blob: 02ce2e318319d086cd4d571ca5102a6aad2dac98 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00
/* OK */
#error "Only with SE051 based build"
/** Se05x_API_AeadOneShot
* Authenticated encryption or decryption with associated data in one shot mode.
* The key object must be either an AES key or DES key.
* The AEADOneShot command returns the computed GMAC (when P2 equals
* P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT) or indicates whether the GMAC is correct (when P2 equals
* P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT). The length of the GMAC is always 16 bytes when P2 equals
* When P2 equals P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT:
* * the minimum tag length to pass is 4 bytes.
* * when the GMAC tag is not correct, only the result will be returned, no output data will be present.
* Note: on applet v4.4.0, the maximum lengths are not yet enforced and might
* differ from the values listed in the C-APDU.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +=========+===========================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD or P1_AEAD_INT_IV | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT or | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | 4-byte identifier of the AESKey Secure object. |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_2] | 1-byte AEADMode |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_3] | Byte array containing input data. Maximum |
* | | | length = 256 bytes. [Optional] |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_4] | Byte array containing Additional Authenticated |
* | | | Data. Maximum length = 64 bytes. [Optional] |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_5] | Byte array containing an initialization vector |
* | | | (if P1 equals P1_AEAD) or 2-byte value |
* | | | containing the initialization vector length |
* | | | (if P1 equals P1_AEAD_SP800_108). Maximum IV |
* | | | length = 60 bytes. [Optional] |
* | | | [Conditional: required when P1 equals |
* | | | P1_AEAD_INT_IV] |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_6] | Byte array containing the GMAC tag to verify. |
* | | | [Conditional: when P2 equals |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expecting return data. |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+==============================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | Byte array containing output data. |
* +------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_2] | Byte array containing tag (if P2 = |
* | | P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT) or byte array containing |
* | | Result (if P2 = P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT) |
* +------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_3] | Byte array containing the initialization |
* | | vector (if P1 = P1_AEAD_INT_IV and P2 = |
* +------------+----------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] objectID The object id
* @param[in] cipherMode The cipher mode
* @param[in] inputData The input data
* @param[in] inputDataLen The input data length
* @param[in] aad The aad
* @param[in] aadLen The aad length
* @param[in] IV The iv
* @param[in] IVLen The iv length
* @param tagData The tag data
* @param tagDataLen The tag data length
* @param outputData The output data
* @param poutputDataLen The poutput data length
* @param[in] operation The operation
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadOneShot(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_CipherMode_t cipherMode,
const uint8_t *inputData,
size_t inputDataLen,
const uint8_t *aad,
size_t aadLen,
uint8_t *IV,
size_t IVLen,
uint8_t *tagData,
size_t *tagDataLen,
uint8_t *outputData,
size_t *poutputDataLen,
const SE05x_Cipher_Oper_OneShot_t operation);
/** Se05x_API_AeadInit
* Initialize an authentication encryption or decryption with associated data.
* The Crypto Object keeps the state of the AEAD operation until it's finalized
* or deleted. Once the AEADFinal function is executed successfully, the Crypto
* Object state returns to the state immediately after the previous AEADInit
* function.
* When P1 equals P1_AEAD_INT_IV and P2 equals P1_ENCRYPT, TLV[TAG_5] must
* includes the length of the initialization vector. In that case, the
* initialization vector is generated internally and passed back in the response
* command. When the device is in FIPS mode (see FIPS Compliance), P1 equal to
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +=========+===========================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD or P1_AEAD_INT_IV | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_ENCRYPT or P2_DECRYPT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | 4-byte identifier of the AESKey Secure object. |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_5] | Byte array containing the initialization |
* | | | vector (if P1 equals P1_AEAD or P1 equals |
* | | | P1_AEAD and P2 equals P2_DECRYPT) or 2-byte |
* | | | value containing the initialization vector |
* | | | length (if P1 equals P1_AEAD_INT_IV and P2 |
* | | | equals P2_ENCRYPT) [Optional] |
* | | | [Conditional: required when P1 equals |
* | | | P1_AEAD_INT_IV and P2 equals P2_ENCRYPT] |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | - | |
* +---------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+===============================================+
* | TLV[TAG_3] | Byte array containing the used initialization |
* | | vector. It remains valid until deselect, |
* | | AEADInit, AEADFinal or AEADOneShot is called. |
* | | [Conditional: Only when P1 equals |
* | | P1_AEAD_INT_IV and P2 equals P2_ENCRYPT] |
* +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] objectID The object id
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[in] pIV { parameter_description }
* @param[in] IVLen The iv length
* @param[in] operation The operation
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadInit(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_CipherMode_t cipherMode,
SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID,
uint8_t *pIV,
size_t IVLen,
const SE05x_Cipher_Oper_t operation);
/** Se05x_API_AeadCCMInit
* Initialize an authentication encryption or decryption with associated data.
