Copy qtmux from revision 148 of the gst-qtmux repository.

Original commit message from CVS:
patch by: Thiago Sousa Santos <>
* gst/quicktime/
* gst/quicktime/atoms.c:
* gst/quicktime/atoms.h:
* gst/quicktime/descriptors.c:
* gst/quicktime/descriptors.h:
* gst/quicktime/fourcc.h:
* gst/quicktime/ftypcc.h:
* gst/quicktime/gstqtmux.c:
* gst/quicktime/gstqtmux.h:
* gst/quicktime/gstqtmuxmap.c:
* gst/quicktime/gstqtmuxmap.h:
* gst/quicktime/properties.c:
* gst/quicktime/properties.h:
Copy qtmux from revision 148 of the gst-qtmux repository.
Fixes #550280.
diff --git a/gst/quicktime/gstqtmux.c b/gst/quicktime/gstqtmux.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a181aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gst/quicktime/gstqtmux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@
+/* Quicktime muxer plugin for GStreamer
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Thiago Sousa Santos <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Mark Nauwelaerts <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * SECTION:gstqtmux
+ * @short_description: Muxer for quicktime(.mov) files
+ *
+ * <refsect2>
+ * <para>
+ * This element merges streams (audio and video) into qt(.mov) files.
+ * </para>
+ * <title>Example pipelines</title>
+ * <para>
+ * <programlisting>
+ * gst-launch v4l2src num-buffers=500 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! qtmux ! filesink
+ * </programlisting>
+ * Records a video stream captured from a v4l2 device and muxes it into a qt file.
+ * </para>
+ * </refsect2>
+ *
+ * Last reviewed on 2008-08-27
+ */
+ * Based on avimux
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <gst/base/gstcollectpads.h>
+#include "gstqtmux.h"
+GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_qt_mux_debug);
+#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_qt_mux_debug
+/* QTMux signals and args */
+  /* FILL ME */
+  PROP_0,
+#define MDAT_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE           16
+#define DEFAULT_LARGE_FILE              FALSE
+#define DEFAULT_MOVIE_TIMESCALE         600
+#define DEFAULT_DO_CTTS                 FALSE
+#define DEFAULT_FAST_START              FALSE
+static void gst_qt_mux_finalize (GObject * object);
+static GstStateChangeReturn gst_qt_mux_change_state (GstElement * element,
+    GstStateChange transition);
+/* property functions */
+static void gst_qt_mux_set_property (GObject * object,
+    guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
+static void gst_qt_mux_get_property (GObject * object,
+    guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
+/* pad functions */
+static GstPad *gst_qt_mux_request_new_pad (GstElement * element,
+    GstPadTemplate * templ, const gchar * name);
+static void gst_qt_mux_release_pad (GstElement * element, GstPad * pad);
+/* event */
+static gboolean gst_qt_mux_sink_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event);
+static GstFlowReturn gst_qt_mux_collected (GstCollectPads * pads,
+    gpointer user_data);
+static GstFlowReturn gst_qt_mux_add_buffer (GstQTMux * qtmux, GstQTPad * pad,
+    GstBuffer * buf);
+static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL;
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_base_init (gpointer g_class)
+  GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (g_class);
+  GstQTMuxClass *klass = (GstQTMuxClass *) g_class;
+  GstQTMuxClassParams *params;
+  GstElementDetails details;
+  GstPadTemplate *videosinktempl, *audiosinktempl, *srctempl;
+  params =
+      (GstQTMuxClassParams *) g_type_get_qdata (G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (g_class),
+  g_assert (params != NULL);
+  /* construct the element details struct */
+  details.longname = g_strdup_printf ("%s Muxer", params->prop->long_name);
+  details.klass = g_strdup ("Codec/Muxer");
+  details.description =
+      g_strdup_printf ("Multiplex audio and video into a %s file",
+      params->prop->long_name);
+ = "Thiago Sousa Santos <>";
+  gst_element_class_set_details (element_class, &details);
+  g_free (details.longname);
+  g_free (details.klass);
+  g_free (details.description);
+  /* pad templates */
+  srctempl = gst_pad_template_new ("src", GST_PAD_SRC,
+      GST_PAD_ALWAYS, params->src_caps);
+  gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, srctempl);
+  if (params->audio_sink_caps) {
+    audiosinktempl = gst_pad_template_new ("audio_%d",
+        GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_REQUEST, params->audio_sink_caps);
+    gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, audiosinktempl);
+  }
+  if (params->video_sink_caps) {
+    videosinktempl = gst_pad_template_new ("video_%d",
+        GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_REQUEST, params->video_sink_caps);
+    gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, videosinktempl);
+  }
+  klass->format = params->prop->format;
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_class_init (GstQTMuxClass * klass)
+  GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+  GstElementClass *gstelement_class;
+  gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
+  gstelement_class = (GstElementClass *) klass;
+  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+  gobject_class->finalize = gst_qt_mux_finalize;
+  gobject_class->get_property = gst_qt_mux_get_property;
+  gobject_class->set_property = gst_qt_mux_set_property;
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_LARGE_FILE,
+      g_param_spec_boolean ("large-file", "Support for large files",
+          "Uses 64bits to some fields instead of 32bits, "
+          "providing support for large files",
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MOVIE_TIMESCALE,
+      g_param_spec_uint ("movie-timescale", "Movie timescale",
+          "Timescale to use in the movie (units per second)",
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DO_CTTS,
+      g_param_spec_boolean ("presentation-time",
+          "Include presentation-time info",
+          "Calculate and include presentation/composition time (in addition to decoding time)"
+          " (use with caution)", DEFAULT_DO_CTTS,
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_FAST_START,
+      g_param_spec_boolean ("faststart", "Format file to faststart",
+          "If the file should be formated for faststart (headers first). ",
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_FAST_START_TEMP_FILE,
+      g_param_spec_string ("faststart-file", "File to use for storing buffers",
+          "File that will be used temporarily to store data from the stream when "
+          "creating a faststart file. If null a filepath will be created automatically",
+  gstelement_class->request_new_pad =
+      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_request_new_pad);
+  gstelement_class->change_state = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_change_state);
+  gstelement_class->release_pad = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_release_pad);
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_pad_reset (GstQTPad * qtpad)
+  qtpad->fourcc = 0;
