blob: 5b40cf6cbd4bbbb3be38b08153f025aad2cc7c36 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file tst_sm_util.c
* @author NXP Semiconductors
* @version 1.0
* @par LICENSE
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par Description
* This file implements utility functions for the example programs, not for
* the Host Library.
* @par HISTORY
* 1.0 06-aug-2013 : Initial version
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "tst_sm_util.h"
#include "nxLog_App.h"
#ifdef TGT_EDEV
#include "sm_debug.h"
* Utility function to pretty print a byte array
* @param[in] pName Name associated with the byte array to be printed out
* @param[in] pData Byte array to be printed out
* @param[in] dataLength length in byte of byte array A
* @param[in] style Style of byte array decoration (e.g. ::AX_COLON_32)
* @return Always returns ::AX_UTIL_OK
int axPrintByteArray(const char *pName, const U8 *pData, U16 dataLength, U16 style)
#if (defined(DEBUG) || defined(FLOW_VERBOSE) || defined(AX_CONSOLE_LOG)) && !(AX_EMBEDDED)
U16 i = 0;
int nBreak = 0;
char preDeco[32];
char postDeco[32];
assert(pName != NULL);
assert(pData != NULL);
switch (style)
case AX_COMPACT_16:
nBreak = 16;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, "");
case AX_COMPACT_32:
nBreak = 32;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, "");
nBreak = -1;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, "");
case AX_HEX_16:
nBreak = 16;
strcpy(preDeco, "0x");
strcpy(postDeco, " ");
case AX_HEX_32:
nBreak = 32;
strcpy(preDeco, "0x");
strcpy(postDeco, " ");
case AX_COLON_16:
nBreak = 16;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, ":");
case AX_COLON_32:
nBreak = 32;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, ":");
case AX_CARRAY_16:
nBreak = 16;
strcpy(preDeco, "0x");
strcpy(postDeco, ", ");
case AX_CARRAY_32:
nBreak = 32;
strcpy(preDeco, "0x");
strcpy(postDeco, ", ");
nBreak = 32;
strcpy(preDeco, "");
strcpy(postDeco, "");
printf("%s (LEN=%d):%c", pName, dataLength, (nBreak > 0) ? '\n' : ' ');
for (i = 0; i < dataLength ; i++)
if (i == (dataLength-1))
// The last byte to print doesn't get postDeco appended
printf("%s%02X", preDeco, pData[i]);
printf("%s%02X%s", preDeco, pData[i], postDeco);
if (nBreak > 0 )
if ((i+1) % nBreak == 0) {printf("\r\n");}
return AX_UTIL_OK;
* Convert a Byte array into an ASCII string representation of an Hexadecimal value.
* Example invocation: axConvertHexString2ByteArray(byteArray, "02AA0B", 0, 3)
* @param[in,out] string Target (byte array as ASCII string)
* @param[in] stringBufSize size of string buffer (including storage required for closing '\0')
* @param[in] byteArray Source byte array
* @param[in] nByte Length to be converted (length as amount of byte; Note: 1 byte equals 2 ASCII characters)
* @param[in] style Style of byte array decoration (only one style supported: ::AX_COMPACT_LINE)
* @retval ::AX_UTIL_OK upon successfull conversion
* @retval ::AX_UTIL_ERROR upon failure
int axConvertByteArray2HexString(char *string, int stringBufSize, const U8 *byteArray, int nByte, U16 style)
int i = 0;
// We only support one style at the moment
if (style != AX_COMPACT_LINE)
// Check whether provided stringbuffer can contain converted
if (stringBufSize < ((nByte << 1) + 1))
for (i = 0; i < nByte; i++)
sprintf(&string[i<<1], "%02X", byteArray[i]);
return AX_UTIL_OK;
* Convert an ASCII string representation of an Hexadecimal value into a bytearray.