* The Crypto Object keeps the state of the AEAD operation until it's finalized
* or deleted. Once the AEADFinal function is executed successfully, the Crypto
* Object state returns to the state immediately after the previous AEADInit
* function.AEAD in CCM mode.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +=========+==========================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_ENCRYPT or P2_DECRYPT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | 4-byte identifier of the AESKey Secure object. |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_5] | Byte array containing the initialization |
* | | | vector [12 bytes until 60 bytes] or a 2-byte |
* | | | value containing the initialization vector |
* | | | length, depending on the AEADMode of the |
* | | | Crypto Object. |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_6] | Byte array containing 2-byte AAD length. |
* | | | [Conditional: needed if AEADMode equals |
* | | | AES_CCM] |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_7] | Byte array containing 2-byte message length. |
* | | | [Conditional: needed if AEADMode equals |
* | | | AES_CCM] |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_8] | Byte array containing 2-byte tag size. |
* | | | [Conditional: needed if AEADMode equals |
* | | | AES_CCM]. |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | - | |
* +---------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* NA
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] objectID The object id
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[in] pIV { parameter_description }
* @param[in] IVLen The iv length
* @param[in] aadLen The aad length
* @param[in] payloadLen The payloadLen length
* @param[in] tagLen The tag length
* @param[in] operation The operation
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadCCMInit(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID,
const uint8_t *pIV,
size_t IVLen,
size_t aadLen,
size_t payloadLen,
size_t tagLen,
const SE05x_Cipher_Oper_t operation);
* @brief Se05x_API_AeadCCMLastUpdate
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+===============+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_UPDATE | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_3] | Byte array containing input data |
* | | | [Conditional: only when |
* | | | TLV[TAG_4] is not present] |
* | | | [Optional] |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expecting returned data. |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* NA
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[in] pInputData The input data
* @param[in] inputDataLen The input data length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadCCMLastUpdate(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID, const uint8_t *pInputData, size_t inputDataLen);
/** Se05x_API_AeadCCMFinal
* Finish a sequence of AES_CCM AEAD operations.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+==================================+=================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_FINAL | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_6] | Byte array containing tag to | |
* | | verify [Conditional] When the | |
* | | mode is decrypt and verify (i.e. | |
* | | AEADInit has been called with | |
* | | P2 = P2_DECRYPT). | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expected returned data. |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+================================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | Output data |
* | | |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_2] | Byte array containing tag (if P2 = P2_ENCRYPT) |
* | | or byte array containing Result (if P2 = |
* | | P2_DECRYPT) |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[out] pOutputData The output data
* @param[out] pOutputLen The output length
* @param tag The tag
* @param tagLen The tag length
* @param[in] operation The operation
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadCCMFinal(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID,
uint8_t *pOutputData,
size_t *pOutputLen,
uint8_t *pTag,
size_t *pTagLen,
const SE05x_Cipher_Oper_t operation);
/** Se05x_API_AeadUpdate_aad
* Update a Crypto Object of type CC_AEAD.
