blob: 184a996da66fec2301973bf0bb25b7b0ac13dee4 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file ex_hlse_walkthrough.c
* @author NXP Semiconductors
* @version 1.0
* @par License
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @par Description
* Refer to \ref walkthrough for more information
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
// project specific include files
#include "ax_api.h"
#include "a71ch_ex_hlse.h"
#include "ax_util.h"
#include "a71_debug.h"
#include "sm_types.h"
#include "sm_apdu.h"
#include "tst_sm_util.h"
#include "axHostCrypto.h"
#include "tstHostCrypto.h"
#include "tst_a71ch_util.h"
#include "tst_hlse_a71ch_util.h"
#include "HLSEAPI.h"
#include "HostCryptoAPI.h"
static U8 exHlseWtSetConfigKeys(U8 *moduleConfigKey, U8 *privateKeyConfigKey, U8 *publicKeyConfigKey);
static U8 exHlseWtProvision(void);
static U8 exHlseWtPrepareShipment(void);
static U8 exHlseWtUseCrypto(void);
static EC_KEY *eccKeyRootCA_0 = NULL; //!< OpenSSL specific datastructure to contain keypair, whose public key is stored at index 0
static EC_KEY *eccKeyRootCA_1 = NULL; //!< OpenSSL specific datastructure to contain keypair, whose public key is stored at index 1
static eccKeyComponents_t eccKcTls_0; //!< Crypto library independent datastructure to contain keypair to be stored at index 0
static eccKeyComponents_t eccKcTls_1; //!< Crypto library independent datastructure to contain keypair to be stored at index 1
static eccKeyComponents_t eccKcRootCA_0; //!< Crypto library independent datastructure to contain keypair, whose public key is stored at index 0
static eccKeyComponents_t eccKcRootCA_1; //!< Crypto library independent datastructure to contain keypair, whose public key is stored at index 1
static U8 configKeyModuleLock[16] = {0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x11, 0x40, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x01, 0xAA}; //!< Configuration Key for Module, acting as transport key (index ::A71CH_CFG_KEY_IDX_MODULE_LOCK)
static U8 configKeyPrivateKey[16] = {0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x00, 0x11, 0x40, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x01, 0xAA}; //!< Configuration Key for Private Key encryption (index ::A71CH_CFG_KEY_IDX_PRIVATE_KEYS)
static U8 configKeyPublicKey[16] = {0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x11, 0x40, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x01, 0xAA}; //!< Configuration Key for Public Key encryption (index ::A71CH_CFG_KEY_IDX_PUBLIC_KEYS)
/// @cond
static U8 aesBasePattern[] = { 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF };
static U16 aesBasePatternLen = sizeof(aesBasePattern);
static U8 aesRef[A71CH_SYM_KEY_MAX][16];
static U16 productDataOffset = 0x00;
static U8 gpProductData[] = {
0xAA, 0x10, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x20, 0x01, 0xAA, 0x30, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x01, 0xAA,
0x50, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x60, 0x01, 0xAA, 0x70, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x80, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x90, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 };
/// @endcond
#define USE_SCP03
* Demonstrate usage of A71CH from a system integrator's perspective
* - An optional binding and setting up of an SCP03 channel between Host and A71CH (::axExCreateAndSetInitialHostScpKeys
* and ::axExAuthenticate)
* - Provisioning step (::exWtProvision)
* - Prepare for shipment (::exWtPrepareShipment)
* - Demonstrate Crypyto usage (::exWtUseCrypto)
* \note The example relies on the availability of the debug reset to bring the A71CH
* into its initial state.
