Enable gl plugins

Enable gl plugin {glbox, glsvgoverlay*} elements. Sync the
implementation to the coral/pacakges/edgetpuvision repo.

glsvgoverlay* element failed on the IS_DMABUF check (b/161188385)
glbox works and is used in the pipeline for scaling and colorconversion

Update the detection bbox drawing to match the glbox behavior

Change-Id: I2f4036c052f887e1626f33cdadca57cee594a9c1
7 files changed
tree: 9ffd66ed6f6a7ba0bc8c1fac28e0435ddfde2228
  1. debian/
  2. edgetpuvision/
  3. plugins/
  4. .gitignore
  6. MANIFEST.in
  7. README.md
  8. setup.py
  9. stdeb.cfg


Python API to run inference on image data coming from the camera.


python3 setup.py sdist python3 setup.py bdist python3 setup.py sdist_wheel

Debian pacakge

Install stdeb package by running apt-get install python3-stdeb or pip3 install stdeb. Then to generate debian folder run:

python3 setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command debianize

To build debian pacakge run:

dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -us -uc -tc