blob: 20631b3026e07f8c21d4bd064e6fd98f082a7124 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019,2020 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/** @file */
#ifndef SE05x_ENUMS_H
#define SE05x_ENUMS_H
#include <Applet_SE050_Ver.h>
/* + more or less machine Generated */
/** Reserved idendntifiers of the Applet */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_AppletResID_NA = 0,
/** An authentication object which allows the user to switch
* LockState of the applet. The LockState defines whether the
* applet is transport locked or not. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_TRANSPORT = 0x7FFF0200,
/** A device unique NIST P-256 key pair which contains SK.SE.ECKA
* and PK.SE.ECKA in ECKey session context. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_KP_ECKEY_USER = 0x7FFF0201,
/** A device unique NIST P-256 key pair which contains SK.SE.ECKA
* and PK.SE.ECKA in ECKey session context; A constant card
* challenge (all zeroes) is applicable. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_KP_ECKEY_IMPORT = 0x7FFF0202,
/* Reserved Key @ location 0x7FFF0203 */
/** An authentication object which allows the user to change the
applet variant. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_FEATURE = 0x7FFF0204,
/** An authentication object which allows the user to delete all
objects, except trust provisioned by NXP objects. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_FACTORY_RESET = 0x7FFF0205,
/** A BinaryFile Secure Object which holds the device unique
* ID. This file cannot be overwritten or deleted. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_UNIQUE_ID = 0x7FFF0206,
/** An authentication object which allows the user to change the
* platform SCP requirements, i.e. make platform SCP mandatory or
* not, using SetPlatformSCPRequest. Mandatory means full security,
* i.e. command & response MAC and encryption. Only SCP03 will be
* sufficient. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_PLATFORM_SCP = 0x7FFF0207,
/** An authentication object which grants access to the I2C master
* feature. If the credential is not present, access to I2C master
* is allowed in general. Otherwise, a session using this
* credential shall be established and I2CM commands shall be sent
* within this session. */
kSE05x_AppletResID_I2CM_ACCESS = 0x7FFF0208,
/** An authentication object which grants access to the
* SetLockState command */
kSE05x_AppletResID_RESTRICT = 0x7FFF020A,
} SE05x_AppletResID_t;
/** Mapping of 2 byte return code */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_SW12_NA = 0,
/** No Error */
kSE05x_SW12_NO_ERROR = 0x9000,
/** Conditions not satisfied */
/** Security status not satisfied. */
kSE05x_SW12_SECURITY_STATUS = 0x6982,
/** Wrong data provided. */
kSE05x_SW12_WRONG_DATA = 0x6A80,
/** Data invalid - policy set invalid for the given object */
kSE05x_SW12_DATA_INVALID = 0x6984,
/** Command not allowed - access denied based on object policy */
} SE05x_SW12_t;
/** Values for INS in ISO7816 APDU */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_INS_NA = 0,
/** 3 MSBit for instruction characteristics. */
/** 5 LSBit for instruction */
/** Mask for transient object creation, can only be combined with INS_WRITE. */
kSE05x_INS_TRANSIENT = 0x80,
/** Mask for authentication object creation, can only be combined with INS_WRITE */
kSE05x_INS_AUTH_OBJECT = 0x40,
/** Mask for getting attestation data. */
kSE05x_INS_ATTEST = 0x20,
/** Write or create a persistent object. */
kSE05x_INS_WRITE = 0x01,
/** Read the object */
kSE05x_INS_READ = 0x02,
/** Perform Security Operation */
kSE05x_INS_CRYPTO = 0x03,
/** General operation */
kSE05x_INS_MGMT = 0x04,
/** Process session command */
kSE05x_INS_PROCESS = 0x05,
} SE05x_INS_t;
/** Values for P1 in ISO7816 APDU */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_P1_NA = 0,