+  qtpad->is_out_of_order = FALSE;
+  qtpad->sample_size = 0;
+  qtpad->sync = FALSE;
+  qtpad->last_dts = 0;
+  if (qtpad->last_buf)
+    gst_buffer_replace (&qtpad->last_buf, NULL);
+  /* reference owned elsewhere */
+  qtpad->trak = NULL;
+ * Takes GstQTMux back to its initial state
+ */
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_reset (GstQTMux * qtmux, gboolean alloc)
+  GSList *walk;
+  qtmux->state = GST_QT_MUX_STATE_NONE;
+  qtmux->header_size = 0;
+  qtmux->mdat_size = 0;
+  qtmux->mdat_pos = 0;
+  if (qtmux->ftyp) {
+    atom_ftyp_free (qtmux->ftyp);
+    qtmux->ftyp = NULL;
+  }
+  if (qtmux->moov) {
+    atom_moov_free (qtmux->moov);
+    qtmux->moov = NULL;
+  }
+  if (qtmux->tags) {
+    gst_tag_list_free (qtmux->tags);
+    qtmux->tags = NULL;
+  }
+  if (qtmux->fast_start_file) {
+    fclose (qtmux->fast_start_file);
+    qtmux->fast_start_file = NULL;
+  }
+  /* reset pad data */
+  for (walk = qtmux->collect->data; walk; walk = g_slist_next (walk)) {
+    GstQTPad *qtpad = (GstQTPad *) walk->data;
+    gst_qt_mux_pad_reset (qtpad);
+    /* hm, moov_free above yanked the traks away from us,
+     * so do not free, but do clear */
+    qtpad->trak = NULL;
+  }
+  if (alloc) {
+    qtmux->moov = atom_moov_new (qtmux->context);
+  }
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_init (GstQTMux * qtmux, GstQTMuxClass * qtmux_klass)
+  GstElementClass *klass = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (qtmux_klass);
+  GstPadTemplate *templ;
+  GstCaps *caps;
+  templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "src");
+  qtmux->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (templ, "src");
+  caps = gst_caps_copy (gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (qtmux->srcpad));
+  gst_pad_set_caps (qtmux->srcpad, caps);
+  gst_caps_unref (caps);
+  gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (qtmux->srcpad);
+  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (qtmux), qtmux->srcpad);
+  qtmux->collect = gst_collect_pads_new ();
+  gst_collect_pads_set_function (qtmux->collect,
+      (GstCollectPadsFunction) GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_collected), qtmux);
+  /* properties set to default upon construction */
+  /* always need this */
+  qtmux->context =
+      atoms_context_new (gst_qt_mux_map_format_to_flavor (qtmux_klass->format));
+  /* internals to initial state */
+  gst_qt_mux_reset (qtmux, TRUE);
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_finalize (GObject * object)
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (object);
+  gst_qt_mux_reset (qtmux, FALSE);
+  if (qtmux->fast_start_file_path)
+    g_free (qtmux->fast_start_file_path);
+  atoms_context_free (qtmux->context);
+  gst_object_unref (qtmux->collect);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
+/* FIXME approach below is pretty Apple/MOV/MP4/iTunes specific,
+ * and as such does not comply with e.g. 3GPP specs */
+ * Struct to record mappings from gstreamer tags to fourcc codes
+ */
+typedef struct _GstTagToFourcc
+  guint32 fourcc;
+  const gchar *gsttag;
+  const gchar *gsttag2;
+} GstTagToFourcc;
+/* tag list tags to fourcc matching */
+static const GstTagToFourcc tag_matches[] = {
+  {FOURCC__day, GST_TAG_DATE,},
+  {0, NULL,}
+/* qtdemux produces these for atoms it cannot parse */
+#define GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG "private-qt-tag"
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_add_metadata_tags (GstQTMux * qtmux, const GstTagList * list)
+  guint32 fourcc;
+  gint i;
+  const gchar *tag, *tag2;
+  for (i = 0; tag_matches[i].fourcc; i++) {
+    fourcc = tag_matches[i].fourcc;
+    tag = tag_matches[i].gsttag;
+    tag2 = tag_matches[i].gsttag2;
+    switch (gst_tag_get_type (tag)) {
+        /* strings */
+      case G_TYPE_STRING:
+      {
+        gchar *str;
+        if (!gst_tag_list_get_string (list, tag, &str))
+          break;
+        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding tag %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT " -> %s",
+            GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fourcc), str);
+        atom_moov_add_str_tag (qtmux->moov, fourcc, str);
+        g_free (str);
+        break;
+      }
+        /* double */
+      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+      {
+        gdouble value;
+        if (!gst_tag_list_get_double (list, tag, &value))
+          break;
+        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding tag %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT " -> %u",
+            GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fourcc), (gint) value);
+        atom_moov_add_uint_tag (qtmux->moov, fourcc, 21, (gint) value);
+        break;
+      }
+        /* paired unsigned integers */
+      case G_TYPE_UINT:
+      {
+        guint value;
+        guint count;
+        if (!gst_tag_list_get_uint (list, tag, &value) ||
+            !gst_tag_list_get_uint (list, tag2, &count))
+          break;
+        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding tag %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT " -> %u/%u",
+            GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fourcc), value, count);
+        atom_moov_add_uint_tag (qtmux->moov, fourcc, 0,
+            value << 16 | (count & 0xFFFF));
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+      {
+        if (gst_tag_get_type (tag) == GST_TYPE_DATE) {
+          GDate *date;
+          GDateYear year;
+          GDateMonth month;
+          GDateDay day;
+          gchar *str;
+          if (!gst_tag_list_get_date (list, tag, &date))
+            break;
+          year = g_date_get_year (date);
+          month = g_date_get_month (date);
+          day = g_date_get_day (date);
+          if (year == G_DATE_BAD_YEAR && month == G_DATE_BAD_MONTH &&
+              day == G_DATE_BAD_DAY) {
+            GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "invalid date in tag");
+            break;
+          }
+          str = g_strdup_printf ("%u-%u-%u", year, month, day);
+          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding tag %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT " -> %s",
+              GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fourcc), str);
+          atom_moov_add_str_tag (qtmux->moov, fourcc, str);
+        } else if (gst_tag_get_type (tag) == GST_TYPE_BUFFER) {
+          GValue value = { 0, };
+          GstBuffer *buf;
+          GstCaps *caps;
+          GstStructure *structure;
+          gint flags = 0;
+          if (!gst_tag_list_copy_value (&value, list, tag))
+            break;
+          buf = gst_value_get_buffer (&value);
+          if (!buf)
+            goto done;
+          caps = gst_buffer_get_caps (buf);
+          if (!caps) {
+            GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "preview image without caps");
+            goto done;
+          }
+          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "preview image caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);