* Example invocation: axConvertHexString2ByteArray(byteArray, "02AA0B", 0, 3)
* @param[in,out] byteArray Target byte array, caller needs to ensure buffer is of sufficient size (> \p nByte)
* @param[in] string Source (byte array as ASCII string)
* @param[in] nOffset offset in string (ASCII string offset)
* @param[in] nByte Length to be converted (length as amount of byte; note: 2 ASCII characters equals 1 byte)
* @retval ::AX_UTIL_OK upon successfull conversion
* @retval ::AX_UTIL_ERROR upon failure
int axConvertHexString2ByteArray(U8 *byteArray, const char *string, int nOffset, int nByte)
char szDummy[] = "szDummy";
char *pastConverted = szDummy; // Catch number conversion issues
int j;
for (j=0; j<nByte; j++) {
char byteAsString[3];
byteAsString[0] = string[nOffset+2*j];
byteAsString[1] = string[nOffset+2*j + 1];
byteAsString[2] = '\0';
byteArray[j] = (U8)(strtoul(byteAsString, &pastConverted, 16));
if (pastConverted == byteAsString) {
// Conversion failed
printf("(%s/%d) %s can not be converted to HEX value.\r\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, byteAsString);
return AX_UTIL_OK;
#if defined(TGT_A71CH) || defined (TGT_A71CL)
* Utility function to compare two byte arrays. Print out arrays in case they are different
* Use the macro ::AX_COMPARE_BYTE_ARRAY to invoke this function
* @param[in] aName String associated with byte array A
* @param[in] pA Byte array A
* @param[in] aLen length in byte of byte array A
* @param[in] bName String associated with byte array B
* @param[in] pB Byte array B
* @param[in] bLen length in byte of byte array B
* @param[in] style Style of byte array decoration (e.g. ::AX_COLON_32)
* @param[in] szFilename Filename of source file from which this function was invoked
* @param[in] lineNr Linenumber in source file from which the function was invoked
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 axCompareByteArray(const char *aName, const U8 *pA, U16 aLen, const char *bName, const U8 *pB, U16 bLen, U16 style, char *szFilename, int lineNr)
* Utility function to compare two byte arrays. Print out arrays in case they are different
* @param[in] aName String associated with byte array A
* @param[in] pA Byte array A
* @param[in] aLen length in byte of byte array A
* @param[in] bName String associated with byte array B
* @param[in] pB Byte array B
* @param[in] bLen length in byte of byte array B
* @param[in] style Style of byte array decoration (e.g. ::AX_COLON_32)
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 axCompareByteArray(const char *aName, const U8 *pA, U16 aLen, const char *bName, const U8 *pB, U16 bLen, U16 style)
U8 uRet = 0;
if (aName == NULL) {return 0;}
if (pA == NULL) {return 0;}
if (bName == NULL) {return 0;}
if (pB == NULL) {return 0;}
if (aLen == bLen)
if (memcmp(pA, pB, aLen) == 0)
uRet = 1;
if (uRet != 1)
printf("\r\n***** ERROR (%s != %s)\r\n", aName, bName);
#if defined(TGT_A71CH) || defined (TGT_A71CL)
printf("%s: line=%d\r\n", szFilename, lineNr);
axPrintByteArray(aName, pA, aLen, style);
axPrintByteArray(bName, pB, bLen, style);
return uRet;
* Utility function to compare a status word (of type U16) with a reference value.
* Use the macro ::AX_CHECK_SW to invoke this function
* @param[in] sw Status word to evaluate
* @param[in] expectedSw Reference status word
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p err does not equal \p expectedErr
* @param[in] szFilename Filename of source file from which this function was invoked
* @param[in] lineNr Linenumber in source file from which the function was invoked
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 axCheckSw(U16 sw, U16 expectedSw, char *msg, char *szFilename, int lineNr)
if (sw != expectedSw)
LOG_E("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
LOG_E("%s: line=%d\r\n", szFilename, lineNr);
LOG_E("***** Expected SW 0x%04x, but got 0x%04X\r\n", expectedSw, sw);
return 0;
return 1;
* Utility function to compare a value of type U8 with a reference value.
* Use the macro ::AX_CHECK_U8 to invoke this function
* @param[in] in U8 variable to evaluate
* @param[in] expected Reference value
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p in does not equal \p expected
* @param[in] szFilename Filename of source file from which this function was invoked
* @param[in] lineNr Linenumber in source file from which the function was invoked
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 axCheckU8(U8 in, U8 expected, char *msg, char *szFilename, int lineNr)
if (in != expected)
LOG_E("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
LOG_E("%s: line=%d\r\n", szFilename, lineNr);
LOG_E("***** Expected 0x%02x, but got 0x%02x\r\n", expected, in);
return 0;
return 1;
* Utility function to compare a value of type U16 with a reference value.
* Use the macro ::AX_CHECK_U16 to invoke this function
* @param[in] in U16 variable to evaluate
* @param[in] expected Reference value
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p in does not equal \p expected
* @param[in] szFilename Filename of source file from which this function was invoked
* @param[in] lineNr Linenumber in source file from which the function was invoked
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 axCheckU16(U16 in, U16 expected, char *msg, char *szFilename, int lineNr)
if (in != expected)
LOG_E("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
LOG_E("%s: line=%d\r\n", szFilename, lineNr);
LOG_E("***** Expected 0x%02x, but got 0x%02x\r\n", expected, in);
return 0;
return 1;
* Extend the byte array \p pStore with 0x00 byte(s). This is typically required when
* a big integer has - previously - been stripped from its (superfluous) sign bits.
* The caller must ensure \p expectedLength is bigger than \p actualLength
* @param[in,out] pStore Array representation of big number, to be zero sign extended.
* Size of corresponding buffer must be at least \p expectedLength
* @param[in] actualLength Length of incoming array \p pStore
* @param[in] expectedLength Zero sign extend until this length.