U8 exHlseWalkthrough()
U8 result = 1;
U8 initMode = INIT_MODE_RESET;
#ifdef USE_SCP03
U8 scpKeyEncBase[SCP_KEY_SIZE];
U8 scpKeyMacBase[SCP_KEY_SIZE];
U8 scpKeyDekBase[SCP_KEY_SIZE];
PRINTF("\r\n-----------\r\nStart exHlseWalkthrough(%s)\r\n------------\r\n", getInitModeAsString(initMode));
sm_printf(CONSOLE, "Initialize Secure Module\r\n");
result &= hlse_a71chInitModule(initMode);
// STAGE-0:
// - The A71CH has been forced into the initial state through the DBG Interface
// NOTE: The function DBG_RESET is not available in production samples
#ifdef USE_SCP03
result &= axExHlseCreateAndSetInitialHostScpKeys(scpKeyEncBase, scpKeyMacBase, scpKeyDekBase);
result &= axExHlseAuthenticate(scpKeyEncBase, scpKeyMacBase, scpKeyDekBase);
// STAGE-1:
// - A set of KNOWN (but randon) HOST Static keys has been injected into the SM
// - The SCP03 session has been established
// Set the configuration keys
result &= exHlseWtSetConfigKeys(configKeyModuleLock, configKeyPrivateKey, configKeyPublicKey);
// Provision the A71CH
result &= exHlseWtProvision();
// Prepare for end-product shipment
result &= exHlseWtPrepareShipment();
// Use provisioned credentials
result &= exHlseWtUseCrypto();
// overall result
PRINTF("\r\n-----------\r\nEnd exHlseWalkthrough(%s), result = %s\r\n------------\r\n",
getInitModeAsString(initMode), ((result == 1)? "OK": "FAILED"));
return result;
* Set config keys to enable full walkthrough
static U8 exHlseWtSetConfigKeys(U8 *moduleConfigKey, U8 *privateKeyConfigKey, U8 *publicKeyConfigKey)
U8 result = 1;
U16 err;
PRINTF("\r\n-----------\r\nStart exWtSetConfigKeys()\r\n------------\r\n");
// Store all configure keys (value is stored in variables with module scope)
PRINTF("\r\nA71_SetConfigKey(0x%02x)\r\n", indexCfgKey);
err = A71_SetConfigKey((SST_Index_t)indexCfgKey, moduleConfigKey, 16);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("configKeyModuleLock", moduleConfigKey, 16, AX_COLON_32);
PRINTF("\r\nA71_SetConfigKey(0x%02x)\r\n", indexCfgKey);
err = A71_SetConfigKey((SST_Index_t)indexCfgKey, privateKeyConfigKey, 16);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("configKeyPrivateKey", privateKeyConfigKey, 16, AX_COLON_32);
PRINTF("\r\nA71_SetConfigKey(0x%02x)\r\n", indexCfgKey);
err = A71_SetConfigKey((SST_Index_t)indexCfgKey, publicKeyConfigKey, 16);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("configKeyPublicKey", publicKeyConfigKey, 16, AX_COLON_32);
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nEnd exWtSetConfigKeys(), result = %s\r\n------------\r\n", ((result == 1)? "OK": "FAILED"));
return result;
* Demonstrate crypto operations using the provisioned key material
static U8 exHlseWtUseCrypto()
U8 result = 1;
U16 err;
SST_Index_t index;
HLSE_RET_CODE retcode;
int nRet = 0;
U8 isOk = 0;
int i;
U8 symSecret[16];
U8 preCookedSha256[] = {
0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 0x90, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xf0,
0x01, 0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41, 0x51, 0x61, 0x71, 0x81, 0x91, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0xc1, 0xd1, 0xe1, 0xf1
U8 dataToSign[] = {
0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x22, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x33, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x44, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
0x55, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11
U8 dataToSignLen = 68;
U8 hashSha256[32];
U16 hashSha256Len = sizeof(hashSha256);
U8 signature[256];
U16 signatureLen = sizeof(signature);
U8 signatureOnHost[256];
U16 signatureOnHostLen = sizeof(signatureOnHost);
U32 nSigLen = 0;
U8 sharedSecretOnA71CH[32];
U16 sharedSecretOnA71CHLen = 0;
U8 sharedSecretOnHost[32];
U16 sharedSecretOnHostLen = 0;
U16 expectedSharedSecretLen = sizeof(sharedSecretOnHost);
ECCCurve_t eccCurve = ECCCurve_NIST_P256;
EC_KEY *eccKeyTls_Host = NULL;
eccKeyComponents_t eccKcTls_Host = { 0 };
EC_KEY *eccKeyTls_0 = NULL;
// const U16 expectedPubKeyLen = 65;
const U16 expectedPrivKeyLen = 32;
U8 nBlock;
U8 salt[] = {0xAE, 0xBE, 0x11, 0x22};
U16 saltLen = sizeof(salt);
U8 info[256];
U16 infoLen = sizeof(info);
U8 derivedData[128];
U16 derivedDataLen = sizeof(derivedData);
U8 derivedDataOnHost[128];
U8 uid[A71CH_MODULE_UNIQUE_ID_LEN] = { 0 };
U16 uidLen = sizeof(uid);
HLSE_OBJECT_HANDLE keyPairHandles[A71CH_KEY_PAIR_MAX] = { 0 };
U16 kpHandleNum = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_MAX;
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nStart exWtUseCrypto()\r\n------------\r\n");
err = HLSE_EnumerateObjects(HLSE_KEY_PAIR, keyPairHandles, &kpHandleNum);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, HLSE_SW_OK, "err");
// Sign a precooked hash on the A71CH with the first key pair, do the subsequent verification on the Host
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_0;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_EccSign(0x%02x) on A71CH.\r\n", index);
signatureLen = sizeof(signature);
#if 0
err = A71_EccSign(index, preCookedSha256, sizeof(preCookedSha256), signature, &signatureLen);
err = hlse_EccSign(keyPairHandles[index], preCookedSha256, sizeof(preCookedSha256), signature, &signatureLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("signature", signature, signatureLen, AX_COLON_32);
// .. now verify on host
// First construct an OpenSSL ECC key containing the public key; we
// We've already built the eccKcTls_0 data structure while provisioning the A71CH.