+          structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
+          if (gst_structure_has_name (structure, "image/jpeg"))
+            flags = 13;
+          else if (gst_structure_has_name (structure, "image/png"))
+            flags = 14;
+          gst_caps_unref (caps);
+          if (!flags) {
+            GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "preview image format not supported");
+            goto done;
+          }
+          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding tag %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT
+              " -> image size %d", GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fourcc),
+              GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf));
+          atom_moov_add_tag (qtmux->moov, fourcc, flags, GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf),
+              GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf));
+        done:
+          g_value_unset (&value);
+        } else
+          g_assert_not_reached ();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* add unparsed blobs if present */
+  if (gst_tag_exists (GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG)) {
+    guint num_tags;
+    num_tags = gst_tag_list_get_tag_size (list, GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_tags; ++i) {
+      const GValue *val;
+      GstBuffer *buf;
+      GstCaps *caps = NULL;
+      val = gst_tag_list_get_value_index (list, GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG, i);
+      buf = (GstBuffer *) gst_value_get_mini_object (val);
+      if (buf && (caps = gst_buffer_get_caps (buf))) {
+        GstStructure *s;
+        const gchar *style = NULL;
+        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Found private tag %d/%d; size %d, caps %"
+            GST_PTR_FORMAT, i, num_tags, GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf), caps);
+        s = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
+        if (s && (style = gst_structure_get_string (s, "style"))) {
+          /* FIXME make into a parameter */
+          if (strcmp (style, "itunes") == 0) {
+            GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding private tag");
+            atom_moov_add_blob_tag (qtmux->moov, GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf),
+                GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf));
+          }
+        }
+        gst_caps_unref (caps);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+ * Gets the tagsetter iface taglist and puts the known tags
+ * into the output stream
+ */
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_setup_metadata (GstQTMux * qtmux)
+  const GstTagList *user_tags;
+  GstTagList *mixedtags = NULL;
+  GstTagMergeMode merge_mode;
+  user_tags = gst_tag_setter_get_tag_list (GST_TAG_SETTER (qtmux));
+  merge_mode = gst_tag_setter_get_tag_merge_mode (GST_TAG_SETTER (qtmux));
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "merging tags, merge mode = %d", merge_mode);
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "event tags: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, qtmux->tags);
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "set   tags: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, user_tags);
+  mixedtags = gst_tag_list_merge (user_tags, qtmux->tags, merge_mode);
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "final tags: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, mixedtags);
+  if (mixedtags && !gst_tag_list_is_empty (mixedtags)) {
+    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Parsing tags");
+    gst_qt_mux_add_metadata_tags (qtmux, mixedtags);
+  } else {
+    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "No tags found");
+  }
+  if (mixedtags)
+    gst_tag_list_free (mixedtags);
+  return;
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (GstQTMux * qtmux, GstBuffer * buf, guint64 * offset,
+    gboolean mind_fast)
+  GstFlowReturn res;
+  guint8 *data;
+  guint size;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+  data = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf);
+  size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf);
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "sending buffer size %d", size);
+  if (mind_fast && qtmux->fast_start_file) {
+    gint ret;
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "to temporary file");
+    ret = fwrite (data, sizeof (guint8), size, qtmux->fast_start_file);
+    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+    if (ret != size)
+      goto write_error;
+    else
+      res = GST_FLOW_OK;
+  } else {
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "downstream");
+    gst_buffer_set_caps (buf, GST_PAD_CAPS (qtmux->srcpad));
+    res = gst_pad_push (qtmux->srcpad, buf);
+  }
+  if (offset)
+    *offset += size;
+  return res;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+        ("Failed to write to temporary file"), GST_ERROR_SYSTEM);
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_send_buffered_data (GstQTMux * qtmux, guint64 * offset)
+  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+  GstBuffer *buf = NULL;
+  if (fflush (qtmux->fast_start_file))
+    goto flush_failed;
+  if (fseek (qtmux->fast_start_file, 0, SEEK_SET))
+    goto seek_failed;
+  /* hm, this could all take a really really long time,
+   * but there may not be another way to get moov atom first
+   * (somehow optimize copy?) */
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Sending buffered data");
+  while (ret == GST_FLOW_OK) {
+    gint r;
+    const int bufsize = 4096;
+    buf = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (bufsize);
+    r = fread (GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf), sizeof (guint8), bufsize,
+        qtmux->fast_start_file);
+    if (r == 0)
+      break;
+    GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf) = r;
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pushing buffered buffer of size %d", r);
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, buf, offset, FALSE);
+    buf = NULL;
+  }
+  if (buf)
+    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+  /* best cleaning up effort, eat possible error */
+  fclose (qtmux->fast_start_file);
+  qtmux->fast_start_file = NULL;
+  /* FIXME maybe delete temporary file, or let the system handle that ? */
+  return ret;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+        ("Failed to flush temporary file"), GST_ERROR_SYSTEM);
+    ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+    goto exit;
+  }
+  {
+        ("Failed to seek temporary file"), GST_ERROR_SYSTEM);
+    ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+    goto exit;
+  }
+ * Sends the initial mdat atom fields (size fields and fourcc type),
+ * the subsequent buffers are considered part of it's data.
+ * As we can't predict the amount of data that we are going to place in mdat
+ * we need to record the position of the size field in the stream so we can
+ * seek back to it later and update when the streams have finished.