/** Highest bit not used */
kSE05x_P1_UNUSED = 0x80,
/** 2 MSBit for key type */
kSE05x_P1_MASK_KEY_TYPE = 0x60,
/** 5 LSBit for credential type */
kSE05x_P1_MASK_CRED_TYPE = 0x1F,
/** Key pair (private key + public key) */
kSE05x_P1_KEY_PAIR = 0x60,
/** Private key */
kSE05x_P1_PRIVATE = 0x40,
/** Public key */
kSE05x_P1_PUBLIC = 0x20,
kSE05x_P1_DEFAULT = 0x00,
kSE05x_P1_EC = 0x01,
kSE05x_P1_RSA = 0x02,
kSE05x_P1_AES = 0x03,
kSE05x_P1_DES = 0x04,
kSE05x_P1_HMAC = 0x05,
kSE05x_P1_BINARY = 0x06,
kSE05x_P1_UserID = 0x07,
kSE05x_P1_COUNTER = 0x08,
kSE05x_P1_PCR = 0x09,
kSE05x_P1_CURVE = 0x0B,
kSE05x_P1_SIGNATURE = 0x0C,
kSE05x_P1_MAC = 0x0D,
kSE05x_P1_CIPHER = 0x0E,
kSE05x_P1_TLS = 0x0F,
kSE05x_P1_CRYPTO_OBJ = 0x10,
#if SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00
/** Applet >= 4.4 */
kSE05x_P1_AEAD = 0x11,
/** Applet >= 4.4 */
kSE05x_P1_AEAD_SP800_38D = 0x12,
#endif /* SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00 */
} SE05x_P1_t;
/** Values for P2 in ISO7816 APDU */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_P2_DEFAULT = 0x00,
kSE05x_P2_GENERATE = 0x03,
kSE05x_P2_CREATE = 0x04,
kSE05x_P2_SIZE = 0x07,
kSE05x_P2_SIGN = 0x09,
kSE05x_P2_VERIFY = 0x0A,
kSE05x_P2_INIT = 0x0B,
kSE05x_P2_UPDATE = 0x0C,
kSE05x_P2_FINAL = 0x0D,
kSE05x_P2_ONESHOT = 0x0E,
kSE05x_P2_DH = 0x0F,
kSE05x_P2_DIVERSIFY = 0x10,
// kSE05x_P2_AUTH_PART1 = 0x11,
kSE05x_P2_AUTH_FIRST_PART2 = 0x12,
kSE05x_P2_DUMP_KEY = 0x14,
kSE05x_P2_CHANGE_KEY_PART1 = 0x15,
kSE05x_P2_CHANGE_KEY_PART2 = 0x16,
kSE05x_P2_KILL_AUTH = 0x17,
kSE05x_P2_IMPORT = 0x18,
kSE05x_P2_EXPORT = 0x19,
kSE05x_P2_VERSION = 0x20,
kSE05x_P2_VERSION_EXT = 0x21,
kSE05x_P2_MEMORY = 0x22,
kSE05x_P2_LIST = 0x25,
kSE05x_P2_TYPE = 0x26,
kSE05x_P2_EXIST = 0x27,
kSE05x_P2_DELETE_OBJECT = 0x28,
kSE05x_P2_DELETE_ALL = 0x2A,
kSE05x_P2_SESSION_UserID = 0x2C,
kSE05x_P2_HKDF = 0x2D,
kSE05x_P2_PBKDF = 0x2E,
/* Applet >= 4.4 */
kSE05x_P2_I2CM = 0x30,
kSE05x_P2_I2CM_ATTESTED = 0x31,
kSE05x_P2_MAC = 0x32,
kSE05x_P2_CURVE_LIST = 0x34,
kSE05x_P2_SIGN_ECDAA = 0x35,
kSE05x_P2_ID = 0x36,
kSE05x_P2_ATTEST = 0x3A,
kSE05x_P2_ATTRIBUTES = 0x3B,
kSE05x_P2_CPLC = 0x3C,
kSE05x_P2_TIME = 0x3D,
kSE05x_P2_TRANSPORT = 0x3E,
kSE05x_P2_VARIANT = 0x3F,
kSE05x_P2_PARAM = 0x40,
kSE05x_P2_DELETE_CURVE = 0x41,
kSE05x_P2_ENCRYPT = 0x42,
kSE05x_P2_DECRYPT = 0x43,
kSE05x_P2_VALIDATE = 0x44,
kSE05x_P2_CRYPTO_LIST = 0x47,
kSE05x_P2_RANDOM = 0x49,
kSE05x_P2_TLS_PMS = 0x4A,
kSE05x_P2_TLS_PRF_CLI_RND = 0x4D,
kSE05x_P2_TLS_PRF_SRV_RND = 0x4E,
kSE05x_P2_TLS_PRF_BOTH = 0x5A,
kSE05x_P2_RAW = 0x4F,
kSE05x_P2_IMPORT_EXT = 0x51,
kSE05x_P2_SCP = 0x52,
kSE05x_P2_AUTH_FIRST_PART1 = 0x53,
#if SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00
kSE05x_P2_CM_COMMAND = 0x55,
kSE05x_P2_RESTRICT = 0x57,
kSE05x_P2_SANITY = 0x58,
kSE05x_P2_DH_REVERSE = 0x59,
kSE05x_P2_READ_STATE = 0x5B
} SE05x_P2_t;
/** Data for available memory */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_MemoryType_NA = 0,
/** Persistent memory */
kSE05x_MemoryType_PERSISTENT = 0x01,
/** Transient memory, clear on reset */
kSE05x_MemoryType_TRANSIENT_RESET = 0x02,
/** Transient memory, clear on deselect */
kSE05x_MemoryType_TRANSIENT_DESELECT = 0x03,
} SE05x_MemoryType_t;
/** Where was this object originated */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_Origin_NA = 0,
/** Generated outside the module. */
kSE05x_Origin_EXTERNAL = 0x01,
/** Generated inside the module. */
kSE05x_Origin_INTERNAL = 0x02,
/** Trust provisioned by NXP */
kSE05x_Origin_PROVISIONED = 0x03,
} SE05x_Origin_t;
/** Different TAG Values to talk to SE05X IoT Applet */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_TAG_NA = 0,
kSE05x_TAG_SESSION_ID = 0x10,
kSE05x_TAG_POLICY = 0x11,
kSE05x_TAG_1 = 0x41,
kSE05x_TAG_2 = 0x42,
kSE05x_TAG_3 = 0x43,
kSE05x_TAG_4 = 0x44,
kSE05x_TAG_5 = 0x45,
