blob: 95283b213333c4db316e89fb1778ef08171f0457 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2018 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH
#ifndef UA_HELPER_H_
#define UA_HELPER_H_
#include <open62541/types.h>
* Endpoint URL Parser
* -------------------
* The endpoint URL parser is generally useful for the implementation of network
* layer plugins. */
/* Split the given endpoint url into hostname, port and path. All arguments must
* be non-NULL. EndpointUrls have the form "opc.tcp://hostname:port/path", port
* and path may be omitted (together with the prefix colon and slash).
* @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL.
* @param outHostname Set to the parsed hostname. The string points into the
* original endpointUrl, so no memory is allocated. If an IPv6 address is
* given, hostname contains e.g. '[2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334]'
* @param outPort Set to the port of the url or left unchanged.
* @param outPath Set to the path if one is present in the endpointUrl.
* Starting or trailing '/' are NOT included in the path. The string
* points into the original endpointUrl, so no memory is allocated.
* @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADTCPENDPOINTURLINVALID if parsing failed. */
UA_parseEndpointUrl(const UA_String *endpointUrl, UA_String *outHostname,
UA_UInt16 *outPort, UA_String *outPath);
/* Split the given endpoint url into hostname, vid and pcp. All arguments must
* be non-NULL. EndpointUrls have the form "opc.eth://<host>[:<VID>[.PCP]]".
* The host is a MAC address, an IP address or a registered name like a
* hostname. The format of a MAC address is six groups of hexadecimal digits,
* separated by hyphens (e.g. 01-23-45-67-89-ab). A system may also accept
* hostnames and/or IP addresses if it provides means to resolve it to a MAC
* address (e.g. DNS and Reverse-ARP).
* Note: currently only parsing MAC address is supported.
* @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL.
* @param vid Set to VLAN ID.
* @param pcp Set to Priority Code Point.
* @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR if parsing failed. */
UA_parseEndpointUrlEthernet(const UA_String *endpointUrl, UA_String *target,
UA_UInt16 *vid, UA_Byte *pcp);
/* Convert given byte string to a positive number. Returns the number of valid
* digits. Stops if a non-digit char is found and returns the number of digits
* up to that point. */
size_t UA_EXPORT
UA_readNumber(UA_Byte *buf, size_t buflen, UA_UInt32 *number);
/* Same as UA_ReadNumber but with a base parameter */
size_t UA_EXPORT
UA_readNumberWithBase(const UA_Byte *buf, size_t buflen,
UA_UInt32 *number, UA_Byte base);
#ifndef UA_MIN
#define UA_MIN(A,B) (A > B ? B : A)
#ifndef UA_MAX
#define UA_MAX(A,B) (A > B ? A : B)
* Convenience macros for complex types
* ------------------------------------ */
#define UA_PRINTF_GUID_FORMAT "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
#define UA_PRINTF_GUID_DATA(GUID) (GUID).data1, (GUID).data2, (GUID).data3, \
(GUID).data4[0], (GUID).data4[1], (GUID).data4[2], (GUID).data4[3], \
(GUID).data4[4], (GUID).data4[5], (GUID).data4[6], (GUID).data4[7]
#define UA_PRINTF_STRING_FORMAT "\"%.*s\""
#define UA_PRINTF_STRING_DATA(STRING) (int)(STRING).length, (STRING).data
* Helper functions for converting data types
* ------------------------------------ */
/* Converts a bytestring to the corresponding base64 encoded string
* representation.
* @param byteString the original byte string
* @param str the resulting base64 encoded byte string
* Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD on success. */
UA_ByteString_toBase64String(const UA_ByteString *byteString, UA_String *str);
/* Converts a node id to the corresponding string representation.
* It can be one of:
* - Numeric: ns=0;i=123
* - String: ns=0;s=Some String
* - Guid: ns=0;g=A123456C-0ABC-1A2B-815F-687212AAEE1B
* - ByteString: ns=0;b=AA== */
UA_NodeId_toString(const UA_NodeId *nodeId, UA_String *nodeIdStr);
/* Compare memory in constant time to mitigate timing attacks.
* Returns true if ptr1 and ptr2 are equal for length bytes. */
static UA_INLINE UA_Boolean
UA_constantTimeEqual(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2, size_t length) {
volatile const UA_Byte *a = (volatile const UA_Byte *)ptr1;
volatile const UA_Byte *b = (volatile const UA_Byte *)ptr2;
volatile UA_Byte c = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
UA_Byte x = a[i], y = b[i];
c |= x ^ y;
return !c;
#endif /* UA_HELPER_H_ */