* The user either needs to send input data or Additional Authenticated Data
* (AAD), but not both at once.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+==================================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_UPDATE | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_4] | Byte array containing Additional Authenticated |
* | | | Data. [Conditional: only when TLV[TAG_3] is |
* | | | not present] [Optional] |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expecting returned data. |
* +------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* NA
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[in] pAadData The aad data
* @param[in] aadDataLen The aad data length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadUpdate_aad(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID, const uint8_t *pAadData, size_t aadDataLen);
* @brief Se05x_API_AeadUpdate
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+===============+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_UPDATE | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | | TLV[TAG_3] | Byte array containing input data |
* | | | [Conditional: only when |
* | | | TLV[TAG_4] is not present] |
* | | | [Optional] |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expecting returned data. |
* +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+---------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+=======================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | Output data [Conditional: only when |
* | | TLV[TAG_3] is passed as input] |
* +------------+---------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param[in] pInputData The input data
* @param[in] inputDataLen The input data length
* @param pOutputData The output data
* @param pOutputLen The output length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadUpdate(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID,
const uint8_t *pInputData,
size_t inputDataLen,
uint8_t *pOutputData,
size_t *pOutputLen);
/** Se05x_API_AeadFinal
* Finish a sequence of AEAD operations. The AEADFinal command provides the
* computed GMAC or indicates whether the GMAC is correct depending on the P2
* parameters passed during AEADInit. The length of the GMAC is always 16 bytes
* when P2 equals P2_ENCRYPT. When P2 equals P2_DECRYPT, the minimum tag length
* to pass is 4 bytes.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+==================================+=================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_CRYPTO | :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_AEAD | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_FINAL | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_2] | 2-byte Crypto Object identifier |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_6] | Byte array containing tag to | |
* | | verify [Conditional] When the | |
* | | mode is decrypt and verify (i.e. | |
* | | AEADInit has been called with | |
* | | P2 = P2_DECRYPT). | |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expected returned data. |
* +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+================================================+
* | TLV[TAG_2] | Byte array containing tag (if P2 = P2_ENCRYPT) |
* | | or byte array containing Result (if P2 = |
* | | P2_DECRYPT) |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] cryptoObjectID The crypto object id
* @param tag The tag
* @param tagLen The tag length
* @param[in] operation The operation
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_AeadFinal(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t cryptoObjectID,
uint8_t *tag,
size_t *tagLen,
const SE05x_Cipher_Oper_t operation);
/** Se05x_API_DisableObjCreation
* # Command to Applet
* # R-APDU Body
* NA
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @param[in] session_ctx Session Context [0:kSE05x_pSession]
* @param[in] lockIndicator [1:kSE05x_TAG_1]
* @param[in] restrictMode [2:kSE05x_TAG_2]
smStatus_t Se05x_API_DisableObjCreation(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, SE05x_LockIndicator_t lockIndicator, SE05x_RestrictMode_t restrictMode);
/** Se05x_API_ReadObjectAttributes
* @param[in] session_ctx Session Context [0:kSE05x_pSession]
* @param[in] objectID object id [1:kSE05x_TAG_1]
* @param[out] data [0:kSE05x_TAG_2]
* @param[in,out] pdataLen Length for data
smStatus_t Se05x_API_ReadObjectAttributes(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, uint32_t objectID, uint8_t *data, size_t *pdataLen);
/** Se05x_API_TriggerSelfTest
* Trigger a system health check for the system. When calling this command, a self-test is
* triggered in the operating system. When the test fails, the device might not respond with
* a R-APDU as the chip is reset.
* If HealthCheckMode is set to HCM_FIPS, the test will only work if the device is running in
* FIPS approved mode of operation.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+=================================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_MGMT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t`. In addition to |
* | | | INS_CRYPTO, users can set the INS_ATTEST |
* | | | flag. In that case, attestation applies. |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_DEFAULT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_SANITY | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | Payload length |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | 2-byte value from HealthCheckMode |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | 2-byte response + attested data (if INS_ATTEST |
* | | | is set). |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+================================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | TLV containing 1-byte Result. |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] HealthCheckMode The health check mode
* @param result The result of Self Test
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_TriggerSelfTest(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, SE05x_HealthCheckMode_t healthCheckMode, uint8_t *result);
/** Se05x_API_TriggerSelfTest_W_Attst
* Trigger a system health check for the system. When calling this command, a self-test is
* triggered in the operating system. When the test fails, the device might not respond with
* a R-APDU as the chip is reset.
* If HealthCheckMode is set to HCM_FIPS, the test will only work if the device is running in
* FIPS approved mode of operation.
