blob: 7939a7b49705e051665d7ba80f45d2f420ebd956 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file axHostCrypto.h
* @author NXP Semiconductors
* @version 1.0
* @par License
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par Description
* Host Crypto wrapper API for the A7-series security IC's
* @par HISTORY
#include "sm_types.h"
#ifdef OPENSSL
#include <openssl/cmac.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#ifdef MBEDTLS
#include <mbedtls/cmac.h>
#include <mbedtls/aes.h>
#ifdef TGT_A70CI
#include "a70ciHostCrypto.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Move this in cryptolibrary specific header files
#ifdef OPENSSL
typedef CMAC_CTX axHcCmacCtx_t;
#define HOST_ENCRYPT (AES_ENCRYPT) //!< Request encrypt operation
#define HOST_DECRYPT (AES_DECRYPT) //!< Request decrypt operation
#endif //OPENSSL
#ifdef MBEDTLS
typedef mbedtls_cipher_context_t axHcCmacCtx_t;
#define HOST_ENCRYPT (1) //!< Request encrypt operation
#define HOST_DECRYPT (0) //!< Request decrypt operation
#endif // MBEDTLS
typedef struct {
int dummy;
} axHcCmacCtx_t;
/* The error code defines follow the OpenSSL conventions */
#define HOST_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTED -1 //!< Crypto engine does not support implementation
#define HOST_CRYPTO_ERROR 0 //!< Failure
#define HOST_CRYPTO_OK 1 //!< Success
* Calculate in one shot the SHA-1 hash value of the provided input \p msg.
* SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a cryptographic hash function with a 160 bit output.
* @param[in] msg Input data whose hash value must be calculated
* @param[in] msgLen Length in byte of \p msg
* @param[in,out] pHash IN: Buffer provided by caller (at least 20 byte); OUT: Calculated hash value
* @retval HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_SHA1_Get(const U8 *msg, U32 msgLen, U8 *pHash);
* Calculate in one shot the SHA256 hash value of the provided input \p msg.
* SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a cryptographic hash function with a 256 bit output.
* @param[in] msg Input data whose hash value must be calculated
* @param[in] msgLen Length in byte of \p msg
* @param[in,out] pHash IN: Buffer provided by caller (at least 32 byte); OUT: Calculated hash value
* @retval HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_SHA256_Get(const U8 *msg, U32 msgLen, U8 *pHash);
#ifdef TGT_A70CU
#define SHA256_STATE_SIZE 32
S32 HOST_SHA256_GetPartialHash(const U8 *msg, U32 msgLen, U8 *pHashState, U32 *pNumProcessedMsgBytes);
* Calculate in one shot the AES-128 based CMAC of \p mMsg.
* @param[in] pKey 128 bit AES key
* @param[in] keySizeInBytes Currently only a keysize of 16 is supported
* @param[in] pMsg input data to me mac'd
* @param[in] msgLen length of input data in bytes
* @param[in,out] pMac IN: Buffer of at least 16 byte; OUT: Calculated CMAC value (16 byte long)
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Get(const U8 *pKey, U8 keySizeInBytes, const U8 *pMsg, U32 msgLen, U8 *pMac);
* Initialize AES-128 based CMAC primitive
* @param[out] ctx Pointer to context (double indirection)
* @param[in] pKey 128 bit AES key
* @param[in] keySizeInBytes Currently only 16 is supported
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Init(axHcCmacCtx_t **ctx, const U8 *pKey, U8 keySizeInBytes);
* Update/Append to data that must be mac'd
* @param[in] ctx Pointer to context
* @param[in] pMsg
* @param[in] msgLen
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Update(axHcCmacCtx_t *ctx, const U8 *pMsg, U32 msgLen);
* Retrieve the mac value and clean up/free the context
* @param[in] ctx Pointer to context
* @param[out] pMac
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Finish(axHcCmacCtx_t *ctx, U8 *pMac);
* Decrypt the provided ciphertext (assumed to be a block of 16 byte) using AES in ECB mode
* @param[in,out] plainText
* @param[in] cipherText
* @param[in] key
* @param[in] keyLen
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AES_ECB_DECRYPT(U8 *plainText, const U8 *cipherText, const U8 *key, U32 keyLen);
* Encrypt the provided plaintext (assumed to be a block of 16 byte) using AES in ECB mode
* @param[in] plainText
* @param[in,out] cipherText
* @param[in] key
* @param[in] keyLen
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AES_ECB_ENCRYPT(const U8 *plainText, U8 *cipherText, const U8 *key, U32 keyLen);