err = HOSTCRYPTO_EccCreateOpenSslEccFromComponents(&eccKeyTls_0, &eccKcTls_0);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
PRINTF("\r\n(Host)ECDSA_verify API with eccKeyTls_0 (verify signature created on A71CH).\r\n");
memset(&mechInfo, 0, sizeof(mechInfo));
mechInfo.mechanism = HLSE_ECDSA_VERIFY;
retcode = HLCRYPT_Verify(&mechInfo,(U8 *)eccKeyTls_0,0,preCookedSha256,sizeof(preCookedSha256),signature,signatureLen);
if (retcode == HLSE_SW_OK)
PRINTF("Verification OK for eccKeyTls_0.\r\n");
PRINTF("Return value: %d, Verification Not OK for eccKeyTls_0. Test Failed!\r\n", retcode);
result &= 0;
// Sign data on the host, do the subsequent verification on the A71CH
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// On the Host calculate SHA256 on data, sign the hash using eccKcRootCA_0.
hashSha256Len = sizeof(hashSha256);
nRet = HOST_SHA256_Get(dataToSign, dataToSignLen, hashSha256);
assert(nRet == HOST_CRYPTO_OK);
if ( nRet != HOST_CRYPTO_OK)
result &= 0;
PRINTF("\r\n(Host)ECDSA_sign API with eccKeyRootCA_0.\r\n");
memset(&mechInfo, 0, sizeof(mechInfo));
mechInfo.mechanism = HLSE_ECDSA_SIGN;
retcode = HLCRYPT_Sign(&mechInfo, (U8 *)eccKeyRootCA_0, 0,hashSha256, hashSha256Len, signatureOnHost, &nSigLen);
PRINTF("ECDSA_sign returned: 0x%02X, Siglen is %ld\r\n", retcode, nSigLen);
if (retcode != HLSE_SW_OK)
PRINTF("ECDSA_sign operation failed.\r\n");
result &= 0;
axPrintByteArray("signatureOnHost", signatureOnHost, (U16)nSigLen, AX_COLON_32);
// ... do the subsequent verification on the A71CH with the matching public key object.
index = A71CH_PUBLIC_KEY_0;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_EccVerify(0x%02x) on A71CH.\r\n", index);
signatureOnHostLen = (U16)nSigLen;
isOk = 0x00;
#if 0
err = A71_EccVerify(index, hashSha256, sizeof(hashSha256), signatureOnHost, signatureOnHostLen, &isOk);
err = hlse_EccVerify(index, hashSha256, sizeof(hashSha256), signatureOnHost, signatureOnHostLen, &isOk);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
result &= AX_CHECK_U8(isOk, 1, "Signature verification failed");
if (isOk == 1)
PRINTF("Verification on A71CH is OK, Test Passed\r\n");
// NEGATIVE TEST: verifying the signature with the wrong public key must fail
index = A71CH_PUBLIC_KEY_1;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_EccVerify(0x%02x) on A71CH.\r\n", index);
signatureOnHostLen = (U16)nSigLen;
isOk = 0x00;
#if 0
err = A71_EccVerify(index, hashSha256, sizeof(hashSha256), signatureOnHost, signatureOnHostLen, &isOk);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = hlse_EccVerify(index, hashSha256, sizeof(hashSha256), signatureOnHost, signatureOnHostLen, &isOk);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, HLSE_ERR_GENERAL_ERROR, "err");
result &= AX_CHECK_U8(isOk, 0, "Negative test: Signature verification must fail");
if (isOk == 0)
PRINTF("Negative Test Passed\r\n");
// Create and compare a shared secret on A71CH and Host
// ----------------------------------------------------
// The Second ECC key pair was generated during provisioning, now use it in combination with
// eccKeyTls_Host to create a shared secret
// First create a new keypair on the host.