* @retval SW_OK In case of successfull execution
* @retval ERR_API_ERROR Requested adjustment would result in truncation
U16 axZeroSignExtend(U8* pStore, U16 actualLength, U16 expectedLength)
U16 sw = SW_OK;
int numExtraByte = (int)expectedLength - (int)actualLength;
if (numExtraByte == 0) {
// Do nothing
else if (numExtraByte < 0) {
// Flag an API error
else {
memmove(pStore + numExtraByte, pStore, actualLength);
memset(pStore, 0x00, numExtraByte);
return sw;
#if !defined(TGT_A71CH) && !defined(TGT_A71CL)
// Utility functions
void printBytestring(const char *pName, const U8 *pData, U16 dataLength)
U16 i = 0;
assert(pName != NULL);
assert(pData != NULL);
printf("%s (LEN=%d):\r\n", pName, dataLength);
for (i = 0; i < dataLength ; i++)
printf("%02X ", pData[i]);
U8 checkBytestring(U8 *pA, U16 aLength, U8 * pB, U16 bLength, char *msg)
if (compareBytestrings(pA, aLength,pB, bLength) != 0)
printf("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
printf("Bytestring are different:\r\n");
axPrintByteArray ("A", pA, aLength, AX_COLON_32);
axPrintByteArray ("B", pB, bLength, AX_COLON_32);
// assert(0);
return 0;
return 1;
// U8 *byteArray : Target byte array, caller needs to ensure buffer is of sufficient size (>nByte)
// const char *string : Source (byte array as ASCII string)
// int nOffset : offset in string (ASCII string offset)
// int nByte : length to be converted (length as amount of byte; note: 2 ASCII characters equals 1 byte)
// Obsolete function, please use axConvertHexString2ByteArray
int convertString2ByteArray(U8 *byteArray, const char *string, int nOffset, int nByte)
int j;
for (j=0; j<nByte; j++) {
char byteAsString[3];
byteAsString[0] = string[nOffset+2*j];
byteAsString[1] = string[nOffset+2*j + 1];
byteAsString[2] = '\0';
byteArray[j] = (U8)(strtoul(byteAsString, (char **)NULL, 16));
return 0;
int compareBytestrings(U8 *pA, U16 aLength, U8 *pB, U16 bLength)
assert (pA != NULL);
assert (pB != NULL);
if (aLength < bLength) {
return (-1);
else if (aLength > bLength) {
return (+1);
else {
return memcmp(pA, pB, aLength);
* Utility function to compare a status word (of type U16) with a reference value.
* @param[in] err Status word to evaluate
* @param[in] expectedErr Reference status word
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p err does not equal \p expectedErr
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 checkErr(U16 err, U16 expectedErr, char *msg)
if (err != expectedErr)
printf("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
printf("***** Expected ERR 0x%04x, but got 0x%04X\r\n", expectedErr, err);
// assert(0);
return 0;
return 1;
* Utility function to compare a value of type U8 with a reference value.
* @param[in] in U8 variable to evaluate
* @param[in] expected Reference value
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p in does not equal \p expected
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 checkU8(U8 in, U8 expected, char *msg)
if (in != expected)
printf("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
printf("***** Expected 0x%02x, but got 0x%02x\r\n", expected, in);
// assert(0);
return 0;
return 1;
* Utility function to compare a value of type U16 with a reference value.
* @param[in] in U8 variable to evaluate
* @param[in] expected Reference value
* @param[in] msg Message to print in case value \p in does not equal \p expected
* @retval 0 Upon failed execution or wrong comparison
* @retval 1 Upon successfull comparison
U8 checkU16(U16 in, U16 expected, char *msg)
if (in != expected)
printf("\r\n***** ERROR (%s)\r\n", msg);
printf("***** Expected 0x%04x, but got 0x%04x\r\n", expected, in);
// assert(0);
return 0;
return 1;
#endif // TGT_A71CH
#ifdef TGT_A70CI
char* getLifecycleStateName(U16 state)
return "SM_FACTORY";
return "SM_CONFIGURE";
return "SM_OPERATE";
case SM_DEAD:
return "SM_DEAD";
return "SM_UNKNOWN";
// this should not happen
return "";
#elif defined(TGT_A70CM)
char* getLifecycleStateName(U16 state)
switch(state) {
return "SM_FACTORY";
return "SM_CONFIGURE";
return "SM_OPERATE";
case SM_DEAD:
return "SM_DEAD";
return "SM_UNKNOWN";
// this should not happen
return "";
#elif defined(TGT_A71CH)
#elif defined(TGT_A71CL)
char* getLifecycleStateName(U8 state)
// case SM_FACTORY:
// return "SM_FACTORY";
// case SM_LOCKED:
// return "SM_LOCKED";
// return "SM_CONFIGURE";
// case SM_OPERATE:
// return "SM_OPERATE";
// return "SM_DIAGNOSTIC";
// return "SM_DEACTIVATED";
// case SM_DEAD:
// return "SM_DEAD";
// default:
// // this should not happen
// assert(0);
// return "";
char *getUserName(U8 user)
switch (user)
/* case P2_USER_UNAUTH:
return "unauth";
return "admin";
case P2_USER_HOST:
return "host";
return "";*/
#ifdef TGT_EDEV
U8 setUser(U8 targetUser)
U8 result = 1;
U16 err = 0;
sm_printf(CONSOLE, "DBG_SetUser(%s)\r\n", getUserName(targetUser));
err = DBG_SetUser(targetUser);
result &= checkErr(err, SW_OK, "err");
return result;
#endif // TGT_A70CI