+ */
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_send_mdat_header (GstQTMux * qtmux, guint64 * off, guint64 size)
+  Atom *node_header;
+  GstBuffer *buf;
+  guint8 *data = NULL;
+  guint64 offset = 0;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Sending mdat's atom header, "
+      "size %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, size);
+  node_header = g_malloc0 (sizeof (Atom));
+  node_header->type = FOURCC_mdat;
+  /* use extended size */
+  node_header->size = 1;
+  node_header->extended_size = 0;
+  if (size)
+    node_header->extended_size = size;
+  size = offset = 0;
+  if (atom_copy_data (node_header, &data, &size, &offset) == 0)
+    goto serialize_error;
+  buf = gst_buffer_new ();
+  GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf) = offset;
+  g_free (node_header);
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pushing mdat start");
+  return gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, buf, off, FALSE);
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+        ("Failed to serialize ftyp"));
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+ * We get the position of the mdat size field, seek back to it
+ * and overwrite with the real value
+ */
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_update_mdat_size (GstQTMux * qtmux, guint64 mdat_pos,
+    guint64 mdat_size, guint64 * offset)
+  GstEvent *event;
+  GstBuffer *buf;
+  /* seek and rewrite the header */
+  event = gst_event_new_new_segment (FALSE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_BYTES,
+      mdat_pos, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, 0);
+  gst_pad_push_event (qtmux->srcpad, event);
+  buf = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (sizeof (guint64));
+  GST_WRITE_UINT64_BE (GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf), mdat_size);
+  return gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, buf, offset, FALSE);
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_stop_file (GstQTMux * qtmux)
+  gboolean ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+  GstBuffer *buffer = NULL;
+  guint64 offset = 0, size = 0;
+  guint8 *data;
+  GSList *walk;
+  gboolean large_file;
+  guint32 timescale;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Updating remaining values and sending last data");
+  /* pushing last buffers for each pad */
+  for (walk = qtmux->collect->data; walk; walk = g_slist_next (walk)) {
+    GstCollectData *cdata = (GstCollectData *) walk->data;
+    GstQTPad *qtpad = (GstQTPad *) cdata;
+    /* send last buffer */
+    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Sending the last buffer for pad %s",
+        GST_PAD_NAME (qtpad->collect.pad));
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_add_buffer (qtmux, qtpad, NULL);
+    if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
+      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Failed to send last buffer for %s, "
+          "flow return: %s", GST_PAD_NAME (qtpad->collect.pad),
+          gst_flow_get_name (ret));
+  }
+  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (qtmux);
+  timescale = qtmux->timescale;
+  large_file = qtmux->large_file;
+  /* inform lower layers of our property wishes, and determine duration.
+   * Let moov take care of this using its list of traks;
+   * so that released pads are also included */
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Large file support: %d", large_file);
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Updating timescale to %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
+      timescale);
+  atom_moov_update_timescale (qtmux->moov, timescale);
+  atom_moov_set_64bits (qtmux->moov, large_file);
+  atom_moov_update_duration (qtmux->moov);
+  /* tags into file metadata */
+  gst_qt_mux_setup_metadata (qtmux);
+  /* if faststart, update the offset of the atoms in the movie with the offset
+   * that the movie headers before mdat will cause */
+  if (qtmux->fast_start_file) {
+    /* copy into NULL to obtain size */
+    offset = size = 0;
+    if (!atom_moov_copy_data (qtmux->moov, NULL, &size, &offset))
+      goto serialize_error;
+    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "calculated moov atom size %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
+        size);
+    offset += qtmux->header_size + MDAT_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE;
+  } else
+    offset = qtmux->header_size;
+  atom_moov_chunks_add_offset (qtmux->moov, offset);
+  /* serialize moov */
+  offset = size = 0;
+  data = NULL;
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Copying movie header into buffer");
+  ret = atom_moov_copy_data (qtmux->moov, &data, &size, &offset);
+  if (!ret)
+    goto serialize_error;
+  buffer = gst_buffer_new ();
+  GST_BUFFER_DATA (buffer) = GST_BUFFER_MALLOCDATA (buffer) = data;
+  GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buffer) = offset;
+  /* note: as of this point, we no longer care about tracking written data size,
+   * since there is no more use for it anyway */
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pushing movie atoms");
+  gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, buffer, NULL, FALSE);
+  /* total mdat size as of now also includes the atom header */
+  qtmux->mdat_size += MDAT_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE;
+  /* if needed, send mdat atom and move buffered data into it */
+  if (qtmux->fast_start_file) {
+    /* mdat size = accumulated (buffered data) + mdat atom header */
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_send_mdat_header (qtmux, NULL, qtmux->mdat_size);
+    if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
+      return ret;
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_send_buffered_data (qtmux, NULL);
+    if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
+      return ret;
+  } else {
+    /* mdata needs update iff not using faststart */
+    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "updating mdata size");
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_update_mdat_size (qtmux, qtmux->mdat_pos,
+        qtmux->mdat_size, NULL);
+    /* note; no seeking back to the end of file is done,
+     * since we longer write anything anyway */
+  }
+  return ret;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+    gst_buffer_unref (buffer);
+        ("Failed to serialize moov"));
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_send_ftyp (GstQTMux * qtmux, guint64 * off)
+  GstBuffer *buf;
+  guint64 size = 0, offset = 0;
+  guint8 *data = NULL;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Sending ftyp atom");
+  if (!atom_ftyp_copy_data (qtmux->ftyp, &data, &size, &offset))
+    goto serialize_error;
+  buf = gst_buffer_new ();
+  GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf) = offset;
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pushing ftyp");
+  return gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, buf, off, FALSE);
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+        ("Failed to serialize ftyp"));
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_start_file (GstQTMux * qtmux)
+  GstQTMuxClass *qtmux_klass = (GstQTMuxClass *) (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (qtmux));
+  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+  guint32 major, version;
+  GList *comp;
+  GstBuffer *prefix;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "starting file");
+  /* let downstream know we think in BYTES and expect to do seeking later on */
+  gst_pad_push_event (qtmux->srcpad,
+      gst_event_new_new_segment (FALSE, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_BYTES, 0, -1, 0));
+  /* init and send context and ftyp based on current property state */
+  if (qtmux->ftyp)
+    atom_ftyp_free (qtmux->ftyp);
+  gst_qt_mux_map_format_to_header (qtmux_klass->format, &prefix, &major,
+      &version, &comp, qtmux->moov);
+  qtmux->ftyp = atom_ftyp_new (qtmux->context, major, version, comp);
+  if (comp)
+    g_list_free (comp);
+  if (prefix) {
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, prefix, &qtmux->header_size, FALSE);
+    if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
+      goto exit;
+  }
+  ret = gst_qt_mux_send_ftyp (qtmux, &qtmux->header_size);
+  if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
+    goto exit;
+  /* send mdat header if already needed, and mark position for later update */
