#include <gst/base/gstflowcombiner.h>
#include "gstisoff.h"
#define GST_QTDEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_QTDEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_IS_QTDEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_IS_QTDEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_QTDEMUX_CAST(obj) ((GstQTDemux *)(obj))
/* qtdemux produces these for atoms it cannot parse */
#define GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG "private-qt-tag"
#define GST_QT_DEMUX_CLASSIFICATION_TAG "classification"
typedef struct _GstQTDemux GstQTDemux;
typedef struct _GstQTDemuxClass GstQTDemuxClass;
typedef struct _QtDemuxStream QtDemuxStream;
enum QtDemuxState
QTDEMUX_STATE_INITIAL, /* Initial state (haven't got the header yet) */
QTDEMUX_STATE_HEADER, /* Parsing the header */
QTDEMUX_STATE_MOVIE, /* Parsing/Playing the media data */
QTDEMUX_STATE_BUFFER_MDAT /* Buffering the mdat atom */
struct _GstQTDemux {
GstElement element;
/* Global state */
enum QtDemuxState state;
/* static sink pad */
GstPad *sinkpad;
/* TRUE if pull-based */
gboolean pullbased;
gboolean posted_redirect;
QtDemuxStream *streams[GST_QTDEMUX_MAX_STREAMS];
gint n_streams;
gint n_video_streams;
gint n_audio_streams;
gint n_sub_streams;
GstFlowCombiner *flowcombiner;
/* Incoming stream group-id to set on downstream STREAM_START events.
* If upstream doesn't contain one, a global one will be generated */
gboolean have_group_id;
guint group_id;
guint major_brand;
GstBuffer *comp_brands;
/* [moov] header.
* FIXME : This is discarded just after it's created. Just move it
* to a temporary variable ? */
GNode *moov_node;
/* FIXME : This is never freed. It is only assigned once. memleak ? */
GNode *moov_node_compressed;
/* Set to TRUE when the [moov] header has been fully parsed */
gboolean got_moov;
/* Global timescale for the incoming stream. Use the QTTIME macros
* to convert values to/from GstClockTime */
guint32 timescale;
/* Global duration (in global timescale). Use QTTIME macros to get GstClockTime */
guint64 duration;
/* Total size of header atoms. Used to calculate fallback overall bitrate */
guint header_size;
GstTagList *tag_list;
/* configured playback region */
GstSegment segment;
/* The SEGMENT_EVENT from upstream *OR* generated from segment (above) */
GstEvent *pending_newsegment;
guint32 segment_seqnum;
/* flag to indicate that we're working with a smoothstreaming fragment
* Mss doesn't have 'moov' or any information about the streams format,
* requiring qtdemux to expose and create the streams */
gboolean mss_mode;
/* Set to TRUE if the incoming stream is either a MSS stream or
* a Fragmented MP4 (containing the [mvex] atom in the header) */
gboolean fragmented;
/* PULL-BASED only : If TRUE there is a pending seek */
gboolean fragmented_seek_pending;
/* PULL-BASED : offset of first [moof] or of fragment to seek to
* PUSH-BASED : offset of latest [moof] */
guint64 moof_offset;
/* MSS streams have a single media that is unspecified at the atoms, so
* upstream provides it at the caps */
GstCaps *media_caps;
/* Set to TRUE when all streams have been exposed */
gboolean exposed;
gint64 chapters_track_id;
/* protection support */
GPtrArray *protection_system_ids; /* Holds identifiers of all content protection systems for all tracks */
GQueue protection_event_queue; /* holds copy of upstream protection events */
guint64 cenc_aux_info_offset;
guint8 *cenc_aux_info_sizes;
guint32 cenc_aux_sample_count;
GstAdapter *adapter;
guint neededbytes;
guint todrop;
/* Used to store data if [mdat] is before the headers */
GstBuffer *mdatbuffer;
/* Amount of bytes left to read in the current [mdat] */
guint64 mdatleft, mdatsize;
/* When restoring the mdat to the adapter, this buffer stores any
* trailing data that was after the last atom parsed as it has to be
* restored later along with the correct offset. Used in fragmented
* scenario where mdat/moof are one after the other in any order.
* Check */
GstBuffer *restoredata_buffer;
guint64 restoredata_offset;
/* The current offset in bytes from upstream.
* Note: While it makes complete sense when we are PULL-BASED (pulling
* in BYTES from upstream) and PUSH-BASED with a BYTE SEGMENT (receiving
* buffers with actual offsets), it is undefined in PUSH-BASED with a
guint64 offset;
/* offset of the mdat atom */
guint64 mdatoffset;
/* Offset of the first mdat */
guint64 first_mdat;
/* offset of last [moov] seen */
guint64 last_moov_offset;
/* If TRUE, qtdemux received upstream newsegment in TIME format
* which likely means that upstream is driving the pipeline (such as
* adaptive demuxers or dlna sources) */
gboolean upstream_format_is_time;
/* Seqnum of the seek event sent upstream. Will be used to
* detect incoming FLUSH events corresponding to that */
guint32 offset_seek_seqnum;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Requested upstream byte seek offset.
* Currently it is only used to check if an incoming BYTE SEGMENT
* corresponds to a seek event that was sent upstream */
gint64 seek_offset;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Requested start/stop TIME values from
* downstream.
* Used to set on the downstream segment once the corresponding upstream
* BYTE SEEK has succeeded */
gint64 push_seek_start;
gint64 push_seek_stop;
#if 0
/* gst index support */
GstIndex *element_index;
gint index_id;
/* Whether upstream is seekable in BYTES */
gboolean upstream_seekable;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Size of upstream content.
* Note : This is only computed once ! If upstream grows in the meantime
* it will not be updated */
gint64 upstream_size;
/* UPSTREAM TIME : Contains the PTS (if any) of the
* buffer that contains a [moof] header. Will be used to establish
* the actual PTS of the samples contained within that fragment. */
guint64 fragment_start;
/* UPSTREAM TIME : The offset in bytes of the [moof]
* header start.
* Note : This is not computed from the GST_BUFFER_OFFSET field */
guint64 fragment_start_offset;
struct _GstQTDemuxClass {
GstElementClass parent_class;
GType gst_qtdemux_get_type (void);
#endif /* __GST_QTDEMUX_H__ */