kSE05x_TAG_6 = 0x46,
kSE05x_TAG_7 = 0x47,
kSE05x_TAG_8 = 0x48,
kSE05x_TAG_9 = 0x49,
kSE05x_TAG_10 = 0x4A,
kSE05x_TAG_11 = 0x4B,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_AID = 0x4F,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_KEY_TYPE = 0x80,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_KEY_LEN = 0x81,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_GET_DATA = 0x83,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_DR_SE = 0x85,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_RECEIPT = 0x86,
kSE05x_GP_TAG_SCP_PARMS = 0x90,
} SE05x_TAG_t;
#ifndef __DOXYGEN__
/** Different signature algorithms for EC */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_NA = 0,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_PLAIN = 0x09,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA = 0x11,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_224 = 0x25,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_256 = 0x21,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_384 = 0x22,
kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_512 = 0x26,
} SE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_t;
/** Different signature algorithms for ED */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_EDSignatureAlgo_NA = 0,
/** Message input must be plain Data. Pure EDDSA algorithm */
kSE05x_EDSignatureAlgo_ED25519PURE_SHA_512 = 0xA3,
} SE05x_EDSignatureAlgo_t;
/** Different signature algorithms for ECDAA */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_ECDAASignatureAlgo_NA = 0,
/** Message input must be pre-hashed (using SHA256) */
kSE05x_ECDAASignatureAlgo_ECDAA = 0xF4,
} SE05x_ECDAASignatureAlgo_t;
/** Different signature algorithms for RSA */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_NA = 0,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA1_PKCS1_PSS = 0x15,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA224_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2B,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA256_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2C,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA384_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2D,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA512_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2E,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA1_PKCS1 = 0x0A,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_224_PKCS1 = 0x27,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_256_PKCS1 = 0x28,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_384_PKCS1 = 0x29,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_512_PKCS1 = 0x2A,
} SE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_t;
/** Different encryption/decryption algorithms for RSA */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_RSAEncryptionAlgo_NA = 0,
/** Plain RSA, padding required on host. */
kSE05x_RSAEncryptionAlgo_NO_PAD = 0x0C,
/** RFC8017: RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSAEncryptionAlgo_PKCS1 = 0x0A,
/** RFC8017: RSAES-OAEP */
kSE05x_RSAEncryptionAlgo_PKCS1_OAEP = 0x0F,
} SE05x_RSAEncryptionAlgo_t;
/** Size of RSA Key Objects */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_RSABitLength_NA = 0,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_512 = 512,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_1024 = 1024,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_1152 = 1152,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_2048 = 2048,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_3072 = 3072,
kSE05x_RSABitLength_4096 = 4096,
} SE05x_RSABitLength_t;
/** Part of the RSA Key Objects */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_NA = 0xFF,
/** Modulus */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_MOD = 0x00,