+  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (qtmux);
+  if (qtmux->fast_start) {
+    qtmux->fast_start_file = g_fopen (qtmux->fast_start_file_path, "wb+");
+    if (!qtmux->fast_start_file)
+      goto open_failed;
+  } else {
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_send_mdat_header (qtmux, &qtmux->header_size, 0);
+    /* mdat size position = current header pos - extended header size */
+    qtmux->mdat_pos = qtmux->header_size - sizeof (guint64);
+  }
+  return ret;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+        (("Could not open temporary file \"%s\""), qtmux->fast_start_file_path),
+    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (qtmux);
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+ * Here we push the buffer and update the tables in the track atoms
+ */
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_add_buffer (GstQTMux * qtmux, GstQTPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf)
+  GstBuffer *last_buf = NULL;
+  GstClockTime duration;
+  guint nsamples, sample_size;
+  guint64 scaled_duration, chunk_offset;
+  guint64 last_dts;
+  gint64 pts_offset = 0;
+  gboolean sync = FALSE, do_pts = FALSE;
+  if (!pad->fourcc)
+    goto not_negotiated;
+  last_buf = pad->last_buf;
+  if (last_buf == NULL) {
+    if (buf == NULL) {
+      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pad %s has no previous buffer stored and "
+          "received NULL buffer, doing nothing",
+          GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad));
+    } else {
+      GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux,
+          "Pad %s has no previous buffer stored, storing now",
+          GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad));
+    }
+    pad->last_buf = buf;
+    return GST_FLOW_OK;
+  } else
+    gst_buffer_ref (last_buf);
+  /* fall back to duration if:
+   * - last bufer
+   * - this format has out of order buffers (e.g. MPEG-4),
+   * - lack of valid time forces fall back */
+  if (buf == NULL || pad->is_out_of_order ||
+      !GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP_IS_VALID (last_buf) ||
+    if (!GST_BUFFER_DURATION_IS_VALID (last_buf)) {
+      /* be forgiving for some possibly last upstream flushed buffer */
+      if (buf)
+        goto no_time;
+      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "no duration for last buffer");
+      /* iso spec recommends some small value, try 0 */
+      duration = 0;
+    } else
+      duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (last_buf);
+  } else {
+    duration = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buf) - GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (last_buf);
+  }
+  gst_buffer_replace (&pad->last_buf, buf);
+  last_dts = gst_util_uint64_scale (pad->last_dts,
+      atom_trak_get_timescale (pad->trak), GST_SECOND);
+  /* raw audio has many samples per buffer (= chunk) */
+  if (pad->sample_size) {
+    sample_size = pad->sample_size;
+    if (GST_BUFFER_SIZE (last_buf) % sample_size != 0)
+      goto fragmented_sample;
+    /* note: qt raw audio storage warps it implicitly into a timewise
+     * perfect stream, discarding buffer times */
+    nsamples = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (last_buf) / sample_size;
+    duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (last_buf) / nsamples;
+    /* timescale = samplerate */
+    scaled_duration = 1;
+  } else {
+    nsamples = 1;
+    sample_size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (last_buf);
+    /* first convert intended timestamp (in GstClockTime resolution) to
+     * trak timescale, then derive delta;
+     * this ensures sums of (scale)delta add up to converted timestamp,
+     * which only deviates at most 1/scale from timestamp itself */
+    scaled_duration = gst_util_uint64_scale (pad->last_dts + duration,
+        atom_trak_get_timescale (pad->trak), GST_SECOND) - last_dts;
+  }
+  pad->last_dts += duration * nsamples;
+  chunk_offset = qtmux->mdat_size;
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux,
+      "Pad (%s) dts updated to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
+      GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad), GST_TIME_ARGS (pad->last_dts));
+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux,
+      "Adding %d samples to track, duration: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT
+      " size: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT " chunk offset: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
+      nsamples, scaled_duration, sample_size, chunk_offset);
+  /* might be a sync sample */
+  if (pad->sync &&
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding new sync sample entry for track of pad %s",
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad));
+    sync = TRUE;
+  }
+  /* optionally calculate ctts entry values
+   * (if composition-time expected different from decoding-time) */
+  /* really not recommended:
+   * - decoder typically takes care of dts/pts issues
+   * - in case of out-of-order, dts may only be determined as above
+   *   (e.g. sum of duration), which may be totally different from
+   *   buffer timestamps in case of multiple segment, non-perfect streams
+   *  (and just perhaps maybe with some luck segment_to_running_time
+   *   or segment_to_media_time might get near to it) */
+  if (qtmux->do_ctts && pad->is_out_of_order) {
+    guint64 pts;
+    pts = gst_util_uint64_scale (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (last_buf),
+        atom_trak_get_timescale (pad->trak), GST_SECOND);
+    pts_offset = (gint64) (pts - last_dts);
+    do_pts = TRUE;
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Adding ctts entry for pad %s: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad), pts_offset);
+  }
+  /* now we go and register this buffer/sample all over */
+  /* note that a new chunk is started each time (not fancy but works) */
+  atom_trak_add_samples (pad->trak, nsamples, scaled_duration, sample_size,
+      chunk_offset, sync, do_pts, pts_offset);
+  if (buf)
+    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+  return gst_qt_mux_send_buffer (qtmux, last_buf, &qtmux->mdat_size, TRUE);
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+    if (buf)
+      gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+    gst_buffer_unref (last_buf);
+    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+  }
+  {
+        ("Failed to determine time to mux."));
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  {
+        ("Audio buffer contains fragmented sample."));
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  {
+        ("format wasn't negotiated before buffer flow on pad %s",
+            GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad)));
+    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+  }
+static GstFlowReturn
+gst_qt_mux_collected (GstCollectPads * pads, gpointer user_data)
+  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (user_data);
+  GSList *walk;
+  GstQTPad *best_pad = NULL;
+  GstClockTime time, best_time = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
+  GstBuffer *buf;
+  if (G_UNLIKELY (qtmux->state == GST_QT_MUX_STATE_STARTED)) {
+    if ((ret = gst_qt_mux_start_file (qtmux)) != GST_FLOW_OK)
+      return ret;
+    else
+      qtmux->state = GST_QT_MUX_STATE_DATA;
+  }
+  if (G_UNLIKELY (qtmux->state == GST_QT_MUX_STATE_EOS))
+  /* select the best buffer */
+  walk = qtmux->collect->data;
+  while (walk) {
+    GstQTPad *pad;
+    GstCollectData *data;
+    data = (GstCollectData *) walk->data;
+    pad = (GstQTPad *) data;
+    walk = g_slist_next (walk);
+    buf = gst_collect_pads_peek (pads, data);
+    if (buf == NULL) {
+      GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Pad %s has no buffers",
+          GST_PAD_NAME (pad->collect.pad));
+      continue;
+    }
+    time = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buf);
+    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+    if (best_pad == NULL || !GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (time) ||
+        (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (best_time) && time < best_time)) {
+      best_pad = pad;
+      best_time = time;
+    }
+  }
+  if (best_pad != NULL) {
+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtmux, "selected pad %s with time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (best_pad->collect.pad), GST_TIME_ARGS (best_time));