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GenerateEccKey(eccCurve, &eccKeyTls_Host);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Break down the ECC key generated in OpenSSL into eccKeyComponents
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPublicKey(eccKeyTls_Host,, &(eccKcTls_Host.pubLen), (64 << 1)+1);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPrivateKey(eccKeyTls_Host, eccKcTls_Host.priv, &(eccKcTls_Host.privLen), 64);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
eccKcTls_Host.bits = expectedPrivKeyLen << 3;
eccKcTls_Host.curve = eccCurve;
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_1;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_EcdhGetSharedSecret(0x%02x) on A71CH\r\n", index);
sharedSecretOnA71CHLen = sizeof(sharedSecretOnA71CH);
#if 0
err = A71_EcdhGetSharedSecret(index,, eccKcTls_Host.pubLen, sharedSecretOnA71CH, &sharedSecretOnA71CHLen);
err = hlse_EcdhGetSharedSecret(keyPairHandles[index],, eccKcTls_Host.pubLen, sharedSecretOnA71CH, &sharedSecretOnA71CHLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("sharedSecretOnA71CH", sharedSecretOnA71CH, sharedSecretOnA71CHLen, AX_COLON_32);
PRINTF("\r\nA71_EcdhGetSharedSecret() on Host\r\n");
sharedSecretOnHostLen = sizeof(sharedSecretOnHost);
err = HOSTCRYPTO_ECC_ComputeSharedSecret(eccKeyTls_Host,, eccKcTls_1.pubLen, sharedSecretOnHost, &sharedSecretOnHostLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("sharedSecretOnHost", sharedSecretOnHost, sharedSecretOnHostLen, AX_COLON_32);
result &= AX_COMPARE_BYTE_ARRAY( "sharedSecretOnA71CH", sharedSecretOnA71CH, expectedSharedSecretLen,
"sharedSecretOnHost", sharedSecretOnHost, expectedSharedSecretLen, AX_COLON_32);
// Use the stored symmetric secret on index A71CH_SYM_KEY_0 to derive a secret from
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - salt = 0xAEBE1122
// - info = uid | 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04
// Fetch UID from A71CH
#if 0
err = A71_GetUniqueID(uid, &uidLen);
err = hlse_GetUniqueID(uid, &uidLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
memcpy(info, uid, uidLen);
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { info[uidLen+i] = (U8)i; }
infoLen = uidLen + 5;
nBlock = 1;
derivedDataLen = 16;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_HkdfSymKey() on Host\r\n");
#if 0
err = A71_HkdfSymKey(A71CH_SYM_KEY_0, nBlock,
salt, saltLen,
info, infoLen,
derivedData, derivedDataLen);
U16 handleNum = A71CH_SYM_KEY_MAX;
HLSE_HKDF_PARAMS hlseHkdfParams;
err = HLSE_EnumerateObjects(HLSE_SYMMETRIC_KEY, handles, &handleNum);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, HLSE_SW_OK, "err");
hlseHkdfParams.nBlock = nBlock;
hlseHkdfParams.pSalt = salt;
hlseHkdfParams.ulSaltLen = saltLen;
hlseHkdfParams.pInfo = info;
hlseHkdfParams.ulInfoLen = infoLen;
memset(&mechInfo2, 0, sizeof(mechInfo2));
mechInfo2.mechanism = HLSE_HKDF_HMAC_SHA256_SKIP_EXTRACT;
mechInfo2.pParameter = &hlseHkdfParams;
mechInfo2.ulParameterLen = sizeof(hlseHkdfParams);
err = HLSE_DeriveKey(&mechInfo2, handles[A71CH_SYM_KEY_0], derivedData, &derivedDataLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("derivedData from A71CH", derivedData, derivedDataLen, AX_COLON_32);
// Assuming e.g. the backend knows the shared secret (the stored symmetric secret) it can
// calculate the same derived data and use this
memcpy(symSecret, aesBasePattern, 16);
symSecret[0] = 0x00;
PRINTF("\r\nHOSTCRYPTO_HkdfFullSha256(KeyLen=%d, infoLen=%d, derivedDataLen=%d)\r\n", 16, infoLen, derivedDataLen);
err = HOSTCRYPTO_HkdfFullSha256(salt, saltLen, symSecret, 16, info, infoLen, derivedDataOnHost, derivedDataLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
result &= AX_COMPARE_BYTE_ARRAY( "derivedData from A71CH", derivedData, derivedDataLen,
"derivedData calculated outside secure module", derivedDataOnHost, derivedDataLen, AX_COLON_32);
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nEnd exWtUseCrypto(), result = %s\r\n------------\r\n",