/** Public key exponent */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_PUB_EXP = 0x01,
/** Private key exponent */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_PRIV_EXP = 0x02,
/** CRT component p */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_P = 0x03,
/** CRT component q */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_Q = 0x04,
/** CRT component dp */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_DP = 0x05,
/** CRT component dq */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_DQ = 0x06,
/** CRT component q_inv */
kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_INVQ = 0x07,
} SE05x_RSAKeyComponent_t;
/** Hashing/Digest algorithms */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_DigestMode_NA = 0,
kSE05x_DigestMode_NO_HASH = 0x00,
kSE05x_DigestMode_SHA = 0x01,
/** Not supported */
kSE05x_DigestMode_SHA224 = 0x07,
kSE05x_DigestMode_SHA256 = 0x04,
kSE05x_DigestMode_SHA384 = 0x05,
kSE05x_DigestMode_SHA512 = 0x06,
} SE05x_DigestMode_t;
/** HMAC/CMAC Algorithms */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_MACAlgo_NA = 0,
kSE05x_MACAlgo_HMAC_SHA1 = 0x18,
kSE05x_MACAlgo_HMAC_SHA256 = 0x19,
kSE05x_MACAlgo_HMAC_SHA384 = 0x1A,
kSE05x_MACAlgo_HMAC_SHA512 = 0x1B,
kSE05x_MACAlgo_CMAC_128 = 0x31,
} SE05x_MACAlgo_t;
/** AEAD Algorithms */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_AeadAlgo_NA = 0,
kSE05x_AeadGCMAlgo = 0xB0,
kSE05x_AeadGCM_IVAlgo = 0xF3,
kSE05x_AeadCCMAlgo = 0xF4,
} SE05x_AeadAlgo_t;
/** HKDF Mode */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_HkdfMode_NA = 0x00,
kSE05x_HkdfMode_ExtractExpand = 0x01,
kSE05x_HkdfMode_ExpandOnly = 0x02,
} SE05x_HkdfMode_t;
/** ECC Curve Identifiers */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_ECCurve_NA = 0x00,
kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P192 = 0x01,
kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P224 = 0x02,
kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256 = 0x03,
kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P384 = 0x04,
kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P521 = 0x05,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool160 = 0x06,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool192 = 0x07,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool224 = 0x08,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool256 = 0x09,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool320 = 0x0A,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool384 = 0x0B,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Brainpool512 = 0x0C,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp160k1 = 0x0D,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp192k1 = 0x0E,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp224k1 = 0x0F,
kSE05x_ECCurve_Secp256k1 = 0x10,
kSE05x_ECCurve_TPM_ECC_BN_P256 = 0x11,
/** Not Weierstrass */
kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_ED_25519 = 0x40,
kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_MONT_DH_25519 = 0x41,
/** Not Weierstrass */
kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_MONT_DH_448 = 0x43,
} SE05x_ECCurve_t;
#ifndef __DOXYGEN__
/** Same as kSE05x_ECCurve_TPM_ECC_BN_P256 */
#define kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519 kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_ED_25519
#define kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519 kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_MONT_DH_25519
#if SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00
#define kSE05x_ECCurve_RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_448 kSE05x_ECCurve_ECC_MONT_DH_448
#define kSE05x_ECCurve_Total_Weierstrass_Curves kSE05x_ECCurve_TPM_ECC_BN_P256
/** Parameters while setting the curve */
typedef enum
{ /** Invalid */
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_NA = 0,
