blob: 37282b6ade476a8dcc14657a5fe45c7b1e74bd57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* For mode constants */
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* For O_* constants */
#ifdef __gnu_linux__
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "sm_printf.h"
#include "sm_types.h"
#include "ax_cryptoIpc.h"
/*Local Defines*/
#ifndef TGT_A71CH
/************** Shared Mem for SCI2C Sequence Num *********/
static key_t Shmkey = 56789; /*TODO: Use ftok to get a unique ID, declared in sci2c.c*/
static int CryptoIpc_ShmId;
static char *pShm = NULL;
/************** Semaphore Mutex ************************/
static key_t Semkey = 12345; /*TODO: Use ftok to get a unique ID*/
static int CryptoIpc_SemId;
static U16 CryptoIpc_SemVal;
/* This flag marks if the application is currently holding the Mutex. Used before releasing the IPC resources when
* CryptoIpc_Close is invoked */
static int CryptoIpc_SemLocked = AX_CI_FALSE;
/* This flag is set when IPC cleanup has to be deferred as the app is holding the mutex. If this flag is set , then
* upon invocation of CryptoIpc_MutexUnlock(), the IPC resouces are cleaned and application exits*/
static int CryptoIpc_FlagExit = AX_CI_FALSE;
struct sembuf CryptoIpc_SemWait, CryptoIpc_SemSignal;
Initialization for Crypto Library Mutex. This should be invoked as part of App initialization.
Note:- In a system only 1 application (and the first one to be launched) shall invoke this
API with parameter AX_CI_TRUE. All other API's invoke with parameter AX_CI_FALSE.
* @param bool - AX_CI_TRUE - set mutex value to 1, AX_CI_FALSE- Do not set Mutex val
* @return 0 always
int CryptoIpc_MutexInit(int setval)
#ifdef TGT_A71CH
return 0;
CryptoIpc_SemWait.sem_num = 0;
CryptoIpc_SemWait.sem_op = -1;
CryptoIpc_SemWait.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; /*In case the application is terminated intentionally or unintentionally*/
CryptoIpc_SemSignal.sem_num = 0;
CryptoIpc_SemSignal.sem_op = 1;
CryptoIpc_SemSignal.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; /*In case the application is terminated intentionally or unintentionally*/
// TODO: Investigate why the function argument is overruled
setval = AX_CI_TRUE;
CryptoIpc_SemId = semget(Semkey,1,IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|777);
if (CryptoIpc_SemId == -1)
if (errno == EEXIST)
printf("Semaphore already exists\n");
CryptoIpc_SemId = semget(Semkey, 1, IPC_CREAT|777);
setval = AX_CI_FALSE;
printf("Semaphore Creation failed\n");
return 1;
printf("Allocating the semaphore: %d %d\n",errno,CryptoIpc_SemId);
if (setval == AX_CI_TRUE)
CryptoIpc_SemVal = 1; /*Mutex*/
semctl(CryptoIpc_SemId, 0, SETVAL, CryptoIpc_SemVal);
printf("Setting semaphore value to %d: %d\n", CryptoIpc_SemVal, errno);
//printf("Initialized Semaphore value to %d: %d\n",CryptoIpc_SemVal,errno);
return 0;
* Initialization for Crypto Library shared memory.
* The sequence number used in the PCB byte of SCI2C is placed in this
* shared memory as the Secure Element just goes by Command Response
* Sequence and the number of applications on the host is transparent
* to the Secure Element.
* This API is invoked as part of SCI2C initialization. Not to be invoked by the app.
* \note Not used.
* @return shared memory segment
char *CryptoIpc_ShmInit(void)
#ifdef TGT_A71CH
return NULL;
/* create the segment */
if ((CryptoIpc_ShmId = shmget(Shmkey, 4, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1)
printf("CryptoIpc: shmget failed\n");
//printf("CryptoIpc: SHMID is %d",shmid);
/* Now we attach the segment to our data space. */
if ((pShm = (char*)shmat(CryptoIpc_ShmId, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1)
printf("CryptoIpc: shmat failed\n");
return NULL;
return pShm;
* Grab mutex before entering Critical Section
* @return void
void CryptoIpc_MutexLock()
#ifdef TGT_A71CH
CryptoIpc_SemLocked = AX_CI_TRUE;
semop(CryptoIpc_SemId, &CryptoIpc_SemWait, 1);
* Release mutex and after exit from Critical Section
* @return void
void CryptoIpc_MutexUnlock()
#ifdef TGT_A71CH
CryptoIpc_SemLocked = AX_CI_FALSE;
semop(CryptoIpc_SemId, &CryptoIpc_SemSignal, 1);
if (CryptoIpc_FlagExit == AX_CI_TRUE)
if (AX_CI_TRUE == CryptoIpc_Close())
printf("CryptoIpc: Cleaned..Good Bye...\n");
* Clean up of IPC resources. API to be invoked at App exit
* @retval AX_CI_TRUE: OK to exit application
* @retval AX_CI_FALSE: Application is in Critical section and shall clean up upon out from Critical Section. And then invoke App exit().
int CryptoIpc_Close()
#ifdef TGT_A71CH
return AX_CI_TRUE;
/*Wait for the mutex to be released*/
if (CryptoIpc_SemLocked)
CryptoIpc_FlagExit = AX_CI_TRUE;
return AX_CI_FALSE;
shmdt(pShm); /* Detach the shared memory */
shmctl (CryptoIpc_ShmId, IPC_RMID, 0);
return AX_CI_TRUE;