+    buf = gst_collect_pads_pop (pads, &best_pad->collect);
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_add_buffer (qtmux, best_pad, buf);
+  } else {
+    ret = gst_qt_mux_stop_file (qtmux);
+    if (ret == GST_FLOW_OK) {
+      gst_pad_push_event (qtmux->srcpad, gst_event_new_eos ());
+    }
+    qtmux->state = GST_QT_MUX_STATE_EOS;
+  }
+  return ret;
+static gboolean
+gst_qt_mux_audio_sink_set_caps (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps)
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
+  GstQTMuxClass *qtmux_klass = (GstQTMuxClass *) (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (qtmux));
+  GstQTPad *qtpad = NULL;
+  GstStructure *structure;
+  const gchar *mimetype;
+  gint rate, channels;
+  const GValue *value = NULL;
+  const GstBuffer *codec_data = NULL;
+  GstQTMuxFormat format;
+  AudioSampleEntry entry = { 0, };
+  AtomInfo *ext_atom = NULL;
+  gint constant_size = 0;
+  guint esds_type = 0;
+  /* find stream data */
+  qtpad = (GstQTPad *) gst_pad_get_element_private (pad);
+  g_assert (qtpad);
+  /* does not go well to renegotiate stream mid-way */
+  if (qtpad->fourcc)
+    goto refuse_renegotiation;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "%s:%s, caps=%" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+      GST_DEBUG_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+  format = qtmux_klass->format;
+  structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
+  mimetype = gst_structure_get_name (structure);
+  /* common info */
+  if (!gst_structure_get_int (structure, "channels", &channels) ||
+      !gst_structure_get_int (structure, "rate", &rate)) {
+    goto refuse_caps;
+  }
+  /* optional */
+  value = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "codec_data");
+  if (value != NULL)
+    codec_data = gst_value_get_buffer (value);
+  qtpad->is_out_of_order = FALSE;
+  /* set common properties */
+  entry.sample_rate = rate;
+  entry.channels = channels;
+  /* default */
+  entry.sample_size = 16;
+  /* this is the typical compressed case */
+  if (format == GST_QT_MUX_FORMAT_QT) {
+    entry.version = 1;
+    entry.compression_id = -2;
+  }
+  /* now map onto a fourcc, and some extra properties */
+  if (strcmp (mimetype, "audio/mpeg") == 0) {
+    gint mpegversion = 0;
+    gint layer = -1;
+    gst_structure_get_int (structure, "mpegversion", &mpegversion);
+    switch (mpegversion) {
+      case 1:
+        gst_structure_get_int (structure, "layer", &layer);
+        switch (layer) {
+          case 3:
+            /* mp3 */
+            /* note: QuickTime player does not like mp3 either way in iso/mp4 */
+            if (format == GST_QT_MUX_FORMAT_QT)
+              entry.fourcc = FOURCC__mp3;
+            else {
+              entry.fourcc = FOURCC_mp4a;
+              esds_type = ESDS_OBJECT_TYPE_MPEG1_P3;
+            }
+            entry.samples_per_packet = 1152;
+            entry.bytes_per_sample = 2;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        /* AAC */
+        entry.fourcc = FOURCC_mp4a;
+        esds_type = ESDS_OBJECT_TYPE_MPEG4_P3;
+        if (!codec_data || GST_BUFFER_SIZE (codec_data) < 2)
+          GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "no (valid) codec_data for AAC audio");
+        else {
+          guint8 profile = GST_READ_UINT8 (GST_BUFFER_DATA (codec_data));
+          /* warn if not Low Complexity profile */
+          profile >>= 3;
+          if (profile != 2)
+            GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux,
+                "non-LC AAC may not run well on (Apple) QuickTime/iTunes");
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "audio/AMR") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_samr;
+    entry.sample_size = 16;
+    entry.samples_per_packet = 160;
+    entry.bytes_per_sample = 2;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "audio/x-raw-int") == 0) {
+    gint width;
+    gint depth;
+    gint endianness;
+    gboolean sign;
+    if (!gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", &width) ||
+        !gst_structure_get_int (structure, "depth", &depth) ||
+        !gst_structure_get_boolean (structure, "signed", &sign) ||
+        !gst_structure_get_int (structure, "endianness", &endianness)) {
+      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux,
+          "broken caps, width/depth/signed/endianness field missing");
+      goto refuse_caps;
+    }
+    /* spec has no place for a distinction in these */
+    if (width != depth) {
+      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "width must be same as depth!");
+      goto refuse_caps;
+    }
+    if (sign) {
+      if (endianness == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+        entry.fourcc = FOURCC_sowt;
+      else if (endianness == G_BIG_ENDIAN)
+        entry.fourcc = FOURCC_twos;
+      /* maximum backward compatibility; only new version for > 16 bit */
+      if (depth <= 16)
+        entry.version = 0;
+      /* not compressed in any case */
+      entry.compression_id = 0;
+      /* QT spec says: max at 16 bit even if sample size were actually larger,
+       * however, most players (e.g. QuickTime!) seem to disagree, so ... */
+      entry.sample_size = depth;
+      entry.bytes_per_sample = depth / 8;
+      entry.samples_per_packet = 1;
+      entry.bytes_per_packet = depth / 8;
+      entry.bytes_per_frame = entry.bytes_per_packet * channels;
+    } else {
+      if (width == 8 && depth == 8) {
+        /* fall back to old 8-bit version */
+        entry.fourcc = FOURCC_raw_;
+        entry.version = 0;
+        entry.compression_id = 0;
+        entry.sample_size = 8;
+      } else {
+        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "non 8-bit PCM must be signed");
+        goto refuse_caps;
+      }
+    }
+    constant_size = (depth / 8) * channels;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "audio/x-alaw") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_alaw;
+    entry.samples_per_packet = 1023;
+    entry.bytes_per_sample = 2;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "audio/x-mulaw") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_ulaw;
+    entry.samples_per_packet = 1023;
+    entry.bytes_per_sample = 2;
+  }
+  if (!entry.fourcc)
+    goto refuse_caps;
+  /* ok, set the pad info accordingly */
+  qtpad->fourcc = entry.fourcc;
+  qtpad->sample_size = constant_size;
+  /* collect optional extensions */
+  ext_atom = build_sample_entry_extension (qtpad->trak, qtmux->context->flavor,
+      entry.fourcc, esds_type, codec_data);
+  atom_trak_set_audio_type (qtpad->trak, qtmux->context, &entry,
+      entry.sample_rate, ext_atom, constant_size);
+  gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+  return TRUE;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "pad %s refused caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+    gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  {
+        "pad %s refused renegotiation to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+    gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+/* scale rate up or down by factor of 10 to fit into [1000,10000] interval */
+static guint32
+adjust_rate (guint64 rate)
+  while (rate >= 10000)
+    rate /= 10;
+  while (rate < 1000)
+    rate *= 10;
+  return (guint32) rate;
+static gboolean
+gst_qt_mux_video_sink_set_caps (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps)
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
+  GstQTMuxClass *qtmux_klass = (GstQTMuxClass *) (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (qtmux));
+  GstQTPad *qtpad = NULL;
+  GstStructure *structure;
+  const gchar *mimetype;
+  gint width, height, depth = -1;
+  gint framerate_num, framerate_den;
+  guint32 rate;
+  const GValue *value = NULL;
+  const GstBuffer *codec_data = NULL;
+  VisualSampleEntry entry = { 0, };
+  GstQTMuxFormat format;
+  AtomInfo *ext_atom = NULL;
+  guint esds_type = 0;
+  gboolean sync = FALSE;
+  /* find stream data */
+  qtpad = (GstQTPad *) gst_pad_get_element_private (pad);
+  g_assert (qtpad);
+  /* does not go well to renegotiate stream mid-way */
+  if (qtpad->fourcc)
+    goto refuse_renegotiation;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "%s:%s, caps=%" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+      GST_DEBUG_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+  format = qtmux_klass->format;