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +============+=================================+================================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_MGMT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t`. In addition to |
* | | | INS_CRYPTO, users can set the INS_ATTEST |
* | | | flag. In that case, attestation applies. |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_DEFAULT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_SANITY | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | Payload length |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | 2-byte value from HealthCheckMode |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_5] | 4-byte attestation object | |
* | | identifier. [Optional] | |
* | | [Conditional: only when | |
* | | INS_ATTEST is set] | |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_6] | 1-byte AttestationAlgo | |
* | | [Optional] [Conditional: only | |
* | | when INS_ATTEST is set] | |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_7] | 16-byte freshness random | |
* | | [Optional] [Conditional: only | |
* | | when INS_ATTEST is set] | |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | 2-byte response + attested data (if INS_ATTEST |
* | | | is set). |
* +------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+================================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | TLV containing 1-byte Result. |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_3] | TLV containing 12-byte timestamp |
* | | [Conditional: only when C-APDU contains |
* | | INS_ATTEST] |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_4] | TLV containing 16-byte freshness (random) |
* | | [Conditional: only when C-APDU contains |
* | | INS_ATTEST] |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_5] | TLV containing 18-byte chip unique ID |
* | | [Conditional: only when C-APDU contains |
* | | INS_ATTEST] |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | TLV[TAG_6] | TLV containing signature over the concatenated |
* | | values of TLV[TAG_1], TLV[TAG_3], TLV[TAG_4] |
* | | and TLV[TAG_5]. [Conditional: only when |
* | | C-APDU contains INS_ATTEST] |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] HealthCheckMode The health check mode
* @param[in] attestID The attest id
* @param[in] attestAlgo The attest algorithm
* @param[in] random The random
* @param[in] randomLen The random length
* @param result The result of Self Test
* @param ptimeStamp The ptime stamp
* @param outrandom The outrandom
* @param poutrandomLen The poutrandom length
* @param chipId The chip identifier
* @param pchipIdLen The pchip identifier length
* @param signature The signature
* @param psignatureLen The psignature length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_TriggerSelfTest_W_Attst(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
SE05x_HealthCheckMode_t healthCheckMode,
uint32_t attestID,
SE05x_AttestationAlgo_t attestAlgo,
const uint8_t *random,
size_t randomLen,
uint8_t *result,
SE05x_TimeStamp_t *ptimeStamp,
uint8_t *outrandom,
size_t *poutrandomLen,
uint8_t *chipId,
size_t *pchipIdLen,
uint8_t *signature,
size_t *psignatureLen);
/** Se05x_API_ECDHGenerateSharedSecret_InObject
* See @ref Se05x_API_ECDHGenerateSharedSecret
smStatus_t Se05x_API_ECDHGenerateSharedSecret_InObject(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
uint32_t objectID,
const uint8_t *pubKey,
size_t pubKeyLen,
uint32_t sharedSecretID,
uint8_t invertEndianness);
* @param[in] session_ctx Session Context[0:kSE05x_pSession]
* @param[in] keyPairId keyPairId[1:kSE05x_TAG_1]
* @param[in] pskId pskId[2:kSE05x_TAG_2]
* @param[in] hmacKeyId hmacKeyId[3:kSE05x_TAG_3]
* @param[in] inputData inputData[4:kSE05x_TAG_4]
* @param[in] inputDataLen Length of inputData
* @param[in] clientVersion client version[6:kSE05x_TAG_6]
* @param[in] clientVersionLen Length of client version
smStatus_t Se05x_API_TLSCalculateRsaPreMasterSecret(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
uint32_t keyPairId,
uint32_t pskId,
uint32_t hmacKeyId,
const uint8_t *inputData,
size_t inputDataLen,
const uint8_t *clientVersion,
size_t clientVersionLen);
/** Se05x_API_WriteRSAKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteRSAKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
smStatus_t Se05x_API_WriteRSAKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
uint32_t objectID,
uint16_t size,
const uint8_t *p,
size_t pLen,
const uint8_t *q,
size_t qLen,
const uint8_t *dp,
size_t dpLen,
const uint8_t *dq,
size_t dqLen,
const uint8_t *qInv,
size_t qInvLen,
const uint8_t *pubExp,
size_t pubExpLen,
const uint8_t *priv,
size_t privLen,
const uint8_t *pubMod,
size_t pubModLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_KeyPart_t key_part,
const SE05x_RSAKeyFormat_t rsa_format,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_UpdateRSAKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteRSAKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdateRSAKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
uint32_t objectID,
uint16_t size,
const uint8_t *p,
size_t pLen,
const uint8_t *q,
size_t qLen,
const uint8_t *dp,
size_t dpLen,
const uint8_t *dq,
size_t dqLen,
const uint8_t *qInv,
size_t qInvLen,
const uint8_t *pubExp,
size_t pubExpLen,
const uint8_t *priv,
size_t privLen,
const uint8_t *pubMod,
size_t pubModLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_KeyPart_t key_part,
const SE05x_RSAKeyFormat_t rsa_format,
uint32_t version);
#define Se05x_API_WriteECKey_with_version Se05x_API_WriteECKey_Ver
/** Se05x_API_WriteECKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteECKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
smStatus_t Se05x_API_WriteECKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
SE05x_MaxAttemps_t maxAttempt,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_ECCurve_t curveID,
const uint8_t *privKey,
size_t privKeyLen,
const uint8_t *pubKey,
size_t pubKeyLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_KeyPart_t key_part,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_UpdateECKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteECKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdateECKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
SE05x_MaxAttemps_t maxAttempt,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_ECCurve_t curveID,
const uint8_t *privKey,
size_t privKeyLen,
const uint8_t *pubKey,
size_t pubKeyLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_KeyPart_t key_part,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_WriteSymmKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteSymmKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
smStatus_t Se05x_API_WriteSymmKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
SE05x_MaxAttemps_t maxAttempt,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_KeyID_t kekID,
const uint8_t *keyValue,
size_t keyValueLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_SymmKeyType_t type,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_UpdateSymmKey_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteSymmKey. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdateSymmKey_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
SE05x_MaxAttemps_t maxAttempt,
uint32_t objectID,
SE05x_KeyID_t kekID,
const uint8_t *keyValue,
size_t keyValueLen,
const SE05x_INS_t ins_type,
const SE05x_SymmKeyType_t type,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_WriteBinary_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteBinary. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
smStatus_t Se05x_API_WriteBinary_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
uint32_t objectID,
uint16_t offset,
uint16_t length,
const uint8_t *inputData,
size_t inputDataLen,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_UpdateBinary_Ver
* See @ref Se05x_API_WriteBinary. Also allows to set key version (4 bytes).