* Encrypt/Decrypt the provided plaintext \p pIn using AES-128 in CBC mode
* @param[in] pKey
* @param[in] keyLen Currently only a keysize of 16 byte is supported
* @param[in] pIv Initialization vector
* @param[in] dir Either ::HOST_ENCRYPT or ::HOST_DECRYPT
* @param[in] pIn input data
* @param[in] inLen
* @param[in,out] pOut
* @retval ::ERR_API_ERROR
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AES_CBC_Process(const U8 *pKey, U32 keyLen, const U8 *pIv, U8 dir, const U8 *pIn, U32 inLen, U8 *pOut);
* Fill up the provided buffer \p pRandom with \p inLen byte of random data
* @param[in] inLen number (in byte) of random data requested
* @param[in,out] pRandom IN: buffer of at least inLen size; OUT: retrieved random data
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTED Random not supported by Crypto Engine
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_GetRandom(U32 inLen, U8 * pRandom);
* Encrypt/Decrypt the provided plaintext \p pIn using AES-128 in ecb mode
* @param[in] pKey
* @param[in] keyLen Currently only a keysize of 16 byte is supported
* @param[in] pIv Initialization vector
* @param[in] dir Either ::HOST_ENCRYPT or ::HOST_DECRYPT
* @param[in] pIn input data
* @param[in] inLen
* @param[in,out] pOut
* @retval ::ERR_API_ERROR
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AES_ECB_Process(const U8 *pKey, U32 keyLen, const U8 *pIv, U8 dir, const U8 *pIn, U32 inLen, U8 *pOut);
* Encrypt/Decrypt the provided plaintext \p pIn using Triple-DES keu in cbc mode
* @param[in] pKey
* @param[in] keyLen Currently only a keysize of 16 byte is supported
* @param[in] pIv Initialization vector
* @param[in] dir Either ::HOST_ENCRYPT or ::HOST_DECRYPT
* @param[in] pIn input data
* @param[in] inLen
* @param[in,out] pOut
* @retval ::ERR_API_ERROR
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_3DES_CBC_Process(const U8 *pKey, U32 keyLen, const U8 *pIv, U8 dir, const U8 *pIn, U32 inLen, U8 *pOut);
* Encrypt/Decrypt the provided plaintext \p pIn using Triple-DES keu in ecb mode
* @param[in] pKey
* @param[in] keyLen Currently only a keysize of 16 byte is supported
* @param[in] pIv Initialization vector
* @param[in] dir Either ::HOST_ENCRYPT or ::HOST_DECRYPT
* @param[in] pIn input data
* @param[in] inLen
* @param[in,out] pOut
* @retval ::ERR_API_ERROR
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_3DES_ECB_Process(const U8 *pKey, U32 keyLen, const U8 *pIv,
U8 dir, const U8 *pIn, U32 inLen, U8 *pOut);
* Calculate in one shot the DES based CMAC of \p mMsg.
* @param[in] pKey the DES key
* @param[in] keySizeInBytes the key size
* @param[in] pMsg input data to me mac'd
* @param[in] msgLen length of input data in bytes
* @param[in,out] pMac IN: Buffer of at least 8 byte; OUT: Calculated CMAC value (8 byte long)
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Get_Des(const U8 *pKey, U8 keySizeInBytes, const U8 *pMsg, U32 msgLen, U8* pMac);
* Initialize DES based CMAC primitive
* @param[out] ctx Pointer to context (double indirection)
* @param[in] pKey the key
* @param[in] keySizeInBytes the key size
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_CMAC_Init_Des(axHcCmacCtx_t **ctx, const U8 *pKey, U8 keySizeInBytes);
* Wrap data with an AES wrapping key according to RFC 3394
* @param[in] wrapKey the AES wrapping key
* @param[in] wrapKeyLen the key size
* @param[in,out] out buffer to contain the wrapped data
* @param[in,out] outLen the wrapped data length
* @param[in] in input data to me wrapped
* @param[in] inLen the length of input data in bytes
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AesWrapKeyRFC3394(const U8 *wrapKey, U16 wrapKeyLen, U8 *out, U16 *outLen, const U8 *in, U16 inLen);
* Wrap data with an AES wrapping key according to RFC 3394, with a give IV
* @param[in] wrapKey the AES wrapping key
* @param[in] wrapKeyLen the key size
* @param[in] iv the Initialization Vector
* @param[in,out] out buffer to contain the wrapped data
* @param[in,out] outLen the wrapped data length
* @param[in] in input data to me wrapped
* @param[in] inLen the length of input data in bytes
* @retval ::ERR_MEMORY
* @retval ::HOST_CRYPTO_OK
S32 HOST_AesWrapKeyRFC3394WithIV(const U8 *wrapKey, U16 wrapKeyLen, U8* iv, U8 *out, U16 *outLen, const U8 *in, U16 inLen);
#ifdef __cplusplus