((result == 1)? "OK": "FAILED"));
return result;
* Provision the A71CH with key material
static U8 exHlseWtProvision()
U8 result = 1;
U16 err = 0;
ECCCurve_t eccCurve = ECCCurve_NIST_P256;
int indexAesKey = 0;
const U16 expectedPubKeyLen = 65;
const U16 expectedPrivKeyLen = 32;
SST_Index_t index;
U16 uidLen = sizeof(uid);
HLSE_OBJECT_HANDLE keyPairHandles[2];
HLSE_OBJECT_HANDLE pubkeyHandles[2];
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nStart exWtProvision()\r\n------------\r\n");
// In a typical provisioning scenario the keypair matching the public key
// to be inserted would be created and stored securely on a back-end system.
// It's also possible to create the keypairs to be contained in the A71CH externally
// and to insert both private and public key during the provisioning phase. In this
// example the keypairs are generated on the A71CH itself and the private key never
// leaves the A71CH.
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GenerateEccKey(eccCurve, &eccKeyRootCA_0);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GenerateEccKey(eccCurve, &eccKeyRootCA_1);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPublicKey(eccKeyRootCA_0,, &(eccKcRootCA_0.pubLen), (64 << 1)+1);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPrivateKey(eccKeyRootCA_0, eccKcRootCA_0.priv, &(eccKcRootCA_0.privLen), 64);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
eccKcRootCA_0.bits = expectedPrivKeyLen << 3;
eccKcRootCA_0.curve = eccCurve;
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPublicKey(eccKeyRootCA_1,, &(eccKcRootCA_1.pubLen), (64 << 1)+1);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
err = HOSTCRYPTO_GetPrivateKey(eccKeyRootCA_1, eccKcRootCA_1.priv, &(eccKcRootCA_1.privLen), 64);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
eccKcRootCA_1.bits = expectedPrivKeyLen << 3;
eccKcRootCA_1.curve = eccCurve;
// Generate the first ECC keyPair (Extract the public key)
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_0;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_GenerateEccKeyPair(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
#if 0
err = A71_GenerateEccKeyPair(index);
err = hlse_GenerateEccKeyPair(index, &keyPairHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Generate the second ECC keyPair (Extract the public key)
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_1;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_GenerateEccKeyPair(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
#if 0
err = A71_GenerateEccKeyPair(index);
err = hlse_GenerateEccKeyPair(index, &keyPairHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Both ECC Key pairs have been created, now extract the value of the public key
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_0;
PRINTF( "\r\nSST_GetPublicKeyECCKeyPair(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
eccKcTls_0.pubLen = sizeof(;
#if 0
err = A71_GetPublicKeyEccKeyPair(index,, &(eccKcTls_0.pubLen));
err = hlse_GetEccPublicKey(, &(eccKcTls_0.pubLen), &keyPairHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
result &= AX_CHECK_U16(eccKcTls_0.pubLen, expectedPubKeyLen, "Wrong public key length");
// Complete eccKcTls_0 datastructure
if (err == SW_OK)
eccKcTls_0.bits = 256;
eccKcTls_0.curve = eccCurve;
eccKcTls_0.privLen = 0;
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_1;
PRINTF( "\r\nSST_GetPublicKeyECCKeyPair(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
eccKcTls_1.pubLen = sizeof(;
#if 0
err = A71_GetPublicKeyEccKeyPair(index,, &(eccKcTls_1.pubLen));
err = hlse_GetEccPublicKey(, &(eccKcTls_1.pubLen), &keyPairHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
result &= AX_CHECK_U16(eccKcTls_1.pubLen, expectedPubKeyLen, "Wrong public key length");
// Complete eccKcTls_1 datastructure
if (err == SW_OK)
eccKcTls_1.bits = 256;
eccKcTls_1.curve = eccCurve;
eccKcTls_1.privLen = 0;
