Update README.md

Change-Id: I718c8339ba60694358d9881eee00484f96ee13ef
1 file changed
tree: 04aefc3552a33d662602bf597e6597db97a4cad7
  1. .gitignore
  2. audio_recorder.py
  3. bestiary.py
  4. check.py
  5. Makefile
  6. mel_features.py
  7. raspimon_sees_faces.py
  8. raspimon_sees_things.py
  9. README.md
  10. vision.py
  11. vision_example.py
  12. voice.py
  13. voice_example.py

Raspimon + Coral

  1. Install Edge TPU runtime:
wget https://github.com/google-coral/libedgetpu/releases/download/release-frogfish/edgetpu_runtime_20210119.zip
unzip edgetpu_runtime_20210119.zip
sudo edgetpu_runtime/install.sh
  1. Install debian packages:
make deb
  1. Download model and label files:
make download
  1. Create and activate virtual environment:
make venv
source .env/bin/activate
  1. Run demo script:
DISPLAY=:0 python3 vision_example.py