blob: 6d937b73866c6e5ef074af8b8e9afa7d513526a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-2020 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par Description
* I2C API used by SCI2C & T=1 over I2C protocol implementation.
* - SCIIC / SCI2C is the protocol used by A71CH / A71CL family of secure elements.
* - T=1 over I2C is the protocol used by SE050 family of secure elements.
* - T=1 over I2C with GP is the protocol used by other secure elements.
* These APIs are to be implemented when porting the Middleware stack to a new
* host platform.
* @note Few APIs are only required for the SCI2C protocol and few are only
* needed for T=1 over I2C Protocol. They are marked by the defines
* ``SCI2C`` , ``T1oI2C`` and ``T1oI2C_GP1_0``
* # Convention of the APIs.
* APIs for which a buffer is input. e.g.::
* i2c_error_t axI2CWrite(unsigned char bus, unsigned char addr,
* unsigned char * pTx, unsigned short txLen);
* In the above case :samp:`pTx` is a buffer input. It is assumed that
* the lengh as set in :samp:`txLen` is same as that pointed to by
* :samp:`pTx`. This parameter is used as is and any mistake by the
* calling/implemented API will have unpredictable errors.
* APIs for which a buffer is output. e.g.::
* i2c_error_t axI2CWriteRead(unsigned char bus,
* unsigned char addr,
* unsigned char *pTx,
* unsigned short txLen,
* unsigned char *pRx,
* unsigned short *pRxLen);
* In the above case :samp:`pRx` is a buffer output and :samp:`pRxLen`
* is both input and output. It is assumed that the lengh as set in
* :samp:`pRxLen` is set to the maximum as available to the pointer
* pointed by :samp:`pRx`. This parameter is used as is and any mistake
* by the calling/implemented API will have unpredictable errors.
* @par History
#ifndef _I2C_A7_H
#define _I2C_A7_H
#include "sm_types.h"
#define SCI2C_T_CMDG 180 //!< Minimum delay between stop of Wakeup command and start of subsequent command (Value in micro seconds)
#define I2C_IDLE 0
#define I2C_STARTED 1
#define I2C_RESTARTED 2
#define DATA_ACK 4
#define DATA_NACK 5
#define I2C_BUSY 6
#define I2C_NO_DATA 7
#define I2C_NACK_ON_DATA 9
#define I2C_TIME_OUT 11
#define I2C_OK 12
#define I2C_FAILED 13
typedef unsigned int i2c_error_t;
#define I2C_BUS_0 (0)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"{
/** Initialize the I2C platform HW/Driver*/
i2c_error_t axI2CInit(void **conn_ctx, const char *pDevName);
/** Terminate / de-initialize the I2C platform HW/Driver
* @param[in] connection context.
* @param[in] mode Can be either 0 or 1.
* Where applicable, and implemented a value of 0 corresponds
* to a 'light-weight' terminate.
* In genral, this is not used for most of the porting
* platforms and use cases.
void axI2CTerm(void* conn_ctx, int mode);
/** Smarter handling of back off logic
* When we get a NAK from SE, we back off and keep on increasing the delay for next I2C Read/Write.
* When we get an ACK from SE, we reset this back off delay.
void axI2CResetBackoffDelay( void );
#endif /* FREEDOM */
#if defined(SCI2C) /* Means SCI2C SCIIC */
/** Write a byte.
* Needed only for SCI2C */
i2c_error_t axI2CWriteByte(void* conn_ctx, unsigned char bus, unsigned char addr, unsigned char * pTx);
/** Write and read only after an ACK.
* Needed only for SCI2C */
i2c_error_t axI2CWriteRead(void* conn_ctx,
unsigned char bus,
unsigned char addr,
unsigned char *pTx,
unsigned short txLen,
unsigned char *pRx,
unsigned short *pRxLen);
#if defined(SCI2C) /* Means SCI2C SCIIC */ || defined(T1oI2C)
/** Write a frame.
* Needed for SCI2C and T=1 over I2C */
i2c_error_t axI2CWrite(void* conn_ctx, unsigned char bus, unsigned char addr, unsigned char * pTx, unsigned short txLen);
#ifdef T1oI2C
/** Read a byte.
* Needed only for T=1 over I2C */
i2c_error_t axI2CRead(void* conn_ctx, unsigned char bus, unsigned char addr, unsigned char * pRx, unsigned short rxLen);
#endif /* T1oI2C */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // _I2C_A7_H