shared/shell: Add non-interactive mode

This detects if any command was given as parameter, execute it and
exit disabling all other outputs:

bluetoothctl list
Controller 00:1B:DC:07:31:88 Vudentz's T460s #1 [default]
Controller B8:8A:60:D8:17:D7 BlueZ-1

It is also possible to run interactive command with use of timeout

bluetoothctl --timeout=10 advertise on
Agent registered
[CHG] Controller 00:1B:DC:07:31:88 SupportedInstances: 0x04
[CHG] Controller 00:1B:DC:07:31:88 ActiveInstances: 0x01
Advertising object registered
Tx Power: off
Name: off
Apperance: off
1 file changed