// Set the public key of eccKcRootCA_0 on the A71CH (index=0)
index = A71CH_PUBLIC_KEY_0;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_SetEccPublicKey(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
#if 0
err = A71_SetEccPublicKey(index,, eccKcRootCA_0.pubLen);
err = hlse_SetEccPublicKey(index,, eccKcRootCA_0.pubLen, &pubkeyHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Set the public key of eccKcRootCA_1 on the A71CH (index=1)
index = A71CH_PUBLIC_KEY_1;
PRINTF("\r\nA71_SetEccPublicKey(0x%02x)\r\n", index);
#if 0
err = A71_SetEccPublicKey(index,, eccKcRootCA_1.pubLen);
err = hlse_SetEccPublicKey(index,, eccKcRootCA_1.pubLen, &pubkeyHandles[index]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Fill the SYM key store with A71CH_SYM_KEY_MAX keys (128 bits long)
// The keys being written are based upon a Base pattern, with the first key written having a 0x00 byte
// in position 0, the second key written a 0x00 byte in position 1 and so on
// Base Pattern: 0xF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF
// First Key : 0x00F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF
// Second Key : 0xF000F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF
// ..
for (indexAesKey=0; indexAesKey<A71CH_SYM_KEY_MAX; indexAesKey++)
memcpy(aesRef[indexAesKey], aesBasePattern, aesBasePatternLen);
// Put the 0x00 marker
aesRef[indexAesKey][indexAesKey] = (U8)0x00;
// Write the key (unwrapped)
PRINTF( "\r\nA71_SetSymKey(0x%02x)\r\n", indexAesKey);
#if 0
err = A71_SetSymKey((SST_Index_t)indexAesKey, aesRef[indexAesKey], sizeof(aesRef[indexAesKey]));
err = hlse_SetSymKey((SST_Index_t)indexAesKey, aesRef[indexAesKey], sizeof(aesRef[indexAesKey]), &aesKeyHandles[indexAesKey]);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
axPrintByteArray("aesRef[indexAesKey]", aesRef[indexAesKey], sizeof(aesRef[indexAesKey]), AX_COLON_32);
// Write end-product specific data into GP storage.
// This data can be end-product trim data, configuration data, ...
// The host or the backend can encrypt with a key derived from a a key in the SYM key store before
// storing the data in GP storage.
#if 1
err = A71_SetGpData(productDataOffset, gpProductData, (U16) sizeof(gpProductData));
// Not supported in HLSE
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Fetch UID from A71CH
#if 0
err = A71_GetUniqueID(uid, &uidLen);
err = hlse_GetUniqueID(uid, &uidLen);
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(err, SW_OK, "err");
// Possible additional steps
// - Create Certificate Signing Request
// - Store a certificate (or the hash of a certificate) in GP storage
// - Store public keys in GP storage
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nEnd exWtProvision(), result = %s\r\n------------\r\n",
((result == 1)? "OK": "FAILED"));
return result;
* Before shipping the end-product partially disable provisioning capabilities
static U8 exHlseWtPrepareShipment()
U8 result = 1;
U16 sw = 0;
SST_Index_t index;
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nStart exWtPrepareShipment()\r\n------------\r\n");
#if 0
sw = A71_InjectLock();
sw = hlse_InjectLock();
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(sw, SW_OK, "Unable to lock");
// In this specific instance, and as an example only, we also:
// - Freeze the first keypair
// - Freeze the first public key
index = A71CH_KEY_PAIR_0;
#if 1
sw = A71_FreezeEccKeyPairWithChallenge(index, configKeyPrivateKey, sizeof(configKeyPrivateKey));
// Not supported in HLSE
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(sw, SW_OK, "Unable to freeze key pair");
index = A71CH_PUBLIC_KEY_0;
#if 1
sw = A71_FreezeEccPublicKeyWithChallenge(index, configKeyPublicKey, sizeof(configKeyPublicKey));
// Not supported in HLSE
result &= AX_CHECK_SW(sw, SW_OK, "Unable to freeze public key");
PRINTF( "\r\n-----------\r\nEnd exWtPrepareShipment(), result = %s\r\n------------\r\n",
((result == 1)? "OK": "FAILED"));
return result;