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdateBinary_Ver(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx,
pSe05xPolicy_t policy,
uint32_t objectID,
uint16_t offset,
uint16_t length,
const uint8_t *inputData,
size_t inputDataLen,
uint32_t version);
/** Se05x_API_ReadState
* # Command to Applet
* # R-APDU Body
* NA
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @param[in] session_ctx Session Context [0:kSE05x_pSession]
* @param[out] pstateValues [1:kSE05x_TAG_1]
smStatus_t Se05x_API_ReadState(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, uint8_t *pstateValues, size_t *pstateValuesLen);
/** Se05x_API_GetExtVersion
* Gets the applet extended version information.
* This will return 37-byte VersionInfo (including major, minor and patch version
* of the applet, supported applet features and secure box version).
* # Command to Applet
* @rst
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +=======+==============================+==============================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_MGMT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_DEFAULT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_VERSION or P2_VERSION_EXT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expecting TLV with 7-byte data (when P2 = |
* | | | P2_VERSION) or a TLV with 37 byte data (when |
* | | | P2= P2_VERSION_EXT). |
* +-------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+================================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | 7-byte :cpp:type:`VersionInfoRef` (if P2 = |
* | | P2_VERSION) or 7-byte VersionInfo followed by |
* | | 30 bytes extendedFeatureBits (if P2 = |
* | | P2_VERSION_EXT) |
* +------------+------------------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | Data is returned successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param pappletVersion The papplet version
* @param appletVersionLen The applet version length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_GetExtVersion(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, uint8_t *pappletVersion, size_t *appletVersionLen);
* Sends a command to the Card Manager.
* This APDU will send command to Card Manager
* # Command to Card Manager
* @rst
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | Field | Value | Description |
* +=========+===============+======================================+
* | CLA | 0x80 | |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | INS | INS_MGMT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_INS_t` |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | P1 | P1_DEFAULT | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P1_t` |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | P2 | P2_CM_COMMAND | See :cpp:type:`SE05x_P2_t` |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | Lc | #(Payload) | Payload length |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | Payload | TLV[TAG_1] | APDU to be sent to the Card Manager. |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* | Le | 0x00 | Expected response length |
* +---------+---------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Body
* @rst
* +------------+----------------------------------------+
* | Value | Description |
* +============+========================================+
* | TLV[TAG_1] | Byte array containing the Card Manager |
* | | response. |
* +------------+----------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* # R-APDU Trailer
* @rst
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* | SW | Description |
* +=============+======================================+
* | SW_NO_ERROR | The command is handled successfully. |
* +-------------+--------------------------------------+
* @endrst
* @param[in] session_ctx The session context
* @param[in] pCmdData The command input data
* @param[in] cmdDataLen The command input data length
* @param[out] pOutputData The response data
* @param[out] pOutputDataLen The response data length
* @return The sm status.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_SendCardManagerCmd(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, uint8_t *pCmdData, size_t cmdDataLen, uint8_t *pOutputData, size_t *pOutputDataLen);
/** Se05x_API_UpdatePCR
* See @ref Se05x_API_WritePCR.
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdatePCR(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, pSe05xPolicy_t policy, uint32_t pcrID, const uint8_t *inputData, size_t inputDataLen);
/** Se05x_API_UpdateCounter
* See @ref Se05x_API_SetCounterValue.
* Called to update the value of already existing object. If policy is passed,
* it should match with existing policy on object.
smStatus_t Se05x_API_UpdateCounter(
pSe05xSession_t session_ctx, pSe05xPolicy_t policy, uint32_t objectID, uint16_t size, uint64_t value);