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_PARAM_A = 0x01,
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_PARAM_B = 0x02,
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_PARAM_G = 0x04,
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_PARAM_N = 0x08,
kSE05x_ECCurveParam_PARAM_PRIME = 0x10,
} SE05x_ECCurveParam_t;
/** Symmetric cipher modes */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_CipherMode_NA = 0,
/** Typically using DESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_CBC_NOPAD = 0x01,
/** Typically using DESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M1 = 0x02,
/** Typically using DESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M2 = 0x03,
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_CBC_PKCS5 = 0x04,
/** Typically using DESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_ECB_NOPAD = 0x05,
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M1 = 0x06,
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_ECB_ISO9797_M2 = 0x07,
kSE05x_CipherMode_DES_ECB_PKCS5 = 0x08,
/** Typically using AESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_ECB_NOPAD = 0x0E,
/** Typically using AESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CBC_NOPAD = 0x0D,
/** Typically using AESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CBC_ISO9797_M1 = 0x16,
/** Typically using AESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CBC_ISO9797_M2 = 0x17,
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CBC_PKCS5 = 0x18,
/** Typically using AEAD GCM mode */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_GCM = 0xB0,
/** Typically using AESKey identifiers */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CTR = 0xF0,
/** Typically using AEAD GCM with internal IV Gen */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_GCM_INT_IV = 0xF3,
/** Typically using AEAD CCM mode */
kSE05x_CipherMode_AES_CCM = 0xF4,
} SE05x_CipherMode_t;
/** Features which are available / enabled in the Applet */
typedef enum {
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_NA = 0,
/** Use of curve TPM_ECC_BN_P256 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_ECDAA = 0x0001,
/** EC DSA and DH support */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_ECDSA_ECDH_ECDHE = 0x0002,
/** Use of curve RESERVED_ID_ECC_ED_25519 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_EDDSA = 0x0004,
/** Use of curve RESERVED_ID_ECC_MONT_DH_25519 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_DH_MONT = 0x0008,
/** Writing HMACKey objects */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_HMAC = 0x0010,
/** Writing RSAKey objects */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_RSA_PLAIN = 0x0020,
/** Writing RSAKey objects */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_RSA_CRT = 0x0040,
/** Writing AESKey objects */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_AES = 0x0080,
/** Writing DESKey objects */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_DES = 0x0100,
/** PBKDF2 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_PBKDF = 0x0200,
/** TLS Handshake support commands (see 4.16) in APDU Spec*/
kSE05x_AppletConfig_TLS = 0x0400,
/** Mifare DESFire support (see 4.15) in APDU Spec*/
kSE05x_AppletConfig_MIFARE = 0x0800,
/** RFU1 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_RFU1 = 0x1000,
/** I2C Master support (see 4.17) in APDU Spec*/
kSE05x_AppletConfig_I2CM = 0x2000,
/** RFU2 */
kSE05x_AppletConfig_RFU2 = 0x4000,
} SE05x_AppletConfig_t;
/** Transient / Persistent lock */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_LockIndicator_NA = 0,
kSE05x_LockIndicator_TRANSIENT_LOCK = 0x01,
kSE05x_LockIndicator_PERSISTENT_LOCK = 0x02,
} SE05x_LockIndicator_t;
* Applet >= 4.4
* See @ref Se05x_API_DisableObjCreation */
typedef enum
