Snap for 5013136 from 3997e95254ba280cedb93a4a1ce75ff04140014b to pie-vts-release

Change-Id: I267ff2388ef76ff604f934584d146af17eab3d41
diff --git a/liblog/tests/liblog_test.cpp b/liblog/tests/liblog_test.cpp
index 597a6bb..a8a9a12 100644
--- a/liblog/tests/liblog_test.cpp
+++ b/liblog/tests/liblog_test.cpp
@@ -3180,113 +3180,6 @@
-#ifdef USING_LOGGER_DEFAULT  // Do not retest event mapping functionality
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
-// must be: '<needle:> 0 kB'
-static bool isZero(const std::string& content, std::string::size_type pos,
-                   const char* needle) {
-  std::string::size_type offset = content.find(needle, pos);
-  return (offset != std::string::npos) &&
-         ((offset = content.find_first_not_of(" \t", offset + strlen(needle))) !=
-          std::string::npos) &&
-         (content.find_first_not_of('0', offset) != offset);
-// must not be: '<needle:> 0 kB'
-static bool isNotZero(const std::string& content, std::string::size_type pos,
-                      const char* needle) {
-  std::string::size_type offset = content.find(needle, pos);
-  return (offset != std::string::npos) &&
-         ((offset = content.find_first_not_of(" \t", offset + strlen(needle))) !=
-          std::string::npos) &&
-         (content.find_first_not_of("123456789", offset) != offset);
-static void event_log_tags_test_smap(pid_t pid) {
-  std::string filename = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/%d/smaps", pid);
-  std::string content;
-  if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(filename, &content)) return;
-  bool shared_ok = false;
-  bool private_ok = false;
-  bool anonymous_ok = false;
-  bool pass_ok = false;
-  static const char event_log_tags[] = "event-log-tags";
-  std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-  while ((pos = content.find(event_log_tags, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
-    pos += strlen(event_log_tags);
-    // must not be: 'Shared_Clean: 0 kB'
-    bool ok =
-        isNotZero(content, pos, "Shared_Clean:") ||
-        // If not /etc/event-log-tags, thus r/w, then half points
-        // back for not 'Shared_Dirty: 0 kB'
-        ((content.substr(pos - 5 - strlen(event_log_tags), 5) != "/etc/") &&
-         isNotZero(content, pos, "Shared_Dirty:"));
-    if (ok && !pass_ok) {
-      shared_ok = true;
-    } else if (!ok) {
-      shared_ok = false;
-    }
-    // must be: 'Private_Dirty: 0 kB' and 'Private_Clean: 0 kB'
-    ok = isZero(content, pos, "Private_Dirty:") ||
-         isZero(content, pos, "Private_Clean:");
-    if (ok && !pass_ok) {
-      private_ok = true;
-    } else if (!ok) {
-      private_ok = false;
-    }
-    // must be: 'Anonymous: 0 kB'
-    ok = isZero(content, pos, "Anonymous:");
-    if (ok && !pass_ok) {
-      anonymous_ok = true;
-    } else if (!ok) {
-      anonymous_ok = false;
-    }
-    pass_ok = true;
-  }
-  content = "";
-  if (!pass_ok) return;
-  if (shared_ok && anonymous_ok && private_ok) return;
-  filename = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/%d/comm", pid);
-  android::base::ReadFileToString(filename, &content);
-  content = android::base::StringPrintf(
-      "%d:%s", pid, content.substr(0, content.find('\n')).c_str());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(IsOk(shared_ok, content));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(IsOk(private_ok, content));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(IsOk(anonymous_ok, content));
-#endif  // __ANDROID__
-TEST(liblog, event_log_tags) {
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
-  std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> proc_dir(opendir("/proc"), closedir);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(!proc_dir);
-  dirent* e;
-  while ((e = readdir(proc_dir.get()))) {
-    if (e->d_type != DT_DIR) continue;
-    if (!isdigit(e->d_name[0])) continue;
-    long long id = atoll(e->d_name);
-    if (id <= 0) continue;
-    pid_t pid = id;
-    if (id != pid) continue;
-    event_log_tags_test_smap(pid);
-  }
-  GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "This test does nothing.\n";
 #ifdef USING_LOGGER_DEFAULT  // Do not retest ratelimit
 TEST(liblog, __android_log_ratelimit) {
   time_t state = 0;