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Copyright 2019 NXP
.. _opc-ua-open62541-demo:
OPC UA (Open62541) Demo
Supported Platforms
* Server Platform
* Windows JRCPv2 SE050
* iMX6 / RaspberryPi - t1oi2c SE050
* Client Platform
* UaExpert on Windows
* Open62541 client on Windows
* Open62541 client on iMX6 / RaspberryPi
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) is an application layer protocol specific to Industrial IoT.
It can run on top of TCP, TCP + Web services or TCP + HTTPS.
In this client - server demo, the Open62541 open source OPC UA stack is used for integration with SE050.
The server certificate and key are provisioned inside the SE050, the access to the SE050 is is performed using the SSS APIs.
The OPC UA server example source code is available in directory ``demos\opc_ua\opc_ua_server``.
The Open62541 specific adaptation layer to the SE050 is available in directory ``sss\plugin\open62541``.
The source code of the Open62541 stack is available in directory ``ext\open62541``.
OPC UA stack:
.. image:: security.jpg
In reference to the above image the demo matches the left arrow:
- UA binary encoding is used
- UA Secure conversation with security policy ``Basic256Sha256`` and ``Sign and Encrypt mode``
- on top of TCP
.. image:: open62541_sss.jpg
The crypto functionality (as defined by ``Basic256Sha256``) is handled as follows:
- AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-256: RSA Sign operation done by SE050
- AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm_RSA-OAEP-SHA: RSA Decrypt operation done by SE050
- Symmetric crypto operations are handled by the OPC UA stack on the host micro
Build Open62541 server and client examples
1) Build server and client example ::
cd simw-top
python3 scripts/
cd ../simw-top_build/imx_native_se050_t1oi2c
cmake -DWithOPCUA_open62541:BOOL=ON -DHostCrypto:STRING=MBEDTLS -DWithSharedLIB:BOOL=OFF .
cmake --build .
make install
ldconfig /usr/local/lib
.. note::
Replace ``imx_native_se050_t1oi2c`` with ``raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c``
when building for Raspberry Pi.
#) Server and client binaries are copied to the simw-top/tools folder
Test Open62541 server and client examples
1) Client/Server keys are available in ``simw-top\demos\opc_ua\credentials\``. Optionally you can regenerate the client/server keys
with the following command ::
cd simw-top/demos/opc_ua/scripts
OPU UA mandates the host name to be part of the subjectAltName in the server certificate.
The default server certificate provided with the package uses hostname 'localhost'.
To create a completely new set of credentials with a specific server hostname / ip-address run script as
python3 <server_hostname> # Default <server_hostname> = localhost
#) Refer to :ref:`cli-tool` for ssscli tool setup. Using ssscli tool, provision server certificate and key into SE050 and create a reference pem file for server key ::
cd simw-top/demos/opc_ua/scripts
python3 jrcpv2 #On Windows
python3 #On iMX6 / RaspberryPi
#) Start opc ua server ::
cd simw-top/demos/opc_ua/scripts
python3 jrcpv2 <certificate> #On Windows
python3 <certificate> #On iMX6 / RaspberryPi
When using Open62541 client:
<certificate> is located at simw-top\demos\opc_ua\credentials\open62541_client_cert.der
When using UAexpert client:
<certificate> is located at uaexpert\PKI\own\certs\uaexpert.der
Passing "none" for <certificate>, will make the server accept all client certificates.
#) Start opc ua client ::
cd simw-top/demos/opc_ua/scripts
python3 opc.tcp://
On successful connection, value of the object "Sensor1" is read from server and displayed.
#) UaExpert client can also be used to test the Open62541 server.
- For testing with UaExpert client, root certificate needs to be copied to UaExpert trusted list of certificates,
- Go to UaExpert -> Settings -> Manage Certificates -> Trusted (Tab) -> Open Certificate Location and copy the file ``simw-top\demos\opc_ua\credentials\open62541_rootCA_cert.der``
- Also disable following errors in UaExpert configurations.
i. UaExpert -> Settings -> Configure UaExpert -> General.DisableError.CertificateIssuerRevocationUnknown -> true
#. UaExpert -> Settings -> Configure UaExpert -> General.DisableError.CertificateRevocationUnknown -> true
- Add the server details to connect. UaExpert -> Server -> Add -> Advanced (Tab). Add details in
i. EndPoint Url (opc.tcp://<SERVER_IP>:4840/)
#. Security Policy as Basic256Sha256
#. Message Security Mode as Sign & Encrypt
- Added server will appear in project tab. Right click on server -> Connect.
- On successful connection, the client objects should appear in UaExpert address space.
- To change the value of object "Sensor1", select the object "Sensor1" in address space. In the Attribute section, select "value" attribute and enter the new value.
Known Limitations
1) Client certificates are self signed certificates. Not tested with root ca signed.
#) No root certificate can be given as input to command line Open62541 client. So any server certificate is accepted.
.. only:: nxp
.. include:: nxpint-readme.rst.txt