kSE05x_RestrictMode_NA = 0,
kSE05x_RestrictMode_RESTRICT_NEW = 0x01,
kSE05x_RestrictMode_RESTRICT_ALL = 0x02,
} SE05x_RestrictMode_t;
* Lock the sample (until unlocked )
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_LockState_NA = 0,
kSE05x_LockState_LOCKED = 0x01,
// kSE05x_LockState_UNLOCKED = Any except 0x01,
} SE05x_LockState_t;
/** Cryptographic context for operation */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_CryptoContext_NA = 0,
/** For DigestInit/DigestUpdate/DigestFinal */
kSE05x_CryptoContext_DIGEST = 0x01,
/** For CipherInit/CipherUpdate/CipherFinal */
kSE05x_CryptoContext_CIPHER = 0x02,
/** For MACInit/MACUpdate/MACFinal */
kSE05x_CryptoContext_SIGNATURE = 0x03,
/** For AEADInit/AEADUpdate/AEADFinal */
kSE05x_CryptoContext_AEAD = 0x04,
} SE05x_CryptoContext_t;
/** Result of operations */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_Result_NA = 0,
kSE05x_Result_SUCCESS = 0x01,
kSE05x_Result_FAILURE = 0x02,
} SE05x_Result_t;
/** Whether object is transient or persistent */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_TransientIndicator_NA = 0,
kSE05x_TransientIndicator_PERSISTENT = 0x01,
kSE05x_TransientIndicator_TRANSIENT = 0x02,
} SE05x_TransientIndicator_t;
/** TODO */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_SetIndicator_NA = 0,
kSE05x_SetIndicator_NOT_SET = 0x01,
kSE05x_SetIndicator_SET = 0x02,
} SE05x_SetIndicator_t;
/** When there are more entries yet to be fetched from few of the APIs */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_MoreIndicator_NA = 0,
/** No more data available */
kSE05x_MoreIndicator_NO_MORE = 0x01,
/** More data available */
kSE05x_MoreIndicator_MORE = 0x02,
} SE05x_MoreIndicator_t;
#if SSS_HAVE_SE05X_VER_GTE_06_00
/** Health check */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_NA = 0,
/** Performs all on-demand self-tests. Can only be done when
* the module is in FIPS mode. When the test fails, the chip
* goes into TERMINATED state. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_FIPS = 0xF906,
/** Performs ROM integrity checks. When the test fails, the chip
* triggers the attack counter and the chip will reset. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_CODE_SIGNATURE = 0xFE01,
/** Performs flash integrity tests. When the test fails, the chip
* triggers the attack counter and the chip will reset. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_DYNAMIC_FLASH_INTEGRITY = 0xFD02,
/** Performs tests on the active shield protection of the
* hardware. When the test fails, the chip triggers the attack
* counter and the chip will reset. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_SHIELDING = 0xFB04,
/** Performs self-tests on hardware sensors and reports the
* status. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_SENSOR = 0xFA05,
/** Performs self-tests on the hardware registers. When the test
* fails, the chip triggers the attack counter and the chip will
* reset. */
kSE05x_HealthCheckMode_SFR_CHECK = 0xFC03,
} SE05x_HealthCheckMode_t;
/** Mandate platform SCP or not */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_PlatformSCPRequest_NA = 0,
/** Platform SCP is required (full enc & MAC) */
kSE05x_PlatformSCPRequest_REQUIRED = 0x01,
/** No platform SCP required. */
kSE05x_PlatformSCPRequest_NOT_REQUIRED = 0x02,
} SE05x_PlatformSCPRequest_t;
/** Crypto object identifiers */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_CryptoObject_NA = 0,
} SE05x_CryptoObject_t;
/** @copydoc SE05x_CryptoObject_t */
#define SE05x_CryptoObjectID_t SE05x_CryptoObject_t
/** Maximum number of session supported by SE050 */
/** Maximum number of session supported by SE050 */
/** How many bytes can be used for buffer for I2C Master interface */
* the maximum APDU payload length will be smaller, depending on which protocol applies, etc.
