blob: 8b6564185e43241f65e7ebaed21d13c8425cccf3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 NXP
.. _se05x-export-transient-objects:
SE05X Export Transient objects
This example does following steps:
- Generate a Transient ECC Key
- Export that to a blob
- Sign some dummy data with that key
- Store the signature in local file for future use.
After running this example, you can run :numref:`se05x-import-transient-objects` :ref:`se05x-import-transient-objects`
.. note::
This example needs File system access and hence it is not applicable for
embedded platforms.
The exported files are current working directory.
Visual Studio - Debug settings
Kindly set debug ``Working Directory`` to ``$(TargetDir)`` in project's debug stettings.
This ensures that the examples :ref:`se05x-export-transient-objects` and
:ref:`se05x-import-transient-objects` work seamlessly.
Console output
If everything is successful, the output will be similar to:
.. literalinclude:: out_se05x_ex_export_se_to_host.rst.txt
:start-after: sss :WARN :!!!Not recommended for production use.!!!