+  structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
+  mimetype = gst_structure_get_name (structure);
+  /* required parts */
+  if (!gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", &width) ||
+      !gst_structure_get_int (structure, "height", &height) ||
+      !gst_structure_get_fraction (structure, "framerate", &framerate_num,
+          &framerate_den))
+    goto refuse_caps;
+  /* optional */
+  gst_structure_get_int (structure, "depth", &depth);
+  value = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "codec_data");
+  if (value != NULL)
+    codec_data = gst_value_get_buffer (value);
+  /* FIXME: pixel-aspect-ratio */
+  qtpad->is_out_of_order = FALSE;
+  /* bring frame numerator into a range that ensures both reasonable resolution
+   * as well as a fair duration */
+  rate = adjust_rate (framerate_num);
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Rate of video track selected: %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
+      rate);
+  /* set common properties */
+  entry.width = width;
+  entry.height = height;
+  /* should be OK according to qt and iso spec, override if really needed */
+  entry.color_table_id = -1;
+  entry.frame_count = 1;
+  entry.depth = 24;
+  /* sync entries by default */
+  sync = TRUE;
+  /* now map onto a fourcc, and some extra properties */
+  if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-raw-rgb") == 0) {
+    gint bpp;
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_raw_;
+    gst_structure_get_int (structure, "bpp", &bpp);
+    entry.depth = bpp;
+    sync = FALSE;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-raw-yuv") == 0) {
+    guint32 format = 0;
+    sync = FALSE;
+    gst_structure_get_fourcc (structure, "format", &format);
+    switch (format) {
+      case GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y'):
+        if (depth == -1)
+          depth = 24;
+        entry.fourcc = FOURCC_2vuy;
+        entry.depth = depth;
+        break;
+    }
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-h263") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_h263;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-divx") == 0 ||
+      strcmp (mimetype, "video/mpeg") == 0) {
+    gint version = 0;
+    if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-divx") == 0) {
+      gst_structure_get_int (structure, "divxversion", &version);
+      version = version == 5 ? 1 : 0;
+    } else {
+      gst_structure_get_int (structure, "mpegversion", &version);
+      version = version == 4 ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    if (version) {
+      entry.fourcc = FOURCC_mp4v;
+      esds_type = ESDS_OBJECT_TYPE_MPEG4_P2;
+      if (!codec_data)
+        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "no codec_data for MPEG4 video; "
+            "output might not play in Apple QuickTime (try global-headers?)");
+    }
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-h264") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_avc1;
+    qtpad->is_out_of_order = TRUE;
+    if (!codec_data)
+      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "no codec_data in h264 caps");
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-dv") == 0) {
+    gint version = 0;
+    gboolean pal = TRUE;
+    sync = FALSE;
+    if (framerate_num != 25 || framerate_den != 1)
+      pal = FALSE;
+    gst_structure_get_int (structure, "dvversion", &version);
+    /* fall back to typical one */
+    if (!version)
+      version = 25;
+    switch (version) {
+      case 25:
+        if (pal)
+          entry.fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('d', 'v', 'c', 'p');
+        else
+          entry.fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('d', 'v', 'c', ' ');
+        break;
+      case 50:
+        if (pal)
+          entry.fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('d', 'v', '5', 'p');
+        else
+          entry.fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('d', 'v', '5', 'n');
+        break;
+      default:
+        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "unrecognized dv version");
+        break;
+    }
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "image/jpeg") == 0) {
+    entry.fourcc = FOURCC_jpeg;
+    sync = FALSE;
+  } else if (strcmp (mimetype, "video/x-qt-part") == 0) {
+    guint32 fourcc;
+    gst_structure_get_fourcc (structure, "format", &fourcc);
+    entry.fourcc = fourcc;
+    qtpad->is_out_of_order = TRUE;
+  }
+  if (!entry.fourcc)
+    goto refuse_caps;
+  /* ok, set the pad info accordingly */
+  qtpad->fourcc = entry.fourcc;
+  qtpad->sync = sync;
+  /* collect optional extensions */
+  ext_atom = build_sample_entry_extension (qtpad->trak, qtmux->context->flavor,
+      entry.fourcc, esds_type, codec_data);
+  atom_trak_set_video_type (qtpad->trak, qtmux->context, &entry, rate,
+      ext_atom);
+  gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+  return TRUE;
+  /* ERRORS */
+  {
+    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "pad %s refused caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+    gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  {
+        "pad %s refused renegotiation to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
+        GST_PAD_NAME (pad), caps);
+    gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+static gboolean
+gst_qt_mux_sink_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event)
+  gboolean ret;
+  GstQTMux *qtmux;
+  GstTagList *list;
+  qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (gst_pad_get_parent (pad));
+  switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) {
+    case GST_EVENT_TAG:
+      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "received tag event");
+      gst_event_parse_tag (event, &list);
+      if (qtmux->tags) {
+        gst_tag_list_insert (qtmux->tags, list, GST_TAG_MERGE_PREPEND);
+      } else {
+        qtmux->tags = gst_tag_list_copy (list);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  ret = qtmux->collect_event (pad, event);
+  gst_object_unref (qtmux);
+  return ret;
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_release_pad (GstElement * element, GstPad * pad)
+  GstQTMux *mux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (element);
+  /* let GstCollectPads complain if it is some unknown pad */
+  if (gst_collect_pads_remove_pad (mux->collect, pad))
+    gst_element_remove_pad (element, pad);
+static GstPad *
+gst_qt_mux_request_new_pad (GstElement * element,
+    GstPadTemplate * templ, const gchar * name)
+  GstElementClass *klass = GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (element);
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (element);
+  GstQTPad *collect_pad;
+  GstPad *newpad;
+  gboolean audio;
+  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtmux, "Requested pad: %s", GST_STR_NULL (name));
+  if (qtmux->state != GST_QT_MUX_STATE_NONE) {
+    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "Not providing request pad after stream start.");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (templ == gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "audio_%d")) {
+    audio = TRUE;
+  } else if (templ == gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "video_%d")) {
+    audio = FALSE;
+  } else {
+    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (qtmux, "This is not our template!");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  /* add pad to collections */
+  newpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (templ, name);
+  collect_pad = (GstQTPad *)
+      gst_collect_pads_add_pad_full (qtmux->collect, newpad, sizeof (GstQTPad),
+      (GstCollectDataDestroyNotify) (gst_qt_mux_pad_reset));
+  /* set up pad */
+  gst_qt_mux_pad_reset (collect_pad);
+  collect_pad->trak = atom_trak_new (qtmux->context);
+  atom_moov_add_trak (qtmux->moov, collect_pad->trak);
+  /* set up pad functions */
+  if (audio)
+    gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (newpad,
+        GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_audio_sink_set_caps));
+  else
+    gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (newpad,
+        GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_video_sink_set_caps));
+  /* FIXME: hacked way to override/extend the event function of
+   * GstCollectPads; because it sets its own event function giving the
+   * element no access to events.