/** 3 MSBit for instruction characteristics. */
#define SE050_INS_MASK_INS_CHAR 0xE0
/** 5 LSBit for instruction */
/** Type of Object */
typedef enum
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_EC_KEY_PAIR = 0x01,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_EC_PRIV_KEY = 0x02,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_EC_PUB_KEY = 0x03,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_RSA_KEY_PAIR = 0x04,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_RSA_KEY_PAIR_CRT = 0x05,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_RSA_PRIV_KEY = 0x06,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_RSA_PRIV_KEY_CRT = 0x07,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_RSA_PUB_KEY = 0x08,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_AES_KEY = 0x09,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_DES_KEY = 0x0A,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_BINARY_FILE = 0x0B,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_UserID = 0x0C,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_COUNTER = 0x0D,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_PCR = 0x0F,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_CURVE = 0x10,
/** */
kSE05x_SecObjTyp_HMAC_KEY = 0x11,
} SE05x_SecObjTyp_t;
/** @copydoc SE05x_SecObjTyp_t */
typedef SE05x_SecObjTyp_t SE05x_SecureObjectType_t;
/** Type of memory. Used when we query available free size */
typedef enum
/** Transient memory, clear on reset */
kSE05x_MemTyp_TRANSIENT_RESET = 0x01,
/** Transient memory, clear on deselect */
/** Persistent memory */
kSE05x_MemTyp_PERSISTENT = 0x03,
} SE05x_MemTyp_t;
/** Algorithms for RSA Signature */
typedef enum
/** Invalid */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_NA = 0,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA1_PKCS1_PSS = 0x15,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA224_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2B,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA256_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2C,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA384_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2D,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PSS */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA512_PKCS1_PSS = 0x2E,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA_224_PKCS1 = 0x27,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA_256_PKCS1 = 0x28,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA_384_PKCS1 = 0x29,
/** RFC8017: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 */
kSE05x_RSASignAlgo_SHA_512_PKCS1 = 0x2A,
} SE05x_RSASignAlgo_t;
// typedef enum
// {
// /** Plain RSA, padding required on host. */
// kSE05x_RSAEncrAlgo_NO_PAD = 0x0C,
// * RFC8017: RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5
// kSE05x_RSAEncrAlgo_PKCS1 = 0x0A,
// /** RFC8017: RSAES-OAEP */
// kSE05x_RSAEncrAlgo_PKCS1_OAEP = 0x0F,
// } SE05x_RSAEncrAlgo_t;
/** Public part of RSA Keys */
typedef enum
kSE05x_RSAPubKeyComp_NA = 0,
kSE05x_RSAPubKeyComp_MOD = kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_MOD,
kSE05x_RSAPubKeyComp_PUB_EXP = kSE05x_RSAKeyComponent_PUB_EXP,
} SE05x_RSAPubKeyComp_t;
/** Cyrpto module subtype */
typedef union {
/** In case it's digest */
SE05x_DigestMode_t digest;
/** In case it's cipher */
SE05x_CipherMode_t cipher;
/** In case it's mac */
SE05x_MACAlgo_t mac;
/** In case it's aead */
SE05x_AeadAlgo_t aead;
/** Accessing 8 bit value for APDUs */
uint8_t union_8bit;
} SE05x_CryptoModeSubType_t;
/** @addtogroup se050_i2cm
* @{
/** @brief I2C Master micro operation */
typedef enum
kSE05x_TAG_I2CM_Config = 0x01,
kSE05x_TAG_I2CM_Write = 0x03,
kSE05x_TAG_I2CM_Read = 0x04,
} SE05x_I2CM_TAG_t;
*/ /* end of se050_i2cm */
/** Whether key is transient of persistent */
typedef enum
kSE05x_TransientType_Persistent = 0,
kSE05x_TransientType_Transient = kSE05x_INS_TRANSIENT,
} SE05x_TransientType_t;
/** Part of the asymmetric key */
typedef enum
kSE05x_KeyPart_NA = kSE05x_P1_DEFAULT,
/** Key pair (private key + public key) */
kSE05x_KeyPart_Pair = kSE05x_P1_KEY_PAIR,
/** Private key */
kSE05x_KeyPart_Private = kSE05x_P1_PRIVATE,
/** Public key */
kSE05x_KeyPart_Public = kSE05x_P1_PUBLIC,
} SE05x_KeyPart_t;
/** Cipher Operation.