+   */
+  qtmux->collect_event = (GstPadEventFunction) GST_PAD_EVENTFUNC (newpad);
+  gst_pad_set_event_function (newpad,
+      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_qt_mux_sink_event));
+  gst_pad_set_active (newpad, TRUE);
+  gst_element_add_pad (element, newpad);
+  return newpad;
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_get_property (GObject * object,
+    guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (object);
+  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (qtmux);
+  switch (prop_id) {
+    case PROP_LARGE_FILE:
+      g_value_set_boolean (value, qtmux->large_file);
+      break;
+      g_value_set_uint (value, qtmux->timescale);
+      break;
+    case PROP_DO_CTTS:
+      g_value_set_boolean (value, qtmux->do_ctts);
+      break;
+    case PROP_FAST_START:
+      g_value_set_boolean (value, qtmux->fast_start);
+      break;
+      g_value_set_string (value, qtmux->fast_start_file_path);
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+  }
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_generate_fast_start_file_path (GstQTMux * qtmux)
+  gchar *tmp;
+  if (qtmux->fast_start_file_path) {
+    g_free (qtmux->fast_start_file_path);
+    qtmux->fast_start_file_path = NULL;
+  }
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", "qtmux", g_random_int ());
+  qtmux->fast_start_file_path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), tmp, NULL);
+  g_free (tmp);
+static void
+gst_qt_mux_set_property (GObject * object,
+    guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (object);
+  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (qtmux);
+  switch (prop_id) {
+    case PROP_LARGE_FILE:
+      qtmux->large_file = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+      break;
+      qtmux->timescale = g_value_get_uint (value);
+      break;
+    case PROP_DO_CTTS:
+      qtmux->do_ctts = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+      break;
+    case PROP_FAST_START:
+      qtmux->fast_start = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+      break;
+      if (qtmux->fast_start_file_path) {
+        g_free (qtmux->fast_start_file_path);
+      }
+      qtmux->fast_start_file_path = g_value_dup_string (value);
+      /* NULL means to generate a random one */
+      if (!qtmux->fast_start_file_path) {
+        gst_qt_mux_generate_fast_start_file_path (qtmux);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+  }
+static GstStateChangeReturn
+gst_qt_mux_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition)
+  GstStateChangeReturn ret;
+  GstQTMux *qtmux = GST_QT_MUX_CAST (element);
+  switch (transition) {
+      break;
+      gst_collect_pads_start (qtmux->collect);
+      qtmux->state = GST_QT_MUX_STATE_STARTED;
+      break;
+      break;
+      gst_collect_pads_stop (qtmux->collect);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition);
+  switch (transition) {
+      break;
+      gst_qt_mux_reset (qtmux, TRUE);
+      break;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return ret;
+gst_qt_mux_register (GstPlugin * plugin)
+  GTypeInfo typeinfo = {
+    sizeof (GstQTMuxClass),
+    (GBaseInitFunc) gst_qt_mux_base_init,
+    NULL,
+    (GClassInitFunc) gst_qt_mux_class_init,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    sizeof (GstQTMux),
+    0,
+    (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_qt_mux_init,
+  };
+  static const GInterfaceInfo tag_setter_info = {
+  };
+  GType type;
+  GstQTMuxFormat format;
+  GstQTMuxClassParams *params;
+  guint i = 0;
+  GST_LOG ("Registering muxers");
+  while (TRUE) {
+    GstQTMuxFormatProp *prop;
+    prop = &gst_qt_mux_format_list[i];
+    format = prop->format;
+    if (format == GST_QT_MUX_FORMAT_NONE)
+      break;
+    /* create a cache for these properties */
+    params = g_new0 (GstQTMuxClassParams, 1);
+    params->prop = prop;
+    params->src_caps = gst_static_caps_get (&prop->src_caps);
+    params->video_sink_caps = gst_static_caps_get (&prop->video_sink_caps);
+    params->audio_sink_caps = gst_static_caps_get (&prop->audio_sink_caps);
+    /* create the type now */
+    type = g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, prop->type_name, &typeinfo,
+        0);
+    g_type_set_qdata (type, GST_QT_MUX_PARAMS_QDATA, (gpointer) params);
+    g_type_add_interface_static (type, GST_TYPE_TAG_SETTER, &tag_setter_info);
+    if (!gst_element_register (plugin, prop->name, GST_RANK_NONE, type))
+      return FALSE;
+    i++;
+  }
+  GST_LOG ("Finished registering muxers");
+  return TRUE;
+gst_qt_mux_plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
+  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_qt_mux_debug, "qtmux", 0, "QT Muxer");
+  return gst_qt_mux_register (plugin);
+    "qtmux",
+    "Quicktime Muxer plugin",
+    gst_qt_mux_plugin_init, VERSION, "LGPL", "gsoc2008 package",
+    "")