* Encrypt or decrypt */
typedef enum
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_NA = 0,
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_Encrypt = kSE05x_P2_ENCRYPT,
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_Decrypt = kSE05x_P2_DECRYPT,
} SE05x_Cipher_Oper_t;
/** One Shot operations helper */
typedef enum
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_OneShot_NA = 0,
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_OneShot_Encrypt = kSE05x_P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT,
kSE05x_Cipher_Oper_OneShot_Decrypt = kSE05x_P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT,
} SE05x_Cipher_Oper_OneShot_t;
/** MAC operations */
typedef enum
kSE05x_Mac_Oper_NA = 0,
kSE05x_Mac_Oper_Generate = kSE05x_P2_GENERATE,
kSE05x_Mac_Oper_Validate = kSE05x_P2_VALIDATE,
} SE05x_Mac_Oper_t;
/** In case the read is attested */
typedef enum
kSE05x_AttestationType_None = 0,
kSE05x_AttestationType_AUTH = kSE05x_INS_AUTH_OBJECT,
} SE05x_AttestationType_t;
/** Symmetric keys */
typedef enum
kSE05x_SymmKeyType_AES = kSE05x_P1_AES,
kSE05x_SymmKeyType_DES = kSE05x_P1_DES,
kSE05x_SymmKeyType_HMAC = kSE05x_P1_HMAC,
kSE05x_SymmKeyType_CMAC = kSE05x_P1_AES,
} SE05x_SymmKeyType_t;
/** @copydoc SE05x_AppletConfig_t */
typedef SE05x_AppletConfig_t SE05x_Variant_t;
/** TLS Perform PRF */
typedef enum
kSE05x_TLS_PRF_NA = 0,
} SE05x_TLSPerformPRFType_t;
/** Attestation */
typedef enum
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_NA = 0,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_PLAIN = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_PLAIN,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_SHA = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_SHA_224 = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_224,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_SHA_256 = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_256,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_SHA_384 = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_384,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_EC_SHA_512 = kSE05x_ECSignatureAlgo_SHA_512,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_ED25519PURE_SHA_512 = kSE05x_EDSignatureAlgo_ED25519PURE_SHA_512,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_ECDAA = kSE05x_ECDAASignatureAlgo_ECDAA,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA1_PKCS1_PSS = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA1_PKCS1_PSS,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA224_PKCS1_PSS = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA224_PKCS1_PSS,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA256_PKCS1_PSS = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA256_PKCS1_PSS,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA384_PKCS1_PSS = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA384_PKCS1_PSS,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA512_PKCS1_PSS = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA512_PKCS1_PSS,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA_224_PKCS1 = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_224_PKCS1,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA_256_PKCS1 = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_256_PKCS1,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA_384_PKCS1 = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_384_PKCS1,
kSE05x_AttestationAlgo_RSA_SHA_512_PKCS1 = kSE05x_RSASignatureAlgo_SHA_512_PKCS1,
} SE05x_AttestationAlgo_t;
/** RSA Key format */
typedef enum
kSE05x_RSAKeyFormat_CRT = kSE05x_P2_DEFAULT,
kSE05x_RSAKeyFormat_RAW = kSE05x_P2_RAW,
} SE05x_RSAKeyFormat_t;
/** @copydoc SE05x_MACAlgo_t */
typedef SE05x_MACAlgo_t SE05x_MacOperation_t;
/** SE05X's key IDs */
typedef uint32_t SE05x_KeyID_t;
/** Case when there is no KEK */
#define SE05x_KeyID_KEK_NONE 0
/** [Optional: if the authentication key is the same as the key to be replaced, this TAG should not be present]. */
#define SE05x_KeyID_MFDF_NONE 0
/** SE05X key's max attempts */
typedef uint16_t SE05x_MaxAttemps_t;
/** Fall back to applet default */
#define SE05x_MaxAttemps_UNLIMITED 0
/** Identify in code that this is not an AUTH object and hence not applicable */
#define SE05x_MaxAttemps_NA 0
/** When we want to read with attestation */
#define kSE05x_INS_READ_With_Attestation (kSE05x_INS_READ | kSE05x_INS_ATTEST)
/** When we want to read I2CM Data with attestation */
#define kSE05x_INS_I2CM_Attestation (kSE05x_INS_CRYPTO | kSE05x_INS_ATTEST)
#ifndef __DOXYGEN__
/* RSA Helper Macros to make code little more readable */
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_p /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_q /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_dp /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_dq /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_qInv /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_pubExp /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_priv /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#define SE05X_RSA_NO_pubMod /* Skip */ NULL, 0
#endif // __DOXYGEN__
#endif /* SE05x_ENUMS_H */